There is urgency in coming to see the world as a web of interrelated processes of which we are integral parts, so that all of our choices and actions have consequences for the world around us.
Superject is a card game grounded in the speculative philosophy of Alfred North Whitehead. It's a tool for questioning, prototyping, discussing, and feeling the world anew…
The game can be played in various ways so usually begins with the players deciding on the scope and duration of gameplay. Before the first cycle, you should agree on the following conditions…
- Decide if there are any specific relationships between the cards & things in *the wider realm* (advanced option? anything else to decide about the 'wider realm'?)
once the scope and duration of the game has been agreed\ldots
Each player takes an *Occasion* card in turn and places it in the *Locus* with a brief description of how they see the *Occasion* being part of the current situation.
Each player then takes a *Qualia* card and pairs it with any of the *Occasion* cards that have been played in the *Locus* giving a brief description of how they see the *Occasion* being modified by the *Qualia*
You may want to organise the *propositions* by moving similar ones closer together, and the more relevant, important or interesting ones closer to the centre of the *Locus*.
Once the propositions are in place select a *Lure* card (needs clarification: one per player per round? or pre-select all the lures to play with? or leave all available in the *penumbra*? select an agreed subset of the lures to draw from?)
Each player takes one card from each of the *O* & *Q* piles in turn and places their cards face-up in the *Locus* as pairs. The *O* & *Q* cards together form a *proposition.*
Once all the players have created *propositions* by placing their cards in the *Locus*, they then attempt to explain how they see their proposition in relation to the current situation (expand?) this can proceed one player at a time, then lead into a conversation between the players to understand the propositions in play…
You may want to organise the *propositions* by moving similar ones closer together, and the more relevant, important or interesting ones closer to the centre of the *Locus*
(in progress )
Cartomancy to explore 'the world anew'
Before you begin
A Superject reading can be conducted with or without an "initial aim" in the form of a question. The question provides a specific context, while a reading without a question is about a more general relationship between the querent and the world around them. The question can be held in the querent's mind (it can but does not have to be shared). If it is a more general reading, the mind should be as still as possible to benefit from an open and associative reading.
The querent divides the deck in O, Q and L piles and shuffles each of them separately.
Place the shuffled decks face down, either in three piles or in three concentric semi-circles.
If you place the cards in semi-circles: The O cards form the inner semi-circle (the locus of actual entities), Q cards form the second semi-circle (the penumbra of pure potential) and the L cards form the outer semi-circle (as lures for feelings in the wider realm).
This basic Superject spread describes a situation or experience. Depending on the question, the proposition might describe an occasion in its current or potential state. All other spreads begin by casting a proposition.
Two propositions in one spread suggests adding complexity to the initial proposition. It is about "coming together of different possibilities to create a new moment", where "the many become one and are increased by one". If the querent is interested to explore what they could do to make this concrescence manifest in the wider realm, an L card can be added at the end of the reading.
In this spread, the 'actual entity' (O) in a current situation is confronted with multple propositions. While reading this spread, the querent can be encouraged to notice how they feel in response to entertaining different propositions. Note that “Horror, relief and purpose are primarily feelings involving the entertainment of propositions".
The Grand Envisagement reading can be limited to the four alternative paths, or extended with an L card in one or more directions. The Lure suggests how one or more proposition could be entertained in the wider realm and lead towards "togetherness in experience".
compare the [[][Time Breaker Rules]] and/or [[][Fluxx Rules]] ([[file:~/Downloads/Fluxx5.0_Rules.pdf][as pdf]]) or [[][EcoFluxx]] rules as a variant of Fluxx.