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2023-10-28 10:15:53 +00:00
# -*- mode: org; coding: utf-8; -*-
* Invoice template
A simple script for generating pdf invoices from text files.
The template and workflow is build upon [[https://amyfare.ca/files/simple_invoice_template.tex][LaTeX Simple Invoice Template]] by Amy Fare (CC BY 4.0) and [[https://github.com/mrzool/invoice-boilerplate][invoice-boilerplate]] by Mattia Tezzele (GPL2)
* Requirements
- an XeLaTeX environment such as [[https://tug.org/texlive/][TeX Live]]or [[https://miktex.org/][MiKTeX]]
- [[https://pandoc.org/][pandoc]]
- python or guile (or possibly an other scheme)
* Instructions for use
- copy/edit =invoice-example.yaml= (invoice file must end in =.yaml=)
- generate pdf via =./generate-invoice.py invoice.yaml=
* Template variables
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The source file is text in YAML format. The following variables and their values are substituted into the invoice (note that the from details are hardcoded for now)
2023-10-28 10:15:53 +00:00
| invoice-number | |
| invoice-date | |
| invoice-due | |
| invoice-to | name of recipient |
| address-1, address-2, address-3, address-4 | address can use up to 4 lines |
| VAT-id | |
invoice lines itemizing products or services can be included as part of a =service= list
| description | description of the item |
| quantity | |
| unit-price | |
| vat-rate | |
| total | line total including any VAT & discounts |
| details | (not used) |
The subtotal, taxes and invoice total
| invoice-subtotal |
| invoice-VAT |
| invoice-total |
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If required, the invoice can include a line about intra-community supply (for 0% VAT between EU entities) by setting =eu-zero= to =true= or =false=
| inside-eu | (unused) |
| eu-zero | will add note about “0% VAT” if set to =true= |
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payment details (only configured for SEPA bank transfers)
| account-name |
| IBAN |
| BIC |
Adjust some of the typography and layout settings
| seriffont | e.g. Hoefler Text |
| sansfont | e.g. Fira Sans |
| fontsize | e.g. 10pt |
| geometry | e.g. left=43mm, right=43mm, top=51mm, bottom=17mm |
* Example
#+BEGIN_SRC yaml
invoice-number: 20-A0091
invoice-date: 2020-11-11
invoice-due: 2030-11-11
invoice-to: Erika Mustermann
address-1: Musterallee 23
address-2: 54321 Musterstadt
address-3: Germany
VAT-id: DE837566332
# Products & services rendered
- description: Miscellaneous aerospace supplies
quantity: 7
unit-price: 320.33
vat-rate: 19
total: 2668.35
- description: Tristero System installation and callibration
quantity: 1pc
unit-price: 7120.00
vat-rate: 19
total: 8472.80
# Invoice totals
invoice-subtotal: 9362.31
invoice-VAT: 1778.84
invoice-total: 11141.15
# payment details
account-name: Yoyodyne Inc
IBAN: EV27183413
# inside EU and/or 0% VAT rate notice?
inside-eu: true
eu-zero: false