2022-08-28 12:27:01 +02:00

29 lines
580 B

#lang scribble/manual
@(require (for-label racket))
@title{(ring2 a b)}
Ring modulation plus both sources. Return the value of ((a*b) + a
+ b). This is more efficient than using separate unit generators
for the multiply and add.
See also mul, Ring1, Ring3, Ring4.
(out 0 (mul (ring2 (f-sin-osc ar 800 0)
(f-sin-osc ar (x-line kr 200 500 5 do-nothing) 0))
(let ((a (f-sin-osc ar 800 0))
(b (f-sin-osc ar (x-line kr 200 500 5 do-nothing) 0)))
(out 0 (mul (add3 (mul a b) a b) 0.125))))