A simple package to disconnect from the online world for a while, possibly reconnecting later. Any interuptions or distractions which occur once the command is run are guaranteed to be local.
the function ~quiet~ can be used anywhere in emacs where lack of network access could be seen a as a feature, e.g. as a mode-hook (or with ~defadvice~) to your preferred distraction free writing environment.
~M-x quiet-reconnect~ will manually reconect to the network, however you can enable a timer to automatically reconnect by setting ~quiet-timer~ to a number of minutes. e.g. ~(setq quiet-timer 60)~ will let ~quiet~ to reconnect after one hour. if ~quiet-timer~ is set to 0 it won't reconnect automatically.
you may want to ~customize~ or ~setq~~quiet-disconnect~ and ~quiet-connect~ to the appropriate shell commands to turn your network (or single interface) on or off.