
6.4 KiB

There is urgency in coming to see the world as a web of interrelated processes of which we are integral parts, so that all of our choices and actions have consequences for the world around us. —Alfred North Whitehead

some diagrams

plantuml reference

general flow

  <font color=red size=14>S.P.A.C.E <&cog></font>
  variable cyclics
  %date("yyyy.MM.dd' at 'HH:mm")

:decide on starting conditions, scope & duration;
:play first cycle;
  repeat :start a cycle (continue);   
  :play some cards;
  repeat while (realise a proposition?) is (no) not (yes)
  #palegreen: <font color=darkblue>in The Wider Realm</font>;
repeat while (continue the game?) is (yes) not (no)

a more detailed flow

  <font color=red size=14>S.P.A.C.E <&cog></font>
  variable cyclics
  %date("yyyy.MM.dd' at 'HH:mm")

partition start {
  :decide on how to begin the game;
  :decide on how many <b>cycles</b>\n(duration or extent);

partition "cycle 0" {
  :divide deck in to O, Q & V piles;
  :shuffle & select {x} cards from the O and Q pile;
  :create some propositios\n (by pairing O & Q cards);
  :shuffle & select some V cards;

partition "cycle n+1" {
    :observe the current environment; 
    :each player adds a Q card on available P;
  :each player extends the environment\nwith either an O or Q card;
  :one player chooses a V card to\n &#34;provide a lure&#34;;
  :the player describes the lure;
     backward : move V to penumbra\nor pass to next player;
     repeat while (realise the proposition?) is (<font color=red>no</font>) not (<font color=red>yes</font>)
     #palegreen:  <font color=red>&#8230;in the <b>Wider Realm</b></font>;
  repeat while (continue the game?) is (<font color=red>yes</font>) not (<font color=red>no</font>)

a more detailed parallel flow

     <font color=red size=14>S.P.A.C.E <&cog></font>
     variable cyclics
     %date("yyyy.MM.dd' at 'HH:mm")

partition start {
    :decide on how to begin the game;
    :decide on how many <b>cycles</b>\n(duration or extent);
:create the first spread..;
    if (chance)
    partition "chance cycle" {
  :divide deck in to O, Q & V piles;
  :shuffle & select cards from the O & Q piles;
  :create some propositions\n (by pairing O & Q cards);
  :shuffle & select some V cards;
    elseif (deliberation) 
    partition "deliberation cycle" {
  :divide deck in to O, Q & V piles;
  :place all cards face up;
  :discuss & select which pairs to create;
  :create some propositios\n (by pairing O & Q cards);
  :select some V cards\n(roughly one for each cycle);
  elseif (combination)
  partition "combined v1" {
  :divide deck in to O, Q & V piles;
  :select randomly from one pile\nand deliberately from the other(s);
  :create some propositions\n (by pairing O & Q cards);
  :select V cards\n(one for each cycle);
  elseif (combination)
  partition "combined v2" {
  :divide deck in to O, Q & V piles;
  :place Q & V cards face up\nall others face down;
  :each player is dealt O cards\nand can choose relevant Q cards;
  :each player creates a proposition\n (by pairing O & Q cards);
  :each player chooses a V card\n(roughly one for each cycle);

if (chance) 
partition "cycle v1" {
    :observe the current environment; 
    :each player adds a Q card on available P;
    :each player extends the environment\nwith either an O or Q card;
    :take next V card from the deck\nto &#34;provide a lure&#34;;
        :the player describes the lure;
    backward : (keep V in play?);
   repeat while (realise the proposition?) is (<font color=red>no</font>) not (<font color=red>yes</font>)
    #palegreen:  <font color=red>&#8230;in the <b>Wider Realm</b></font>;
    repeat while (continue the game?) is (<font color=red>yes</font>) not (<font color=red>no</font>)
elseif (deliberation)
  partition "cycle v2" {
  :observe the current environment; 
  :each player adds a Q card on available P;
  :each player extends the environment\nwith either an O or Q card;
  :one player chooses a V card to\n &#34;provide a lure&#34;;
  :the player describes the lure;
  backward : move V to penumbra\nor pass to next player;
  note right: may require\nclarification
     repeat while (realise the proposition?) is (<font color=red>no</font>) not (<font color=red>yes</font>)
      #palegreen:  <font color=red>&#8230;in the <b>Wider Realm</b></font>;
      repeat while (continue the game?) is (<font color=red>yes</font>) not (<font color=red>no</font>)

dot flow

digraph {
  node [shape=box];

  graph [fontname = "Noto Sans"];
  node [fontname = "Noto Sans"];
  edge [fontname = "Noto Sans"];

  l1 [label="decide on starting conditions, scope & duration"]
  l2 [label="play starting cycle (establishment)"]
  //l3 [label="play a cycle (continuation)"]
  l3_1 [label="  add qualifiers  "]
  l3_2 [label=" add O or Q cards "]
  l3_3 [label="    test V -> P   "]     
  l4 [label="“realise the proposition“"]
  l5 [label="stop"]
  l6 [label="continue with another cycle"]

  { rank=same  l4 l6 }

  l1 -> l2 -> l3_1
  l3_3 -> l4 -> l5
  l4:e -> l6 -> l3_1:e

  subgraph cluster_c {
  label = "play a cycle (continuation)";
  l3_1 -> l3_2 -> l3_3 }         