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Org Mode

# -*- mode: org; coding: utf-8; -*-
#+LaTeX_CLASS: zzkt-article
#+OPTIONS: toc:nil num:nil
#+author: The S.P.A.C.E consortium
#+title: Process and Reality (diagrams)
#+ATTR_LATEX: :options [Alfred North Whitehead]
There is urgency in coming to see the world as a web of interrelated processes of which we are integral parts, so that all of our choices and actions have consequences for the world around us.
* some diagrams
plantuml reference
*** general flow
#+BEGIN_SRC plantuml :file img/play-001.png
<font color=red size=14>S.P.A.C.E <&cog></font>
variable cyclics
%date("yyyy.MM.dd' at 'HH:mm")
:decide on starting conditions, scope & duration;
:play first cycle;
repeat :start a cycle (continue);
:play some cards;
repeat while (realise a proposition?) is (no) not (yes)
#palegreen: <font color=darkblue>in The Wider Realm</font>;
repeat while (continue the game?) is (yes) not (no)
#+CAPTION: overview of game flow
#+ATTR_ORG: :width 400
#+ATTR_LaTeX: :height 15cm
*** a more detailed flow
#+BEGIN_SRC plantuml :file img/play-013.png
<font color=red size=14>S.P.A.C.E <&cog></font>
variable cyclics
%date("yyyy.MM.dd' at 'HH:mm")
partition start {
:decide on how to begin the game;
:decide on how many <b>cycles</b>\n(duration or extent);
partition "cycle 0" {
:divide deck in to O, Q & V piles;
:shuffle & select {x} cards from the O and Q pile;
:create some propositios\n (by pairing O & Q cards);
:shuffle & select some V cards;
partition "cycle n+1" {
:observe the current environment;
:each player adds a Q card on available P;
:each player extends the environment\nwith either an O or Q card;
:one player chooses a V card to\n &#34;provide a lure&#34;;
:the player describes the lure;
backward : move V to penumbra\nor pass to next player;
repeat while (realise the proposition?) is (<font color=red>no</font>) not (<font color=red>yes</font>)
#palegreen: <font color=red>&#8230;in the <b>Wider Realm</b></font>;
repeat while (continue the game?) is (<font color=red>yes</font>) not (<font color=red>no</font>)
#+caption: game flow in detail
#+ATTR_ORG: :width 400
#+ATTR_LaTeX: :height 20cm
*** a more detailed parallel flow
#+BEGIN_SRC plantuml :file img/play-014.png
<font color=red size=14>S.P.A.C.E <&cog></font>
variable cyclics
%date("yyyy.MM.dd' at 'HH:mm")
partition start {
:decide on how to begin the game;
:decide on how many <b>cycles</b>\n(duration or extent);
:create the first spread..;
if (chance)
partition "chance cycle" {
:divide deck in to O, Q & V piles;
:shuffle & select cards from the O & Q piles;
:create some propositions\n (by pairing O & Q cards);
:shuffle & select some V cards;
elseif (deliberation)
partition "deliberation cycle" {
:divide deck in to O, Q & V piles;
:place all cards face up;
:discuss & select which pairs to create;
:create some propositios\n (by pairing O & Q cards);
:select some V cards\n(roughly one for each cycle);
elseif (combination)
partition "combined v1" {
:divide deck in to O, Q & V piles;
:select randomly from one pile\nand deliberately from the other(s);
:create some propositions\n (by pairing O & Q cards);
:select V cards\n(one for each cycle);
elseif (combination)
partition "combined v2" {
:divide deck in to O, Q & V piles;
:place Q & V cards face up\nall others face down;
:each player is dealt O cards\nand can choose relevant Q cards;
:each player creates a proposition\n (by pairing O & Q cards);
:each player chooses a V card\n(roughly one for each cycle);
if (chance)
partition "cycle v1" {
:observe the current environment;
:each player adds a Q card on available P;
:each player extends the environment\nwith either an O or Q card;
:take next V card from the deck\nto &#34;provide a lure&#34;;
:the player describes the lure;
backward : (keep V in play?);
repeat while (realise the proposition?) is (<font color=red>no</font>) not (<font color=red>yes</font>)
#palegreen: <font color=red>&#8230;in the <b>Wider Realm</b></font>;
repeat while (continue the game?) is (<font color=red>yes</font>) not (<font color=red>no</font>)
elseif (deliberation)
partition "cycle v2" {
:observe the current environment;
:each player adds a Q card on available P;
:each player extends the environment\nwith either an O or Q card;
:one player chooses a V card to\n &#34;provide a lure&#34;;
:the player describes the lure;
backward : move V to penumbra\nor pass to next player;
note right: may require\nclarification
repeat while (realise the proposition?) is (<font color=red>no</font>) not (<font color=red>yes</font>)
#palegreen: <font color=red>&#8230;in the <b>Wider Realm</b></font>;
repeat while (continue the game?) is (<font color=red>yes</font>) not (<font color=red>no</font>)
*** dot flow
#+BEGIN_SRC dot :file img/play-003.svg :cmdline -Kdot -Tsvg
digraph {
node [shape=box];
graph [fontname = "Noto Sans"];
node [fontname = "Noto Sans"];
edge [fontname = "Noto Sans"];
l1 [label="decide on starting conditions, scope & duration"]
l2 [label="play starting cycle (establishment)"]
//l3 [label="play a cycle (continuation)"]
l3_1 [label=" add qualifiers "]
l3_2 [label=" add O or Q cards "]
l3_3 [label=" test V -> P "]
l4 [label="“realise the proposition“"]
l5 [label="stop"]
l6 [label="continue with another cycle"]
{ rank=same l4 l6 }
l1 -> l2 -> l3_1
l3_3 -> l4 -> l5
l4:e -> l6 -> l3_1:e
subgraph cluster_c {
label = "play a cycle (continuation)";
l3_1 -> l3_2 -> l3_3 }