broke apart the source, added jabberer and xmpp

This commit is contained in:
Dave Griffiths 2009-07-13 12:39:34 +01:00
parent fb334fe4eb
commit cb7915058c
12 changed files with 1901 additions and 1305 deletions

View file

@ -142,5 +142,4 @@
(set! trees (cons (ls-build t2 (ls-generate 3 "F" '(("F" "G-[-F+G+FB]+F[+F-G-FL]-F")))
(+ 10 (random 20)) 0.9) trees))))
(start-framedump "wind" "jpg")
(every-frame (animate trees))

plant-eyes/ Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
#lang scheme/base
(require scheme/class fluxus-016/drflux "" "")
(provide (all-defined-out))
; reads input events and tells the logic side what to do
(define controller%
(class object%
(game-view #f))
(fwd (vector 0 0 1))
(up (vector 0 1 0))
(pos (vector 0 0 0))
(mtx (mident))
(cam (build-locator))
(current-twig #f)
(current-twig-growing #f)
(current-point 0)
(tilt 0)
(yaw 0)
(player-plant #f))
(define/public (set-player-plant s)
(set! player-plant s))
(define/public (get-cam-obj)
(define/public (set-pos s)
(set! pos s))
(define/public (set-fwd s)
(set! fwd s))
(define/public (get-fwd)
(define/public (setup)
(lock-camera cam)
(camera-lag 0.2)
(clip 1 1000)
(set-camera-transform (mtranslate (vector 0 0 -4))))
(define/public (update)
(when (key-pressed-this-frame " ")
(cond ((and current-twig (not current-twig-growing))
(let ((new-twig (send current-twig add-twig current-point
(vector 0 1 0) #;(vsub (send current-twig get-point current-point)
(send current-twig get-point (- current-point 1))))))
(set! current-twig-growing #t)
(set! current-twig new-twig)))
(set! current-twig (make-object twig-logic% (vector 0 0 0) 0 player-plant 'root
(vmul fwd -1)
start-twig-width max-twig-points 'extruded))
(send player-plant add-twig current-twig)
(set! current-twig-growing #t))))
(when (or (key-pressed "a") (key-special-pressed 100)) (set! yaw (+ yaw 2)))
(when (or (key-pressed "d") (key-special-pressed 102)) (set! yaw (- yaw 2)))
(when (or (key-pressed "w") (key-special-pressed 101)) (set! tilt (+ tilt 2)))
(when (or (key-pressed "s") (key-special-pressed 103)) (set! tilt (- tilt 2)))
; clamp tilt to prevent gimbal lock
(when (> tilt 88) (set! tilt 88))
(when (< tilt -88) (set! tilt -88))
(when (not current-twig-growing)
(when (key-pressed-this-frame "q")
(cond ((not current-twig)
(set! current-twig (send player-plant get-twig-from-dir (vmul fwd -1)))
(set! current-point 2))
(when (< current-point (- (send current-twig get-num-points) 1))
(set! current-point (+ current-point 1))))))
(when (key-pressed-this-frame "z")
(cond (current-twig
(set! current-point (- current-point 1))
(when (< current-point 2)
(set! current-twig #f)
(set! pos (vector 0 0 0))
#;(set-camera-transform (mtranslate (vector 0 0 -1))))))))
; get camera fwd vector from key-presses
(set! fwd (vtransform (vector 0 0 1)
(mrotate (vector 0 yaw 0))
(mrotate (vector tilt 0 0)))))
; if we are on a twig not growing
(cond ((and current-twig (not current-twig-growing))
(set! pos (send current-twig get-point current-point))
#;(when (> current-point 0)
(set! fwd (vmix fwd (vnormalise (vsub (send current-twig get-point
(- current-point 1))
pos)) 0.5))))
(when current-twig-growing
(let ((twig-view (send (send game-view get-plant (send player-plant get-id))
get-twig (send current-twig get-id))))
(when twig-view
(set! pos (vsub (send twig-view get-end-pos)
(vmul (send current-twig get-dir) 1)))))
(when (eq? (send current-twig get-num-points)
(send current-twig get-length))
(set! current-twig-growing #f)
(set! current-point (- (send current-twig get-num-points) 1))))))
(let* ((side (vnormalise (vcross up fwd)))
(up (vnormalise (vcross fwd side))))
(with-primitive cam
(concat (vector (vx side) (vy side) (vz side) 0
(vx up) (vy up) (vz up) 0
(vx fwd) (vy fwd) (vz fwd) 0
(vx pos) (vy pos) (vz pos) 1)))))

plant-eyes/ Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
#lang scheme/base
(require scheme/class fluxus-016/drflux openssl (prefix-in xmpp: ""))
(provide (all-defined-out))
; a class which wraps the xmpp in a thread and allows messages to be picked up
; and sent by the game
(define debug-netloop #f)
(define jabberer%
(class object%
(jid "none@nowhere")
(pass "xxxx"))
(incoming '())
(outgoing '())
(thr 0)
(debug-jab #f))
(define/public (get-incoming)
(define/public (clear-incoming)
(set! incoming '()))
(define/public (msg-waiting?)
(not (null? incoming)))
(define/public (get-msg)
(let ((msg (car incoming)))
(set! incoming (cdr incoming))
(define/public (send-msg to msg)
(set! outgoing (cons (list to msg) outgoing)))
(define (message-handler sz)
(when debug-jab (printf "rx <---- ~a ~a~n" (xmpp:message-from sz) (xmpp:message-body sz)))
(set! incoming (cons (list (xmpp:message-from sz) (xmpp:message-body sz)) incoming)))
(define/public (start)
(set! thr (thread run)))
(define/public (stop)
(kill-thread thr))
(define (run)
(xmpp:with-xmpp-session jid pass
(xmpp:set-xmpp-handler 'message message-handler)
(let loop ()
(when debug-netloop (printf ".~n"))
(when (not (null? outgoing))
(lambda (msg)
(when debug-jab (printf "tx ----> ~a ~a~n" (car msg) (cadr msg)))
(xmpp:send (xmpp:message (car msg) (cadr msg))))
(set! outgoing '()))
(sleep 0.5)

plant-eyes/ Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
#lang scheme/base
(provide (all-defined-out))
(define (assoc-remove k l)
((null? l) '())
((eq? (car (car l)) k)
(assoc-remove k (cdr l)))
(cons (car l) (assoc-remove k (cdr l))))))
(define (choose l)
(list-ref l (random (length l))))
(define (list-contains k l)
((null? l) #f)
((eq? (car l) k) #t)
(else (list-contains k (cdr l)))))

plant-eyes/ Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,499 @@
#lang scheme
(require scheme/class fluxus-016/drflux "" "")
(provide (all-defined-out))
(define branch-probability 6) ; as in one in branch-probability chance
(define branch-width-reduction 0.5)
(define twig-jitter 0.1)
(define branch-jitter 0.5)
(define max-twig-points 30)
(define start-twig-dist 0.05)
(define start-twig-width 0.2)
(define default-max-twigs 10)
(define default-scale-factor 1.05)
(define num-pickups 10)
(define pickup-dist-radius 200)
(define pickup-size 1)
(define ornament-grow-probability 4)
(define curl-amount 40)
(define start-size 50)
; the base class logic object - all logic side objects can
; send messages to the render side at any time by calling add-message
; this takes care of the propagation of information. (not just oo fetish, I hope)
(define game-logic-object%
(class object%
(messages '())
(children '()))
(define/public (send-message name data)
(set! messages (cons (make-object message% name data) messages)))
; convert a list of lists in to just a single list - needed to convert
; the update lists into one big list of messages
(define (flatten l)
((null? l) '())
((list? (car l)) (append (flatten (car l)) (flatten (cdr l))))
(else (cons (car l) (flatten (cdr l))))))
(define/pubment (update) ; need to augement this if we have child logic objects,
(let ((m messages)) ; and call update on them too.
(set! messages '())
(flatten (inner '() update))))) ; the augmented method gets called here
; a twig, which can contain other twigs things.
; (roots and shoots are both twigs)
(define twig-logic%
(class game-logic-object%
(last-point (vector 0 0 0))
(id #f) ; our id (for matching up with the renderer geometry)
(plant #f) ; the plant we belong to
(type 'root) ; or 'shoot
(dir (vector 0 1 0)) ; the general direction we are pointing in
(width 0) ; the width of this root
(num-points max-twig-points) ; number of points in this twig
(render-type 'extruded) ; the way to tell the view to render this twig
(dist start-twig-dist)) ; distance between points
(points '()) ; the 3d points for this twig
(widths '())
(twigs '()) ; children are stored with the point number they are connected to.
(ornaments '()) ; the things attached to this twig, an assoc list with point index
(branch #f) ; are we a main branch twig?
(w 0) ; the width of this segment
(curl (vmul (crndvec) curl-amount))) ; the angles to turn each point, if curly
(inherit send-message)
(define/public (set-pos s)
(set! last-point s))
(define/public (get-id)
(define/public (set-id! s)
(set! id s))
(define/public (get-type)
(define/public (get-dir)
(define/public (get-width)
(define/public (get-num-points)
(define/public (get-render-type)
(define/public (set-branch! s)
(set! branch s))
(define/public (get-point point-index)
(list-ref points point-index))
(define/public (get-length)
(length points))
(define/public (get-end-pos)
(if (not (null? points))
(list-ref points (- (get-length) 1))
(define/public (scale a)
(set! width (* width a))
(set! dist (* dist a)))
(define/public (grow ndir)
(when (< (length points) num-points)
(let ((new-point (if (zero? (length points))
; first point should be at edge of the seed if we are a branch
(if branch (vadd last-point (vmul dir dist))
(vadd last-point (vmul dir dist)))))
(set! dir ndir)
(set! w (* width (- 1 (/ (length points) num-points))))
(set! last-point new-point)
(set! points (append points (list new-point)))
(set! widths (append widths (list w)))
(send-message 'twig-grow (list
(list 'plant-id (send plant get-id))
(list 'twig-id id)
(list 'point new-point)
(list 'width w)))
#;(when (and (> (length points) 1) (> num-points 1)
(zero? (random branch-probability)))
(add-twig (- (length points) 1) (vadd dir (vmul (srndvec) branch-jitter))))))
(lambda (twig)
(send (cadr twig) grow ndir))
(define/public (add-twig point-index dir)
(let ((twig (make-object twig-logic%
(get-point point-index)
(send plant get-next-twig-id)
(list-ref widths point-index)
(quotient num-points 2)
(send-message 'new-twig (list
(list 'plant-id (send plant get-id))
(list 'parent-twig-id id)
(list 'point-index point-index)
(list 'twig-id (send twig get-id))
(list 'type (send twig get-type))
(list 'dir (send twig get-dir))
(list 'width (send twig get-width))
(list 'num-points (send twig get-num-points))
(list 'render-type (send twig get-render-type))
(set! twigs (cons (list point-index twig) twigs))
(define/public (get-twig point-index)
(cadr (assq point-index twigs)))
(define/public (get-random-twig)
(if (or (null? twigs) (zero? (random 10)))
(send (cadr (choose twigs)) get-random-twig)))
(define/public (add-ornament point-index ornament)
; todo - check max ornaments
(send-message 'new-ornament
(list 'plant-id (send plant get-id))
(list 'twig-id id)
(list 'point-index point-index)
(list 'property (send ornament get-property))))
(set! ornaments (cons (list point-index ornament) ornaments)))
(define/public (get-ornament point-index)
(cadr (assq point-index ornaments)))
; adds the ornament if it's close, and checks sub-twigs
; returns true if it's succeded
(define/public (check-pickup pickup)
; check each point in our twig
(let* ((i -1) (found (foldl
(lambda (point found)
(set! i (+ i 1))
; if we havent found anything yet and it's intersecting
(cond ((and (not found) (< (vdist point (send pickup get-pos))
(+ width (send pickup get-size))))
(send plant add-property (send pickup get-type))
(send pickup pick-up) ; this will remove the pickup for us
(send-message 'pick-up-pickup
(list 'pickup-id (send pickup get-id))))
(else #f)))
; now check each sub-twig
(if (not found)
(lambda (twig found)
(if (not found)
(send (cadr twig) check-pickup pickup)
(define/augment (update)
(lambda (ornament)
(send (cadr ornament) update))
(lambda (twig)
(send (cadr twig) update))
; abilities live on twigs, and can do things.
; this is the base class for all abilities.
(define ornament-logic%
(class game-logic-object%
(id -1)
(property 'none)
(plant #f) ; the plant we belong to
(twig #f) ; the twig we are on
(point-index -1)) ; the index to the point on our twig
(pos (send twig get-point point-index))) ; figure out the position here
(define/public (get-property)
(define/public (get-pos)
; pickups map to abilities, and live out in space
; this is the base class for all pickups.
(define pickup-logic%
(class game-logic-object%
(id -1)
(type 'none)
(pos (vector 0 0 0)))
(size pickup-size)
(picked-up #f))
(define/public (picked-up?)
(define/public (pick-up)
(set! picked-up #t))
(define/public (get-id)
(define/public (get-type)
(define/public (get-pos)
(define/public (get-size)
(define plant-logic%
(class game-logic-object%
(id #f)
(pos (vector 0 0 0)))
(twigs '()) ; a assoc list map of ages to twigs
(properties '()) ; a list of symbols - properties come from pickups
(ornaments '()) ; map of ids to ornaments on the plant
(size start-size) ; the age of this plant
(max-twigs default-max-twigs) ; the maximum twigs allowed at any time - oldest removed first
(next-twig-id 0)
(next-ornament-id 0)
(grow-amount default-scale-factor))
(inherit send-message)
(define/public (get-id)
(define/public (get-pos)
(define/public (get-size)
(define/public (grow dir)
(lambda (twig)
(send twig grow dir))
(define/public (add-property name)
(set! properties (cons name properties)))
; we need to maintain our list of twig ids here, for this plant
(define/public (get-next-twig-id)
(let ((id next-twig-id))
(set! next-twig-id (+ next-twig-id 1))
; we need to maintain our list of ornament ids here, for this plant
(define/public (get-next-ornament-id)
(let ((id next-ornament-id))
(set! next-ornament-id (+ next-ornament-id 1))
(define/public (check-pickup pickup)
(lambda (twig found)
(if (not found)
(send twig check-pickup pickup)
(define/public (destroy-twig twig)
(send-message 'destroy-branch-twig (list
(list 'plant-id id)
(list 'twig-id (send twig get-id))
; a util to keep a fixed size list of twigs, calling destroy twig when needed.
(define (cons-twig thing in count out)
((null? in)
(cons thing out))
((zero? count)
(destroy-twig (car in))
(cons thing out))
(else (cons-twig thing (cdr in) (- count 1) (append out (list (car in)))))))
(define/public (add-twig twig)
(send twig set-id! (get-next-twig-id))
(set! size (* size grow-amount))
(send twig scale size)
(send twig set-branch! #t)
(send twig set-pos pos)
(send-message 'grow-seed (list
(list 'plant-id id)
(list 'amount grow-amount)))
(send-message 'new-branch-twig (list
(list 'plant-id id)
(list 'twig-id (send twig get-id))
(list 'type (send twig get-type))
(list 'dir (send twig get-dir))
(list 'width (send twig get-width))
(list 'num-points (send twig get-num-points))
(list 'render-type (send twig get-render-type))
(set! twigs (cons-twig twig twigs max-twigs '())))
(define/public (get-random-twig)
(if (not (null? twigs))
(send (choose twigs) get-random-twig)
(define/public (get-twig-from-dir dir)
(let ((dir (vnormalise dir)))
(cadr (foldl
(lambda (twig l)
(let ((d (vdot (vnormalise (send twig get-dir)) dir)))
(if (> d (car l))
(list d twig)
(list -99 #f)
(define/augment (update)
; grow a new ornament?
(when (and (not (null? properties)) (zero? (random ornament-grow-probability)))
(let ((twig (get-random-twig)))
(when twig
((property (choose properties))
(point-index (random (send twig get-length))))
(when (not (eq? property 'curly))
(send twig add-ornament point-index
(eq? property 'leaf)
(eq? property 'wiggle))
(make-object ornament-logic%
(error "property not understood " property)))))))))
(lambda (twig)
(send twig update))
(define game-logic%
(class game-logic-object%
(plants '())
(pickups '()))
(inherit send-message)
(define/public (setup)
(for ((i (in-range 0 num-pickups)))
(add-pickup (make-object pickup-logic% i (choose (list 'leaf 'curly 'wiggle))
(vmul (srndvec) pickup-dist-radius)))))
(define/public (add-player plant)
(send-message 'player-plant (list
(list 'plant-id (send plant get-id))
(list 'pos (send plant get-pos))))
(set! plants (cons plant plants)))
(define/public (add-plant plant)
(send-message 'new-plant (list
(list 'plant-id (send plant get-id))
(list 'pos (send plant get-pos))
(list 'size (send plant get-size))))
(set! plants (cons plant plants)))
(define/public (add-pickup pickup)
(send-message 'new-pickup
(list 'pickup-id (send pickup get-id))
(list 'type (send pickup get-type))
(list 'pos (send pickup get-pos))))
(set! pickups (cons pickup pickups)))
; todo - distribute the checking of stuff like
; this to a random selection of pickups/plants
; to distribute the cpu load
(define/augment (update)
(lambda (pickup)
(lambda (plant)
(send plant check-pickup pickup))
; remove the pickups that have been 'picked up'
(set! pickups (filter
(lambda (pickup)
(not (send pickup picked-up?)))
(lambda (plant)
(send plant update))

plant-eyes/ Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
#lang scheme/base
(require scheme/class)
(provide (all-defined-out))
; a message for sending betwixt logic and view side
(define message%
(class object%
(name 'none) ; a symbol denoting the type of the message
(data '())) ; should be an assoc list map of name to values, eg:
; '((name "archibold") (age 53))
; shouldn't put logic objects in here - 'raw' data only
(define/public (get-name)
(define/public (get-data arg-name)
(cadr (assoc arg-name data)))
(define/public (print)
(printf "msg: ~a ~a~n" name data))

View file

@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
#lang scheme
#lang scheme/base
(require scheme/class fluxus-016/drflux "" "" "")
(provide (all-defined-out))
(define ornament-view%
(class object%
(pos (vector 0 0 0))
(property 'none)
(time 0))
(rot (vmul (rndvec) 360))
(root (with-state
(translate pos)
(rotate rot)
(scale 0.01)
((eq? property 'wiggle)
; (opacity 1)
(colour (vector 0.5 0.0 0.0))
(load-primitive "meshes/wiggle.obj"))
((eq? property 'leaf)
(colour (vector 0.8 1 0.6))
(texture (load-texture "textures/leaf2.png"))
(load-primitive "meshes/leaf.obj"))
(else (error ""))))))
(define/public (update t d)
(when (< time 1)
(with-primitive root
(translate pos)
(rotate rot)
(scale (* 0.2 time)))
(set! time (+ time (* 0.1 d)))))

plant-eyes/ Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
#lang scheme/base
(require scheme/class fluxus-016/drflux "" "" "")
(provide (all-defined-out))
(define pickup-view%
(class object%
(id -1)
(type 'none)
(pos (vector 0 0 0)))
(rot (vmul (rndvec) 360))
(root (with-state
(translate pos)
(rotate rot)
(colour (pickup-colour))
(scale 0.3)
((eq? type 'wiggle) (load-texture "textures/wiggle.png"))
((eq? type 'leaf) (load-texture "textures/leaf.png"))
((eq? type 'curly) (load-texture "textures/curl.png"))))
(load-primitive "meshes/pickup.obj")))
(from pos)
(destination (vector 0 0 0))
(speed 0.05)
(t -1))
(define/public (pick-up)
(destroy root))
(define/public (move-to s)
(set! t 0)
(set! from pos)
(set! destination s))
(define/public (update t d)
(with-primitive root
(rotate (vector (* d 10) 0 0)))
#;(when (and (>= t 0) (< t 1))
(set! pos (vadd pos (vmul (vsub destination from) speed)))
(with-primitive root
(translate pos)
(rotate rot))
(set! t (+ t speed))))

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

plant-eyes/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,649 @@
#lang scheme/base
(require scheme/class fluxus-016/drflux "" "")
(provide (all-defined-out))
; the fluxus code to make things look the way they do
(define debug-messages #f) ; prints out all the messages sent to the renderer
(define audio-on #f)
(define (ornament-colour) (vector 0.5 1 0.4))
(define (pickup-colour) (vector 1 1 1))
(define (earth-colour) (vector 0.2 0.1 0))
(define wire-mode #f)
(define fog-col (earth-colour))
(define fog-strength 0.001)
(define max-ornaments 2) ; per twig
(define default-grow-speed 2)
(when audio-on (oa-start)) ;; start openAL audio
(define ornament-view%
(class object%
(pos (vector 0 0 0))
(property 'none)
(time 0))
(rot (vmul (rndvec) 360))
(root (with-state
(translate pos)
(rotate rot)
(scale 0.01)
((eq? property 'wiggle)
; (opacity 1)
(colour (vector 0.5 0.0 0.0))
(load-primitive "meshes/wiggle.obj"))
((eq? property 'leaf)
(colour (vector 0.8 1 0.6))
(texture (load-texture "textures/leaf2.png"))
(load-primitive "meshes/leaf.obj"))
(else (error ""))))))
(define/public (update t d)
(when (< time 1)
(with-primitive root
(translate pos)
(rotate rot)
(scale (* 0.2 time)))
(set! time (+ time (* 0.1 d)))))
(define pickup-view%
(class object%
(id -1)
(type 'none)
(pos (vector 0 0 0)))
(rot (vmul (rndvec) 360))
(root (with-state
(translate pos)
(rotate rot)
(colour (pickup-colour))
(scale 0.3)
((eq? type 'wiggle) (load-texture "textures/wiggle.png"))
((eq? type 'leaf) (load-texture "textures/leaf.png"))
((eq? type 'curly) (load-texture "textures/curl.png"))))
(load-primitive "meshes/pickup.obj")))
(from pos)
(destination (vector 0 0 0))
(speed 0.05)
(t -1))
(define/public (pick-up)
(destroy root))
(define/public (move-to s)
(set! t 0)
(set! from pos)
(set! destination s))
(define/public (update t d)
(with-primitive root
(rotate (vector (* d 10) 0 0)))
#;(when (and (>= t 0) (< t 1))
(set! pos (vadd pos (vmul (vsub destination from) speed)))
(with-primitive root
(translate pos)
(rotate rot))
(set! t (+ t speed))))
(define twig-view%
(class object%
(id 0)
(pos (vector 0 0 0))
(type 'none)
(dir (vector 0 1 0))
(radius 1)
(num-points 0))
(index 0)
(parent-twig-id -1)
(child-twig-ids '())
(ornaments '()))
(define/public (get-id)
(define/public (get-dir)
(define/public (build)
(define/public (set-pos! s)
(set! pos s))
(define/public (get-child-twig-ids)
(define/public (get-root)
(error "need to overide this"))
(define/public (destroy-twig)
(destroy (get-root)))
(define/public (set-parent-twig-id s)
(set! parent-twig-id s))
(define/public (get-point point-index)
(error "need to overide this"))
(define/public (add-child-twig-id twig-id)
(set! child-twig-ids (cons twig-id child-twig-ids)))
(define/pubment (grow point width)
(when audio-on (let ((growing-noise (oa-load-sample (fullpath "snd/event01.wav"))))
(oa-play growing-noise (vector 0 0 0) (rndf) 0.3)))
(inner (void) grow point width))
(define/public (add-ornament point-index property)
(when (< (length ornaments) max-ornaments)
(parent (get-root))
; todo - different ornament-view objects per property needed?
; todo - delete existing ornaments here
(set! ornaments (cons (list point-index
(make-object ornament-view%
(get-point point-index)
(define/pubment (update t d)
(lambda (ornament)
(send (cadr ornament) update t d))
(inner (void) update t d))
(define ribbon-twig-view%
(class twig-view%
(inherit-field pos radius num-points index)
(root 0))
(define/override (build)
(set! root (let ((p (with-state
(translate pos)
(colour (vector 0.8 1 0.6))
(texture (load-texture "textures/root.png"))
(build-ribbon num-points))))
(with-primitive p
(lambda (w)
(pdata-set! "w" 0 radius))
(define/override (get-root)
(define/override (get-point point-index)
(with-primitive root
(pdata-ref "p" point-index)))
(define/augment (grow point width)
(with-primitive root
(pdata-index-map! ; set all the remaining points to the end
(lambda (i p) ; in order to hide them
(if (< i index)
(pdata-index-map! ; do a similar thing with the width
(lambda (i w)
(if (< i (+ index 1))
(set! index (+ index 1)))
(define/augment (update t d)
(define extruded-twig-view%
(class twig-view%
(inherit-field index radius num-points pos dir)
(profile '())
(path '())
(root 0)
(grow-speed default-grow-speed)
(anim-t 0)
(widths '()))
(define/override (build)
(set! profile (build-circle-profile 12 1))
(set! path (build-list num-points (lambda (_) (vector 0 0 0))))
(set! widths (build-list num-points (lambda (_) 1)))
(set! root (let ((p (with-state
(backfacecull 0)
(when wire-mode
(texture (load-texture "textures/root2.png"))
;(opacity 0.6)
(colour (vmul (vector 0.8 1 0.6) 2))
#;(colour (vector 1 1 1))
#;(texture (load-texture "textures/root.png"))
(build-partial-extrusion profile path 3))))
(define/override (get-root)
(define/override (get-point point-index)
(list-ref path point-index))
(define (list-set l c s)
(cond ((null? l) '())
((zero? c) (cons s (list-set (cdr l) (- c 1) s)))
(else (cons (car l) (list-set (cdr l) (- c 1) s)))))
(define/augment (grow point width)
(set! path (list-set path index point))
(set! widths (list-set widths index width))
(set! anim-t 0)
(set! index (+ index 1)))
(define/augment (update t d)
(when (< anim-t 1)
(with-primitive root
(partial-extrude (+ (- index 2) anim-t)
profile path widths (vector 1 0 0) 0.05)))
(set! anim-t (+ anim-t (* d grow-speed))))
(define/public (get-end-pos)
(with-primitive root (pdata-ref "p" (- (* index (length profile)) 1))))
(define plant-view%
(class object%
(id "none")
(pos (vector 0 0 0))
(size 0))
(twigs '()) ; a assoc list map between ids and twigs stored flat here,
; for fast access, but prims heirachically in the scenegraph
(root (with-state
(translate pos)
(seed (with-state
(parent root)
(texture (load-texture "textures/root2.png"))
(backfacecull 0)
(opacity 0.6)
(colour (vector 0.8 1 0.6))
(scale (* 0.12 size))
(when wire-mode
(load-primitive "meshes/seed.obj"))))
(define/public (get-id)
(define/public (get-twig twig-id)
(let ((l (assq twig-id twigs)))
(if l
(cadr (assq twig-id twigs))
(define/public (add-branch-twig twig)
; attach to seed
(with-primitive (send twig get-root)
(parent root))
(send twig build)
(set! twigs (cons (list (send twig get-id) twig) twigs)))
(define/public (destroy-branch-twig twig-id)
(lambda (twig-id)
(destroy-branch-twig twig-id))
(send (get-twig twig-id) get-child-twig-ids))
(send (get-twig twig-id) destroy-twig)
(set! twigs (assoc-remove twig-id twigs)))
(define/public (add-twig parent-twig-id point-index twig)
(let ((ptwig (get-twig parent-twig-id)))
; attach to parent twig
(send twig set-pos! (send ptwig get-point point-index))
(send twig build)
(with-primitive (send twig get-root)
(parent (send ptwig get-root)))
; tell the twigs about this relationship (might turn out to be overkill)
(send ptwig add-child-twig-id (send twig get-id))
(send twig set-parent-twig-id parent-twig-id)
(set! twigs (cons (list (send twig get-id) twig) twigs))))
(define/public (grow-twig twig-id point width)
(send (get-twig twig-id) grow point width))
(define/public (grow-seed amount)
(with-primitive seed (scale amount)))
(define/public (add-ornament twig-id point-index property)
(send (get-twig twig-id) add-ornament point-index property))
(define/public (update t d)
(with-primitive seed
(scale (+ 1 (* 0.001 (sin (* 2 t))))))
(lambda (twig)
(send (cadr twig) update t d))
(define (build-env-box top bottom left right front back lower)
(let ((p (build-locator)))
(parent p)
(let ((t (with-state
(texture (load-texture top))
(translate (vector 0 0.5 0))
(rotate (vector 90 0 0))
(when lower (with-primitive t
(lambda (t)
(vmul t 10))
(texture (load-texture left))
(translate (vector 0 0 -0.5))
(rotate (vector 0 0 0))
(texture (load-texture back))
(translate (vector 0.5 0 0))
(rotate (vector 0 90 0))
(texture (load-texture right))
(translate (vector 0 0 0.5))
(rotate (vector 0 0 0))
(texture (load-texture front))
(translate (vector -0.5 0 0))
(rotate (vector 0 90 0))
(when lower
(texture (load-texture bottom))
(translate (vector 0 -0.5 0))
(rotate (vector 90 0 0))
(define game-view%
(class object%
(plants '()) ; map of ids -> plants
(pickups '()) ; map of ids -> pickups
(camera-dist 1)
(env-root (with-state (scale 1000) (build-locator)))
(root-camera-t 0)
#;(upper-env (with-state
(parent env-root)
(colour 2)
(translate (vector 0 0.28 0))
(build-env-box "textures/top.png" "textures/bottom-trans.png"
"textures/left.png" "textures/right.png"
"textures/front.png" "textures/back.png")))
#;(lower-env (with-state
(parent env-root)
(translate (vector 0 -0.22001 0))
(build-env-box "textures/bottom-trans.png" "textures/bottom.png"
"textures/sleft.png" "textures/sright.png"
"textures/sfront.png" "textures/sback.png")))
(upper-env (with-state
(parent env-root)
(translate (vector 0 0.28 0))
(build-env-box "textures/sky-top.png" "textures/floor.png"
"textures/sky-side.png" "textures/sky-side.png"
"textures/sky-side.png" "textures/sky-side.png" #f)))
(lower-env (with-state
(parent env-root)
(colour (earth-colour))
(translate (vector 0 -0.22001 0))
(build-env-box "textures/floor.png" "textures/earth-bottom.png"
"textures/earth-side.png" "textures/earth-side.png"
"textures/earth-side.png" "textures/earth-side.png" #t)))
(nutrients (let ((p (with-state
(texture (load-texture "textures/particle.png"))
(build-particles 5000))))
(with-primitive p
(lambda (p)
(vmul (vadd (crndvec) (vector 0 -1 0)) 900))
(lambda (s)
(vector 1 1 1))
(define/public (setup)
(let ((l (make-light 'point 'free)))
(light-diffuse 0 (vector 0.5 0.5 0.5))
(light-diffuse l (vector 1 1 1))
(light-position l (vector 10 50 -4)))
(clear-colour fog-col)
(clip 0.5 10000)
(fog fog-col fog-strength 1 100))
(define/public (add-plant plant)
(set! plants (cons (list (send plant get-id) plant) plants)))
(define/public (get-plant plant-id)
(cadr (assq plant-id plants)))
(define/public (add-branch-twig plant-id twig)
(send (get-plant plant-id) add-branch-twig twig))
(define/public (destroy-branch-twig plant-id twig-id)
(send (get-plant plant-id) destroy-branch-twig twig-id))
(define/public (add-twig plant-id parent-twig-id point-index twig)
(send (get-plant plant-id) add-twig parent-twig-id point-index twig))
(define/public (grow-seed plant-id amount)
(send (get-plant plant-id) grow-seed amount))
(define/public (get-pickup pickup-id)
(cadr (assq pickup-id pickups)))
(define/public (add-pickup pickup-id type pos)
(set! pickups (cons (list pickup-id (make-object pickup-view% pickup-id type pos)) pickups)))
(define/public (pick-up-pickup pickup-id)
(send (get-pickup pickup-id) pick-up)
(set! pickups (assoc-remove pickup-id pickups)))
(define/public (add-ornament plant-id twig-id point-index property)
(send (get-plant plant-id) add-ornament twig-id point-index property))
(define/public (update t d messages)
(lambda (plant)
(send (cadr plant) update t d))
(lambda (pickup)
(send (cadr pickup) update t d))
(when debug-messages
(lambda (msg)
(send msg print))
(lambda (msg)
((eq? (send msg get-name) 'player-plant) ; not really any difference now
(add-plant (make-object plant-view%
(send msg get-data 'plant-id)
(send msg get-data 'pos)
(send msg get-data 'size))))
((eq? (send msg get-name) 'new-plant)
(add-plant (make-object plant-view%
(send msg get-data 'plant-id)
(send msg get-data 'pos))))
((eq? (send msg get-name) 'grow-seed)
(grow-seed (send msg get-data 'plant-id)
(send msg get-data 'amount)))
((eq? (send msg get-name) 'destroy-branch-twig)
(destroy-branch-twig (send msg get-data 'plant-id) (send msg get-data 'twig-id)))
((eq? (send msg get-name) 'new-branch-twig)
(add-branch-twig (send msg get-data 'plant-id)
((eq? (send msg get-data 'render-type) 'ribbon)
(make-object ribbon-twig-view%
(send msg get-data 'twig-id)
(vector 0 0 0)
(send msg get-data 'type)
(send msg get-data 'dir)
(send msg get-data 'width)
(send msg get-data 'num-points)))
((eq? (send msg get-data 'render-type) 'extruded)
(make-object extruded-twig-view%
(send msg get-data 'twig-id)
(vector 0 0 0)
(send msg get-data 'type)
(send msg get-data 'dir)
(send msg get-data 'width)
(send msg get-data 'num-points))))))
((eq? (send msg get-name) 'new-twig)
(add-twig (send msg get-data 'plant-id)
(send msg get-data 'parent-twig-id)
(send msg get-data 'point-index)
((eq? (send msg get-data 'render-type) 'ribbon)
(make-object ribbon-twig-view%
(send msg get-data 'twig-id)
(vector 0 0 0) ; will be filled in by add-twig
(send msg get-data 'type)
(send msg get-data 'dir)
(send msg get-data 'width)
(send msg get-data 'num-points)))
((eq? (send msg get-data 'render-type) 'extruded)
(make-object extruded-twig-view%
(send msg get-data 'twig-id)
(vector 0 0 0) ; will be filled in by add-twig
(send msg get-data 'type)
(send msg get-data 'dir)
(send msg get-data 'width)
(send msg get-data 'num-points))))))
((eq? (send msg get-name) 'twig-grow)
(send (get-plant (send msg get-data 'plant-id)) grow-twig
(send msg get-data 'twig-id)
(send msg get-data 'point)
(send msg get-data 'width)))
((eq? (send msg get-name) 'new-pickup)
(send msg get-data 'pickup-id)
(send msg get-data 'type)
(send msg get-data 'pos)))
((eq? (send msg get-name) 'pick-up-pickup)
(send msg get-data 'pickup-id)))
((eq? (send msg get-name) 'new-ornament)
(send msg get-data 'plant-id)
(send msg get-data 'twig-id)
(send msg get-data 'point-index)
(send msg get-data 'property)))

plant-eyes/ Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,421 @@
;;; A basic XMPP library which should conform to RFCs 3920 and 3921
;;; Copyright (C) 2009 FoAM vzw.
;;; This package is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
;;; modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
;;; License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either
;;; version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
;;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;;; Lesser General Public License for more details.
;;; You can find a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License at
;;; Authors
;;; nik gaffney <>
;;; Requirements
;;; PLT for now. TLS requires a version of PLT >
;;; Commentary
;;; Still a long way from implementing even a minimal subset of XMPP
;;; features implemented
;;; - plaintext sessions on port 5222
;;; - "old sytle" ssl sessions on port 5223 (default)
;;; - authenticate using an existing account
;;; - send messages (rfc 3921 sec.4)
;;; - send presence (rfc 3921 sec.5)
;;; - parse (some) xml reponses from server
;;; - handlers for responses
;;; - basic roster handling (rfc 3921 sec.7)
;;; features to implement
;;; - account creation
;;; - managing subscriptions & rosters (rfc 3921 sec.6 & 8)
;;; - error handling for rosters (rfc 3921 sec.7)
;;; - plaintext/tls/sasl negotiation (rfc 3920 sec.5 & 6)
;;; - encrypted connections using tls on port 5222
;;; - correct namespaces in sxml
;;; - message types
;;; - maintain session ids
;;; - maintain threads
;;; - error handling
;;; - events
;;; - [...]
;;; - rfc 3920
;;; - rfc 3921
;;; bugs and/or improvements
;;; - start & stop functions for multiple sessions
;;; - pubsub (XEP-0060) & group chats (XEP-0045)
;;; - 'send' using call/cc & parameterize'd i/o ports
;;; - coroutines for sasl negotiation
;;; - read-async & repsonse-handler
;;; - ssax:xml->sxml or lazy:xml->sxml
;;; - default handlers
;;; - syntax for defining sxpath based handlers
;;; - improve parsing
;;; - chatbot exmples
(module xmpp scheme
(require (planet lizorkin/sxml:2:1/sxml)) ;; encoding xml
(require (planet lizorkin/ssax:2:0/ssax)) ;; decoding xml
(require mzlib/os) ;; hostname
(require scheme/tcp) ;; networking
(require openssl) ;; ssl/tls
(require srfi/13) ;; jid decoding
(provide (all-defined-out))
;;;; ; ;; ;
;; debugging
;;;; ; ;
(define debug? #t)
(define debugf
((str) (when debug? (printf str)))
((str . dir) (when debug? (apply printf (cons str dir))))))
;;;;;;;;;;; ; ;;;; ; ;;; ; ; ;; ;
;; networking
;;;;;; ;; ;; ; ; ; ;
(define port 5222)
(define ssl-port 5223)
(define (open-connection machine port handler)
(let-values (((in out)
(tcp-connect machine port)))
(handler in out)
(close-output-port out)
(close-input-port in)))
(define (open-ssl-connection machine port handler)
(let-values (((in out)
(ssl-connect machine port 'tls)))
(handler in out)
(close-output-port out)
(close-input-port in)))
(define (read-async in)
(bytes->string/utf-8 (list->bytes (read-async-bytes in))))
(define (read-async-bytes in)
(let ((bstr '()))
(when (sync/timeout 0 in)
(set! bstr (cons (read-byte in) (read-async-bytes in)))) bstr))
(define ssxml srl:sxml->xml-noindent)
;;;;;; ; ; ; ; ;; ;;;;;; ;
;; XMPP stanzas
;;;;;;;;;; ;;; ; ;; ; ;
;; intialization
(define (xmpp-stream host)
(string-append "<?xml version='1.0'?>" ;; version='1.0' is a MUST for SASL on 5222 but NOT for ssl on 5223
"<stream:stream xmlns:stream='' to='"
"' xmlns='jabber:client' >"))
;; authentication
(define (xmpp-auth username password resource)
(ssxml `(iq (@ (type "set") (id "auth"))
(query (@ (xmlns "jabber:iq:auth"))
(username ,username)
(password ,password)
(resource ,resource)))))
(define (xmpp-session host)
(ssxml `(iq (@ (to ,host) (type "set") (id "session"))
(session (@ (xmlns "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-session"))))))
;; messages
(define (message to body)
(ssxml `(message (@ (to ,to)) (body ,body))))
;; presence
(define (presence #:from (from "")
#:to (to "")
#:type (type "")
#:show (show "")
#:status (status ""))
(cond ((not (string=? status ""))
(ssxml `(presence (@ (type "probe")) (status ,status))))
((string=? type "") "<presence/>")
(else (ssxml `(presence (@ (type ,type)))))))
;; queries
(define (iq body
#:from (from "")
#:to (to "")
#:type (type "")
#:id (id ""))
(ssxml `(iq (@ (to ,to) (type ,type) ,body))))
;; curried stanza disection (sxml stanza -> string)
(define ((sxpath-element xpath (ns "")) stanza)
(let ((node ((sxpath xpath (list (cons 'ns ns))) stanza)))
(if (empty? node) "" (car node))))
;; message
(define message-from (sxpath-element "message/@from/text()"))
(define message-to (sxpath-element "message/@to/text()"))
(define message-id (sxpath-element "message/@id/text()"))
(define message-type (sxpath-element "message/@type/text()"))
(define message-body (sxpath-element "message/body/text()"))
(define message-subject (sxpath-element "message/subject/text()"))
;; info/query
(define iq-type (sxpath-element "iq/@type/text()"))
(define iq-id (sxpath-element "iq/@id/text()"))
(define iq-error-type (sxpath-element "iq/error/@type/text()"))
(define iq-error-text (sxpath-element "iq/error/text()"))
(define iq-error (sxpath-element "iq/error"))
;; presence
(define presence-show (sxpath-element "presence/show/text()"))
(define presence-from (sxpath-element "presence/@from/text()"))
(define presence-status (sxpath-element "presence/status/text()"))
;;;;;;;;;; ; ; ; ;; ;
;; rosters
;;;;;; ; ;; ;
;; request the roster from server
(define (request-roster from)
(ssxml `(iq (@ (from ,from) (type "get") (id "roster_1"))
(query (@ (xmlns "jabber:iq:roster"))))))
;; add an item to the roster
(define (add-to-roster from jid name group)
(ssxml `(iq (@ (from ,from) (type "set") (id "roster_2"))
(query (@ (xmlns "jabber:iq:roster"))
(item (@ (jid ,jid) (name ,name))
(group ,group))))))
;; update an item in the roster
(define (update-roster from jid name group)
(ssxml `(iq (@ (from ,from) (type "set") (id "roster_3"))
(query (@ (xmlns "jabber:iq:roster"))
(item (@ (jid ,jid) (name ,name))
(group ,group))))))
;; remove an item from the roster
(define (remove-from-roster from jid)
(ssxml `(iq (@ (from ,from) (type "set") (id "roster_4"))
(query (@ (xmlns "jabber:iq:roster"))
(item (@ (jid ,jid) (subscription "remove")))))))
;;;;; ; ; ;; ; ;
;; in-band registration
;;;;;; ;; ;; ;
(define (reg1)
(ssxml `(iq (@ (type "get") (id "reg1"))
(query (@ (xmlns "jabber:iq:register"))))))
;;;; ;; ; ;;; ;
;; tls & sasl
;; -
;; -
;;;; ;;
(define session->tls? #f) ;; changes state when a tls proceed is recived
;; moved to xmpp-sasl until it 'works'
;;;;;;;;; ; ;; ; ; ;; ;; ; ;
;; parsing & message/iq/error handlers
;; - minimal parsing
;; - handlers match on a tag (eg. 'message)
;; - handlers are called with a single relevant xmpp stanza
;;;;;; ;; ; ; ;; ;
(define xmpp-handlers (make-hash)) ;; a hash of tags and functions (possibly extend to using sxpaths and multiple handlers)
(define (set-xmpp-handler type fcn)
(dict-set! xmpp-handlers type fcn))
(define (remove-xmpp-handler type fcn)
(dict-remove! xmpp-handlers type fcn))
(define (run-xmpp-handler type sz)
(let ((fcn (dict-ref xmpp-handlers type #f)))
(when fcn (begin
(debugf "attempting to run handler ~a.~%" fcn)
(fcn sz)))))
;; no real parsing yet. dispatches any received xml stanzas as sxml
(define (parse-xmpp-response str)
(when (> (string-length str) 0)
(let ((sz (ssax:xml->sxml (open-input-string (clean str)) '())))
;;(let ((sz (lazy:xml->sxml (open-input-string str) '())))
((equal? '(null) (cadr sz))
((equal? 'message (caadr sz))
(run-xmpp-handler 'message sz))
((equal? 'iq (caadr sz))
(run-xmpp-handler 'iq sz))
((equal? 'presence (caadr sz))
(run-xmpp-handler 'presence sz))
(else (run-xmpp-handler 'other sz))))))
;; example handlers to print stanzas or their contents
(define (print-message sz)
(printf "a ~a message from ~a which says '~a.'~%" (message-type sz) (message-from sz) (message-body sz)))
(define (print-iq sz)
(printf "an iq response of type '~a' with id '~a.'~%" (iq-type sz) (iq-id sz)))
(define (print-presence sz)
(printf " p-r-e-s-e-n-e-c--> ~a is ~a" (presence-from sz) (presence-status)))
(define (print-stanza sz)
(printf "? ?? -> ~%~a~%" sz))
;; handler to print roster
(define (roster-jids sz)
((sxpath "iq/ns:query/ns:item/@jid/text()" '(( ns . "jabber:iq:roster"))) sz))
(define (roster-items sz)
((sxpath-element "iq/ns:query/ns:item" '(( ns . "jabber:iq:roster"))) sz))
(define (print-roster sz)
(when (and (string=? (iq-type sz) "result")
(string=? (iq-id sz) "roster_1"))
(printf "~a~%" (roster-jids sz))))
;; QND hack to filter out anything not a message, iq or presence
(define (clean str)
(let ((test (substring str 0 3)))
(cond ((string-ci=? test "<me") str)
((string-ci=? test "<iq") str)
((string-ci=? test "<pr") str)
((string-ci=? test "<ur") str)
(debugf "~%recieved: ~a ~%parsed as <null/>~%~%" str)
;; response handler
(define (xmpp-response-handler in)
(thread (lambda ()
(let loop ()
(parse-xmpp-response (read-async in))
(sleep 0.1) ;; slight delay to avoid a tight loop
;; jid splicing (assuming the jid is in the format user@host/resource)
(define (jid-user jid)
(string-take jid (string-index jid #\@)))
(define (jid-host jid)
(let* ((s (string-take-right jid (- (string-length jid) (string-index jid #\@) 1)))
(v (string-index s #\/)))
(if v (string-take s v) s )))
(define (jid-resource jid)
(let ((r (jid-resource-0 jid)))
(if (void? r) (gethostname) r)))
(define (jid-resource-0 jid)
(let ((v (string-index jid #\/)))
(when v (string-take-right jid (- (string-length jid) v 1)))))
;;;; ;; ; ; ;; ;; ;;;; ;
;; interfaces
;;;;; ;; ;;;; ; ;; ;
(define xmpp-in-port (make-parameter #f))
(define xmpp-out-port (make-parameter #F))
(define (send str)
(debugf "sending: ~a ~%~%" str)
(let* ((p-out (xmpp-out-port))
(out (if p-out p-out xmpp-out-port-v)))
(fprintf out "~A~%" str) (flush-output out)))
(define-syntax with-xmpp-session
(syntax-rules ()
((_ jid pass form . forms)
(let ((host (jid-host jid))
(user (jid-user jid))
(resource (jid-resource jid)))
(let-values (((in out)
(ssl-connect host ssl-port 'tls)))
;;(tcp-connect host port)))
(parameterize ((xmpp-in-port in)
(xmpp-out-port out))
(file-stream-buffer-mode out 'line)
(xmpp-response-handler in)
(send (xmpp-stream host))
(send (xmpp-session host))
;(starttls in out)
(send (xmpp-auth user pass resource))
(send (presence))
(begin form . forms)
(close-output-port out)
(close-input-port in)))))))
;; NOTE: this will only work with a single connection to a host, however multiple sessions to that host may be possible
(define xmpp-in-port-v (current-input-port))
(define xmpp-out-port-v (current-output-port))
(define (start-xmpp-session jid pass)
(let ((host (jid-host jid))
(user (jid-user jid))
(resource (jid-resource jid)))
(let-values (((in out)
(ssl-connect host ssl-port 'tls)))
;;(tcp-connect host port)))
(set! xmpp-in-port-v in)
(set! xmpp-out-port-v out)
(file-stream-buffer-mode out 'line)
(xmpp-response-handler in)
(send (xmpp-stream host))
(send (xmpp-session host))
;;(starttls in out)
(send (xmpp-auth user pass resource))
(send (presence)))))
(define (close-xmpp-session)
(close-output-port xmpp-out-port-v)
(close-input-port xmpp-in-port-v))
) ;; end module

View file

@ -67,7 +67,7 @@
(ret (cdr ret))
(let* ((tex (load-primitive (string-append "plant-2/comp-cp-" id ".png")))
(let* ((tex (load-primitive (string-append "plant-1/comp-cp-" id ".png")))
(connections (with-primitive tex (convert-to-pos (find-centroids 0 '())))))
(set! connection-cache (cons (cons id connections) connection-cache))
(destroy tex)
@ -85,7 +85,7 @@
(let ((root (with-state
(translate (vector 0 0.5 0))
(texture (load-texture (string-append "plant-2/comp-" id ".png")))
(texture (load-texture (string-append "plant-1/comp-" id ".png")))
(with-primitive root (apply-transform))
(make-component root '())))
@ -93,7 +93,7 @@
(let* ((connection-list (get-connection-list id))
(root (with-state
(translate (vector 0 0.5 0))
(texture (load-texture (string-append "plant-2/comp-" id ".png")))
(texture (load-texture (string-append "plant-1/comp-" id ".png")))
(comp (make-component root
@ -127,9 +127,9 @@
((eq? num-children 0) (list (choose (list "3" "4" "8" "9")) (list)))
((eq? num-children 1) (list "1-1" (list (make-random-plant (+ depth 1)))))
((eq? num-children 2) (list (string-append "2-" (choose (list "1" "2" "6" "10" "13" "16"))) (list (make-random-plant (+ depth 1))
((eq? num-children 2) (list (string-append "2-" (choose (list "1"))) (list (make-random-plant (+ depth 1))
(make-random-plant (+ depth 1)))))
((eq? num-children 3) (list (string-append "3-" (choose (list "7")))
((eq? num-children 3) (list (string-append "3-" (choose (list "1")))
(list (make-random-plant (+ depth 1))
(make-random-plant (+ depth 1)) (make-random-plant (+ depth 1)))))
((eq? num-children 4) (list "4-1" (list (make-random-plant (+ depth 1))