This commit is contained in:
Dave Griffiths 2009-03-12 11:51:02 +00:00
parent 0767f878b6
commit 4fc0ca5daf
31 changed files with 185 additions and 26 deletions

View file

@ -140,15 +140,15 @@
(let ((num-children (if (> depth 3) 0 (choose (list 0 1 2 3)))))
((eq? num-children 0) (list (choose (list "2" "3" "4" "5" "6" "7" "8" "9" "10")) (list)))
((eq? num-children 1) (list "1-0" (list (make-random-plant (+ depth 1)))))
((eq? num-children 2) (list "2-0" (list (make-random-plant (+ depth 1))
((eq? num-children 1) (list "1-1" (list (make-random-plant (+ depth 1)))))
((eq? num-children 2) (list "2-1" (list (make-random-plant (+ depth 1))
(make-random-plant (+ depth 1)))))
((eq? num-children 3) (list "3-0" (list (make-random-plant (+ depth 1))
((eq? num-children 3) (list "3-1" (list (make-random-plant (+ depth 1))
(make-random-plant (+ depth 1)) (make-random-plant (+ depth 1)))))
((eq? num-children 4) (list "4-0" (list (make-random-plant (+ depth 1))
((eq? num-children 4) (list "4-1" (list (make-random-plant (+ depth 1))
(make-random-plant (+ depth 1)) (make-random-plant (+ depth 1))
(make-random-plant (+ depth 1)))))
((eq? num-children 5) (list "5-0" (list (make-random-plant (+ depth 1))
((eq? num-children 5) (list "5-1" (list (make-random-plant (+ depth 1))
(make-random-plant (+ depth 1)) (make-random-plant (+ depth 1))
(make-random-plant (+ depth 1)) (make-random-plant (+ depth 1))))))))
@ -275,9 +275,10 @@
(define/public (puff-pollen pos col size np)
(with-primitive pollen
(for ((i (in-range 0 np)))
(let ((c (random (pdata-size))))
(let ((c (random (pdata-size)))
(cc (vadd col (vmul (grndvec) 0.2))))
(pdata-set! "p" c (vadd (vmul (cirndvec) size) pos))
(pdata-set! "c" c (vadd col (vmul (grndvec) 0.2)))))))
(pdata-set! "c" c (vector (vx cc) (vy cc) (vz cc) 0.5))))))
@ -346,18 +347,18 @@
(define network-dispatch%
(class object%
(define (stringify l)
((null? l) l)
((symbol? (car l))
(cons (symbol->string (car l))
(stringify (cdr l))))
((number? (car l))
(cons (number->string (car l))
(stringify (cdr l))))
((list? (car l))
(cons (stringify (car l)) (stringify (cdr l))))
(else (error "oops"))))
(define (stringify l)
((null? l) l)
((symbol? (car l))
(cons (symbol->string (car l))
(stringify (cdr l))))
((number? (car l))
(cons (number->string (car l))
(stringify (cdr l))))
((list? (car l))
(cons (stringify (car l)) (stringify (cdr l))))
(else (error "oops"))))
(define/public (dispatch world)
@ -367,7 +368,7 @@
(send world add-entity (make-object plant%
(vector (osc 0) (osc 1) (osc 2))
(vector (osc 3) (osc 4) (osc 5))
(stringify (eval-string (osc 6))))))
(stringify (eval-string (osc 6))))))
((osc-msg "/destroy-plant")
(printf "destroy plant message recieved...~n")
(send world destroy-entity (osc 0)))
@ -379,9 +380,9 @@
(printf "sending add plant...~n")
(let* ((pos (vector (* (crndf) 5) 2 1))
(col (rndvec))
(desc (list (make-random-plant 0)))
(desc-str (format "'~a" desc)))
(col (rndvec))
(desc (list (make-random-plant 0)))
(desc-str (format "'~a" desc)))
(printf "sending:~a~n" desc-str)
(osc-send "/add-plant" "ffffffs" (list (vx pos) (vy pos) (vz pos)
(vx col) (vy col) (vz col) desc-str))

pluggable/pluggable.scm Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
; converts a 2D vector into an angle, with some dodgy dave maths
(define (2dvec->angle x y)
(let ((q (/ 3.141 2)))
(when (zero? y) (set! y 0.0001))
((>= y 0)
(fmod (* (+ q q q (- q (atan (/ x y)))) 57.2957795) 360))
(fmod (* (+ q (- q (atan (/ x y)))) 57.2957795) 360)))))
(define (i->pos i)
(vector (modulo i (pixels-width))
(quotient i (pixels-width)) 0))
(define (pos->i pos)
(+ (* (round (vy pos)) (pixels-width)) (round (vx pos))))
(define (pixels-ref name pos)
(pdata-ref name (pos->i pos)))
(define (pixels-set! name pos s)
(pdata-set! name (pos->i pos) s))
(define (search i)
((eq? i (pdata-size)) i)
((< (vr (pdata-ref "c" i)) 0.5) i)
(else (search (+ i 1)))))
(define (flood pos tc av)
(define (rec-flood pos)
(pixels-set! "c" pos (vector 1 0 1))
(set! tc (+ tc 1))
(set! av (vadd av pos))
(when (< (vr (pixels-ref "c" (vadd pos (vector -1 0 0)))) 0.5)
(rec-flood (vadd pos (vector -1 0 0))))
(when (< (vr (pixels-ref "c" (vadd pos (vector 1 0 0)))) 0.5)
(rec-flood (vadd pos (vector 1 0 0))))
(when (< (vr (pixels-ref "c" (vadd pos (vector 0 1 0)))) 0.5)
(rec-flood (vadd pos (vector 0 1 0))))
(when (< (vr (pixels-ref "c" (vadd pos (vector 0 -1 0)))) 0.5)
(rec-flood (vadd pos (vector 0 -1 0)))))
(rec-flood pos)
(vmul av (/ 1 tc)))
(define (find-centroids pos l)
(let ((i (search pos)))
(cond ((eq? i (pdata-size)) l)
(find-centroids i
(cons (flood (i->pos i) 0 (vector 0 0 0)) l))))))
(define (convert-to-pos l)
(lambda (cp)
(vector (- (- (/ (vx cp) (pixels-width)) 0.5))
(- 1 (/ (vy cp) (pixels-height))) 0))
(define connection-cache '())
(define (get-connection-list id)
(let ((ret (assoc id connection-cache)))
(ret (cdr ret))
(let* ((tex (load-primitive (string-append "textures/comp-cp-" id ".png")))
(connections (with-primitive tex (convert-to-pos (find-centroids 0 '())))))
(set! connection-cache (cons (cons id connections) connection-cache))
(destroy tex)
(define-struct component (root children))
(define (build-component id children)
((null? children)
(let ((root (with-state
(translate (vector 0 0.5 0))
(rotate (vector 0 0 180))
(texture (load-texture (string-append "textures/comp-" id ".png")))
(with-primitive root (apply-transform))
(make-component root '())))
(let* ((connection-list (get-connection-list id))
(root (with-state
(translate (vector 0 0.5 0))
(rotate (vector 0 0 180))
(texture (load-texture (string-append "textures/comp-" id ".png")))
(comp (make-component root
(lambda (child connection)
(parent root)
(translate (vector 0 0 -0.01))
(printf "~a~n" connection)
(translate connection)
(scale 0.8)
(rotate (vector 0 0 (2dvec->angle
(vx connection) (- (vy connection) 0.5))))
(rotate (vector 0 0 0))
(build-component (car child) (cadr child))))
(with-primitive root (apply-transform))
(define (component-print component)
(printf "~a~n" (component-children component)))
(define (choose l)
(list-ref l (random (length l))))
(define (make-random-plant depth)
(let ((num-children (if (> depth 10) 0 (choose (list 0 1 2 3)))))
((eq? num-children 0) (list (choose (list "0" "0")) (list)))
((eq? num-children 1) (list "1-1" (list (make-random-plant (+ depth 1)))))
((eq? num-children 2) (list "2-1" (list (make-random-plant (+ depth 1))
(make-random-plant (+ depth 1)))))
((eq? num-children 3) (list (string-append "3-" (choose (list "1" "2")))
(list (make-random-plant (+ depth 1))
(make-random-plant (+ depth 1)) (make-random-plant (+ depth 1)))))
((eq? num-children 4) (list "4-1" (list (make-random-plant (+ depth 1))
(make-random-plant (+ depth 1)) (make-random-plant (+ depth 1))
(make-random-plant (+ depth 1)))))
((eq? num-children 5) (list "5-0" (list (make-random-plant (+ depth 1))
(make-random-plant (+ depth 1)) (make-random-plant (+ depth 1))
(make-random-plant (+ depth 1)) (make-random-plant (+ depth 1))))))))
(clear-colour (vector 1 1 1))
;(opacity 0.5)
(define p (make-random-plant 0))
(display p) (newline)
(define c (build-component "1-1" (list p)))

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