Mario Lang 6739aa327c Use `cl-gensym' to fix Emacs 25 compatibility (Fixes #24)
`gensym' used to be an alias for `cl-gensym'.
It was replaced with a "native" implementation in subr.el with Emacs 26.1.
Go back to using `cl-gensym' to make sure Emacs 25 still works.
2020-04-02 08:29:01 +02:00

661 lines
22 KiB

;; copyright 2003 stefan kersten <>
;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
;; published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
;; License, or (at your option) any later version.
;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
;; Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301
;; USA
(require 'font-lock))
;; (require 'w3m) ;; not needed during compilation
(require 'cl-lib)
(require 'sclang-util)
(require 'sclang-interp)
(require 'sclang-language)
(require 'sclang-mode)
(require 'sclang-vars)
(require 'sclang-minor-mode)
(defcustom sclang-help-directory "~/SuperCollider/Help"
"*Directory where the SuperCollider help files are kept. OBSOLETE."
:group 'sclang-interface
:version "21.3"
:type 'directory
:options '(:must-match))
(defcustom sclang-help-path (list sclang-system-help-dir
"List of directories where SuperCollider help files are kept."
:group 'sclang-interface
:version "21.4"
:type '(repeat directory))
(defconst sclang-extension-path (list sclang-system-extension-dir
"List of SuperCollider extension directories.")
(defcustom sclang-help-fill-column fill-column
"Column beyond which automatic line-wrapping in RTF help files should happen."
:group 'sclang-interface
:version "21.3"
:type 'integer)
(defcustom sclang-rtf-editor-program "ted"
"*Name of an RTF editor program used to edit SuperCollider help files."
:group 'sclang-programs
:version "21.3"
:type 'string)
(defcustom sclang-html-editor-program "html"
"*Name of an HTML editor program used to edit SuperCollider help files."
:group 'sclang-programs
:version "21.3"
:type 'string)
;; dynamically change certain html-tags when displaying in w3m-browser:
(defcustom sclang-help-filters
'(("p\\.p\\([0-9]+\\)" . "#p\\1")
("<p class=\"\\(.*\\)\">\\(.*\\)</p>" . "<div id=\"\\1\">\\2</div>"))
"list of pairs of (regexp . filter) defining html-tags to be replaced by the function sclang-help-substitute-for-filters"
:group 'sclang-interface
:type '(repeat (cons (string :tag "match") (string :tag "replacement"))))
(defun sclang-help-substitute-for-filters (&rest args)
"substitute various tags in SCs html-docs"
(mapcar #'(lambda (filter)
(let ((regexp (car filter))
(to-string (cdr filter)))
(goto-char (point-min))
(while (re-search-forward regexp nil t)
(replace-match to-string nil nil))))
;; w3m's content-filtering system
(setq w3m-use-filter t)
(eval-after-load "w3m-filter"
'(add-to-list 'w3m-filter-rules
;; run on all files read by w3m...
'(".*" sclang-help-substitute-for-filters)))
(defvar sclang-help-topic-alist nil
"Alist mapping help topics to file names.")
(defvar sclang-help-topic-history nil
"List of recently invoked help topics.")
;; (defvar sclang-help-topic-ring-length 32)
;; (defvar sclang-help-topic-ring (make-ring sclang-help-topic-ring-length))
(defconst sclang-special-help-topics
'(("/" . "division")
("-" . "subtraction"))
"Alist of help topics with transcoded filenames.")
(defvar sclang-help-file nil)
(defvar sclang-current-help-file nil)
(make-variable-buffer-local 'sclang-help-file)
(defconst sclang-help-file-regexp
"Regular expression matching help files.")
;; =====================================================================
;; utilities
;; =====================================================================
(defun sclang-get-help-file (topic)
(let ((topic (or (cdr (assoc topic sclang-special-help-topics)) topic)))
(cdr (assoc topic sclang-help-topic-alist))))
(defun sclang-get-help-topic (file)
(let ((topic (car (rassoc file sclang-help-topic-alist))))
(or (car (rassoc topic sclang-special-help-topics)) topic)))
(defun sclang-help-buffer-name (topic)
(sclang-make-buffer-name (concat "Help:" topic)))
(defun sclang-rtf-file-p (file)
(let ((case-fold-search t))
(string-match ".*\\.rtf$" file)))
;; ========= ADDITION for HTML help files
(defun sclang-html-file-p (file)
(let ((case-fold-search t))
(string-match ".*\\.html?$" file)))
(defun sclang-sc-file-p (file)
(let ((case-fold-search t))
(string-match ".*\\.sc$" file)))
(defun sclang-scd-file-p (file)
(let ((case-fold-search t))
(string-match ".*\\.scd$" file)))
(defun sclang-help-file-p (file)
(string-match sclang-help-file-regexp file))
(defun sclang-help-topic-name (file)
(if (string-match sclang-help-file-regexp file)
(cons (file-name-nondirectory (replace-match "" nil nil file 1))
;; =====================================================================
;; rtf parsing
;; =====================================================================
(defconst sclang-rtf-face-change-token "\0")
(defun sclang-fill-rtf-syntax-table (table)
;; character quote
(modify-syntax-entry ?\\ "/" table)
(modify-syntax-entry ?\" "." table)
(modify-syntax-entry ?\{ "(" table)
(modify-syntax-entry ?\} ")" table)
(modify-syntax-entry ?\( "." table)
(modify-syntax-entry ?\) "." table)
(modify-syntax-entry ?\[ "." table)
(modify-syntax-entry ?\] "." table)
(defvar sclang-rtf-syntax-table (sclang-fill-rtf-syntax-table (make-syntax-table))
"Syntax table used for RTF parsing.")
(defvar sclang-rtf-font-map '((Helvetica . variable-pitch)
(Helvetica-Bold . variable-pitch)
(Monaco . nil)))
(cl-defstruct sclang-rtf-state
output font-table font face pos)
(cl-macrolet ((rtf-p (pos) `(plist-get (text-properties-at ,pos) 'rtf-p)))
(defun sclang-rtf-p (pos) (rtf-p pos))
(defun sclang-code-p (pos) (not (rtf-p pos))))
(defmacro with-sclang-rtf-state-output (state &rest body)
`(with-current-buffer (sclang-rtf-state-output ,state)
(defmacro sclang-rtf-state-add-font (state font-id font-name)
`(push (cons ,font-id (intern ,font-name)) (sclang-rtf-state-font-table ,state)))
(defmacro sclang-rtf-state-apply (state)
(let ((pos (cl-gensym))
(font (cl-gensym))
(face (cl-gensym)))
`(with-current-buffer (sclang-rtf-state-output ,state)
(let ((,pos (or (sclang-rtf-state-pos ,state) (point-min)))
(,font (cdr (assq
(cdr (assoc
(sclang-rtf-state-font ,state)
(sclang-rtf-state-font-table ,state)))
(,face (sclang-rtf-state-face ,state)))
(when (> (point) ,pos)
(if ,font
,pos (point)
(list 'rtf-p t 'rtf-face (append (list ,font) ,face))))
(setf (sclang-rtf-state-pos ,state) (point)))))))
(defmacro sclang-rtf-state-set-font (state font)
(sclang-rtf-state-apply ,state)
(setf (sclang-rtf-state-font ,state) ,font)))
(defmacro sclang-rtf-state-push-face (state face)
(let ((list (cl-gensym)))
`(let ((,list (sclang-rtf-state-face state)))
(sclang-rtf-state-apply ,state)
(unless (memq ,face ,list)
(setf (sclang-rtf-state-face ,state)
(append ,list (list ,face)))))))
(defmacro sclang-rtf-state-pop-face (state face)
(let ((list (cl-gensym)))
`(let* ((,list (sclang-rtf-state-face ,state)))
(sclang-rtf-state-apply ,state)
(setf (sclang-rtf-state-face ,state) (delq ,face ,list)))))
(defun sclang-parse-rtf (state)
(while (not (eobp))
(cond ((looking-at "{")
;; container
(let ((beg (point)))
(with-syntax-table sclang-rtf-syntax-table
(forward-list 1))
(narrow-to-region (1+ beg) (1- (point)))
(goto-char (point-min))
(sclang-parse-rtf-container state)
((or (looking-at "\\\\\\([{}\\\n]\\)")
(looking-at "\\\\\\([^\\ \n]+\\) ?"))
;; control
(let ((end (match-end 0)))
(sclang-parse-rtf-control state (match-string 1))
(goto-char end)))
((looking-at "\\([^{\\\n]+\\)")
;; normal text
(let ((end (match-end 0))
(match (match-string 1)))
(with-sclang-rtf-state-output state (insert match))
(goto-char end)))
;; never reached (?)
(forward-char 1)))))
(defun sclang-parse-rtf-container (state)
(cond ((looking-at "\\\\rtf1") ; document
(goto-char (match-end 0))
(sclang-parse-rtf state))
((looking-at "\\\\fonttbl") ; font table
(goto-char (match-end 0))
(while (looking-at "\\\\\\(f[0-9]+\\)[^ ]* \\([^;]*\\);[^\\]*")
(sclang-rtf-state-add-font state (match-string 1) (match-string 2))
(goto-char (match-end 0))))
((looking-at "{\\\\NeXTGraphic \\([^\\]+\\.[a-z]+\\)") ; inline graphic
(let* ((file (match-string 1))
(image (and file (create-image (expand-file-name file)))))
(if image
(insert-image image)
(sclang-rtf-state-push-face state 'italic)
(insert file)
(sclang-rtf-state-pop-face state 'italic)))))
(defun sclang-parse-rtf-control (state ctrl)
(let ((char (aref ctrl 0)))
(cond ((memq char '(?{ ?} ?\\))
(with-sclang-rtf-state-output state (insert char)))
((or (eq char ?\n)
(string= ctrl "par"))
(sclang-rtf-state-apply state)
(when (sclang-rtf-p (line-beginning-position))
(fill-region (line-beginning-position) (line-end-position)
t t))
(insert ?\n)))
((string= ctrl "tab")
(with-sclang-rtf-state-output state (insert ?\t)))
((string= ctrl "b")
(sclang-rtf-state-push-face state 'bold))
((string= ctrl "b0")
(sclang-rtf-state-pop-face state 'bold))
((string-match "^f[0-9]+$" ctrl)
(sclang-rtf-state-set-font state ctrl))
(defun sclang-convert-rtf-buffer (output)
(let ((case-fold-search nil)
(fill-column sclang-help-fill-column))
(goto-char (point-min))
(when (looking-at "{\\\\rtf1")
(let ((state (make-sclang-rtf-state)))
(setf (sclang-rtf-state-output state) output)
(sclang-parse-rtf state)
(sclang-rtf-state-apply state))))))
;; =====================================================================
;; help mode
;; =====================================================================
(defun sclang-fill-help-syntax-table (table)
;; make ?- be part of symbols for selection and sclang-symbol-at-point
(modify-syntax-entry ?- "_" table))
(defun sclang-fill-help-mode-map (map)
(define-key map "\C-c}" 'bury-buffer)
(define-key map "\C-c\C-v" 'sclang-edit-help-file))
(defmacro sclang-help-mode-limit-point-to-code (&rest body)
(let ((min (cl-gensym))
(max (cl-gensym))
(res (cl-gensym)))
`(if (and (sclang-code-p (point))
(not (or (bobp) (eobp)))
(sclang-code-p (1- (point)))
(sclang-code-p (1+ (point))))
(let ((,min (previous-single-property-change (point) 'rtf-p (current-buffer) (point-min)))
(,max (next-single-property-change (point) 'rtf-p (current-buffer) (point-max))))
(let ((,res (progn ,@body)))
(cond ((< (point) ,min) (goto-char ,min) nil)
((> (point) ,max) (goto-char ,max) nil)
(t ,res)))))))
(defun sclang-help-mode-beginning-of-defun (&optional arg)
(interactive "p")
(sclang-help-mode-limit-point-to-code (sclang-beginning-of-defun arg)))
(defun sclang-help-mode-end-of-defun (&optional arg)
(interactive "p")
(sclang-help-mode-limit-point-to-code (sclang-end-of-defun arg)))
(defun sclang-help-mode-fontify-region (start end loudly)
(cl-flet ((fontify-code
(start end loudly)
(funcall 'font-lock-default-fontify-region start end loudly))
(start end loudly)
(while (< start end)
(let ((value (plist-get (text-properties-at start) 'rtf-face))
(end (next-single-property-change start 'rtf-face (current-buffer) end)))
(add-text-properties start end (list 'face (append '(variable-pitch) (list value))))
(setq start end)))))
(let ((modified (buffer-modified-p)) (buffer-undo-list t)
(inhibit-read-only t) (inhibit-point-motion-hooks t)
(inhibit-modification-hooks t)
deactivate-mark buffer-file-name buffer-file-truename
(pos start))
(while (< pos end)
(let ((end (next-single-property-change pos 'rtf-p (current-buffer) end)))
(if (sclang-rtf-p pos)
(fontify-non-code pos end loudly)
(fontify-code pos end loudly))
(setq pos end)))
(when (and (not modified) (buffer-modified-p))
(set-buffer-modified-p nil))))))
(defun sclang-help-mode-indent-line ()
(if (sclang-code-p (point))
(insert "\t")))
(define-derived-mode sclang-help-mode sclang-mode "SCLangHelp"
"Major mode for displaying SuperCollider help files.
(let ((file (or (buffer-file-name)
(and (boundp 'sclang-current-help-file)
(when file
(set-visited-file-name nil)
(setq buffer-auto-save-file-name nil)
(when (sclang-rtf-file-p file)
(let ((tmp-buffer (generate-new-buffer " *RTF*"))
(modified-p (buffer-modified-p)))
(sclang-convert-rtf-buffer tmp-buffer)
(toggle-read-only 0)
(insert-buffer-substring tmp-buffer))
(and (buffer-modified-p) (not modified-p) (set-buffer-modified-p nil))
(kill-buffer tmp-buffer))))))
(set (make-local-variable 'sclang-help-file) file)
(setq font-lock-defaults
(append font-lock-defaults
'((font-lock-fontify-region-function . sclang-help-mode-fontify-region))))
(set (make-local-variable 'beginning-of-defun-function) 'sclang-help-mode-beginning-of-defun)
(set (make-local-variable 'indent-line-function) 'sclang-help-mode-indent-line)
;; =====================================================================
;; help file access
;; =====================================================================
(defun sclang-skip-help-directory-p (path)
"Answer t if PATH should be skipped during help file indexing."
(let ((directory (file-name-nondirectory path)))
(cl-some (lambda (regexp) (string-match regexp directory))
'("^\.$" "^\.\.$" "^CVS$" "^\.svn$" "^_darcs$"))))
(defun sclang-filter-help-directories (list)
"Remove paths to be skipped from LIST of directories."
(cl-remove-if (lambda (x)
(or (not (file-directory-p x))
(sclang-skip-help-directory-p x)))
(defun sclang-directory-files-save (directory &optional full match nosort)
"Return a list of names of files in DIRECTORY, or nil on error."
(condition-case nil
(directory-files directory full match nosort)
(error nil)))
;; (defun sclang-extension-help-directories ()
;; "Build a list of help directories for extensions."
;; (cl-flet ((flatten (seq)
;; (if (null seq)
;; seq
;; (if (listp seq)
;; (reduce 'append (mapcar #'flatten seq))
;; (list seq)))))
;; (flatten
;; (mapcar
;; (lambda (dir)
;; (mapcar
;; (lambda (dir)
;; (remove-if-not
;; 'file-directory-p
;; (sclang-directory-files-save dir t "^[Hh][Ee][Ll][Pp]$" t)))
;; (sclang-filter-help-directories (sclang-directory-files-save dir t))))
;; sclang-extension-path))))
;; (defun sclang-help-directories ()
;; "Answer list of help directories to be indexed."
;; (append sclang-help-path (sclang-extension-help-directories)))
(defun sclang-help-directories ()
"Answer list of help directories to be indexed."
(append sclang-help-path sclang-extension-path))
(defun sclang-make-help-topic-alist (dirs result)
"Build a help topic alist from directories in DIRS, with initial RESULT."
(if dirs
(let* ((files (sclang-directory-files-save (car dirs) t))
(topics (remq nil (mapcar 'sclang-help-topic-name files)))
(new-dirs (sclang-filter-help-directories files)))
(append new-dirs (cdr dirs))
(append topics result)))
(sort result (lambda (a b) (string< (car a) (car b))))))
(defun sclang-index-help-topics ()
"Build an index of help topics searching in the various help file locations."
(setq sclang-help-topic-alist nil)
(let ((case-fold-search nil)
(max-specpdl-size 10000)
(max-lisp-eval-depth 10000))
(sclang-message "Indexing help topics ...")
(setq sclang-help-topic-alist
(sclang-make-help-topic-alist (sclang-help-directories) nil))
(sclang-message "Indexing help topics ... Done")))
(defun sclang-edit-html-help-file ()
"Edit the help file associated with the current buffer.
Switches w3m to edit mode (actually HTML mode)."
(defun sclang-edit-help-code ()
"Edit the help file to make code variations.
Switches to text mode with sclang-minor-mode."
;; (text-mode)
(rename-buffer "*SC_Help:CodeEdit*")
(defun sclang-edit-help-file ()
"Edit the help file associated with the current buffer.
Either visit file internally (.sc) or start external editor (.rtf)."
(if (and (boundp 'sclang-help-file) sclang-help-file)
(let ((file sclang-help-file))
(if (file-exists-p file)
(if (sclang-rtf-file-p file)
(start-process (sclang-make-buffer-name (format "HelpEditor:%s" file))
nil sclang-rtf-editor-program file)
(find-file file))
(if (sclang-html-file-p file)
;; (find-file file)
(sclang-message "Help file not found")))
(sclang-message "Buffer has no associated help file")))
(defun sclang-help-topic-at-point ()
"Answer the help topic at point, or nil if not found."
(with-syntax-table sclang-help-mode-syntax-table
(let (beg end)
(skip-syntax-backward "w_")
(setq beg (point))
(skip-syntax-forward "w_")
(setq end (point))
(goto-char beg)
(car (assoc (buffer-substring-no-properties beg end)
(defun sclang-goto-help-browser ()
"Switch to the *w3m* buffer to browse help files"
(let* ((buffer-name "*w3m*")
(buffer (get-buffer buffer-name)))
(if buffer
(switch-to-buffer buffer)
;; else
(let* ((buffer-name "*SC_Help:w3m*")
(buffer2 (get-buffer buffer-name)))
(if buffer2
(switch-to-buffer buffer2)
;; else
(sclang-find-help "Help")
(if buffer
(with-current-buffer buffer
(rename-buffer "*SC_Help:w3m*")
;;(setq buffer-read-only false)
; (if buffer
; )
(defun sclang-find-help (topic)
(let ((topic (or (and mark-active (buffer-substring-no-properties (region-beginning) (region-end)))
(completing-read (format "Help topic%s: " (if (sclang-get-help-file topic)
(format " (default %s)" topic) ""))
sclang-help-topic-alist nil t nil 'sclang-help-topic-history topic))))
(let ((file (sclang-get-help-file topic)))
(if file
(if (file-exists-p file)
(let* ((buffer-name (sclang-help-buffer-name topic))
(buffer (get-buffer buffer-name)))
(unless buffer
(if (sclang-html-file-p file)
(w3m-find-file file)
;; (sclang-goto-help-browser)
;; not a sclang-html file
(setq buffer (get-buffer-create buffer-name))
(with-current-buffer buffer
(insert-file-contents file)
(let ((sclang-current-help-file file)
(default-directory (file-name-directory file)))
(set-buffer-modified-p nil)))
(switch-to-buffer buffer))
(if (sclang-html-file-p file)
(sclang-message "Help file not found") nil)
(sclang-message "No help for \"%s\"" topic) nil)))
(defun sclang-open-help-gui ()
"Open SCDoc Help Browser"
(sclang-eval-string (sclang-format "Help.gui"))
(defvar sclang-scdoc-topics (make-hash-table :size 16385)
"List of all scdoc topics.")
(lambda (list-of-symbols)
(mapcar (lambda (arg)
(puthash arg nil sclang-scdoc-topics))
(defun sclang-find-help-in-gui (topic)
"Search for topic in SCDoc Help Browser"
(let ((topic (sclang-symbol-at-point)))
(completing-read (format "Help topic%s: " (if topic
(format " (default %s)" topic)
sclang-scdoc-topics nil nil nil 'sclang-help-topic-history topic)))
(if topic
(sclang-eval-string (sclang-format "HelpBrowser.openHelpFor(%o)" topic))
(sclang-eval-string (sclang-format "Help.gui"))
;; =====================================================================
;; module setup
;; =====================================================================
(add-hook 'sclang-library-startup-hook
(lambda ()
(sclang-perform-command 'helpSymbols)
(condition-case nil
(error nil))))
(add-hook 'sclang-library-shutdown-hook
(lambda ()
(clrhash sclang-scdoc-topics)))
(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.rtf$" . sclang-help-mode))
;; ========= ADDITION for HTML help files?? ============
;; (add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.html$" . sclang-help-mode))
;; (setq mm-text-html-renderer 'w3m)
;; (setq mm-inline-text-html-with-images t)
;; (setq mm-inline-text-html-with-w3m-keymap nil)
;; =====================================================
(sclang-fill-help-syntax-table sclang-help-mode-syntax-table)
(sclang-fill-help-mode-map sclang-help-mode-map)
(provide 'sclang-help)
;; EOF