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121 lines
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#lang scribble/manual
@(require (for-label racket))
Plot data in a graph@section{categories}
Common methods, GUI
The link::Overviews/Methods#plot#plot @section{method}
provides the ability to plot data in a GUI window. The method is implemented in the link::Classes/ArrayedCollection:: class but is also available for other classes for convenience, including link::Classes/Function::, link::Classes/Bus::, link::Classes/Env::, link::Classes/Buffer::, link::Classes/SoundFile::, link::Classes/Wave@section{table}
All arguments are optional.
The arguments available vary from object to object. The below list is only for explanation of possible arguments.::
The name to be used as the GUI window title.
A link::Classes/Rect:: providing coordinates for the GUI location.
Plots are line-plots by default. Set this to
@racketblock[true:: for bar charts.
The number of interleaved channels that an array represents. For Buffers this argument is not available, since it's filled in automatically.
Minimum value(s) for the display range. For a Buffer this defaults to
@racketblock[-1:: but can be changed.
Maximum value(s) for the display range. For a Buffer this defaults to
@racketblock[+1:: but can be changed.
When finding the right display range in multi channel plots, do this together for all or keep them separate.
By default the plot is placed in a new GUI window. This argument can be used to specify an existing GUI container to send the plot to.
By default labels appear at the top left of the plot giving a data readout based on mouse position. Set this argument to
@racketblock[false:: to prevent them appearing.
@racketblock[minval:: and/or ]
@racketblock[maxval:: are set to ]
@racketblock[nil:: (this is default, except for link::Classes/Buffer::s), they will be automatically calculated from the dataset minimum and/or maximum. For multi-channel data, ]
@racketblock[minval:: and ]
@racketblock[maxval:: may be arrays, specifying the range independently for each channel (including use of ]
@racketblock[nil::, in which case the min/max will be calculated for the specific channel rather than for the overall dataset).
Hitting the strong::E-key:: on the keyboard when the window is focussed toggles the lock, and the window can be used to edit the data.
See some of the classes linked above for more examples ::
// Arrays
[5, 6, 7, 6.5, 4.5, 3.5].plot("Some data")
[5, 6, 7, 6.5, 4.5, 3.5].plot("Some data, in stereo", numChannels:2)
[5, 6, 7, 6.5, 4.5, 3.5].plot("Some data, in stereo", numChannels:2, discrete: true)
{ |i| { |j| j + 1 * (i + 1) % 6 }.dup(100) }.dup(5).plot("Some 2-d data");
// 3-channel interlaced data
b = [{1.0.rand}.dup(50), { 20.0.rand - 30 }.dup(50),{ 10.0.rand }.dup(50)].lace(150);
b.plot(numChannels:3); // Common rescaling
b.plot(numChannels:3, separately: false);
b.plot(numChannels:3, minval: [nil, -100, nil], maxval: [nil, nil, 10]); // multichannel range parameters
// Envelopes
Env.adsr(0.4, 0.4, 0.8, 0.9).plot
// Buffers
b = Buffer.read(s, Platform.resourceDir +/+ "sounds/a11wlk01.wav");
b.plot; // +-1 range
b.plot(minval: nil, maxval: nil); // auto range
b.plot(minval: 0, maxval: nil); // semi-auto range
// UGen functions
{ LFDNoise3.ar(XLine.ar(1000, 100, 0.1) ! 3) }.plot(0.1);