29 lines
805 B
29 lines
805 B
#lang scribble/manual
@(require (for-label racket))
@title{(send-trig in id value)}
On receiving a trigger (0 to non-zero transition), send a trigger
message from the server back to all registered clients. Clients
register by sending a /notify message to the server.
input - the trigger
id - an integer that will be passed with the trigger message. This
is useful if you have more than one send-trig in a SynthDef
value - a UGen or float that will be polled at the time of trigger,
and its value passed with the trigger message
(let ((s (lf-noise0 kr 10)))
(audition (mrg2 (send-trig s 0 s)
(out 0 (mul (sin-osc ar (mul-add s 200 500) 0) 0.1)))))
(lambda (fd)
(async fd (notify 1))
(sleep 2.0)
(let ((r (wait fd "/tr")))
(async fd (notify 0))