53 lines
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53 lines
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#lang scribble/manual
@(require (for-label racket))
@title{(Packfft chain bufsize frombin tobin zeroothers magsphases)}
Pack separate demand-rate fft bin streams into an fft chain buffer
Takes a length-prefixed array of magnitudes and phases, and packs
them into an fft buffer ready for transforming back into
time-domain audio using Ifft.
Most people won't need to use this directly - instead, use
pvcollect, pvcalc, or pvcalc2.
The input data is magsphases, which should be a flat array
containing magnitude and phase of all bins in ascending order.
e.g. [mag0, phase0, mag1, phase1, mag2, phase2, ... magN, phaseN]
This input is typically demand-rate.
This is technically similar to demand or duty in that it calls
demand-rate UGens further up the graph to process the values,
eventually calling Unpackfft. These two ends of the process must in
most cases see the same chain...! Otherwise behaviour is undefined
and, who knows, possibly unpleasant.
frombin and tobin allow you to fill the supplied data only into a
subset of the fft bins (i.e. a single delimited frequency band),
set zeroothers to 1 to zero all the magnitudes outside this band
(otherwise they stay intact).
For usage examples, see Unpackfft, but also pvcollect, pvcalc,
Here's an unusual example which uses Packfft without using
Unpackfft first - essentially creating our fft data from scratch.
(lambda (fd)
(send fd (b-alloc 10 512 1))))
(let* ((n 100)
(n* (enum-from-to 1 n))
(m1 (map (lambda (_) (range (f-sin-osc kr (exp-rand 0.1 1) 0) 0 1)) n*))
(square (lambda (a) (* a a)))
(m2 (map mul m1 (map square (iota n 1.0 (- (/ 1.0 n))))))
(i (map (lambda (_) (lf-pulse kr (pow 2 (i-rand -3 5)) 0 0.3)) n*))
(m3 (map mul m2 i))
(p (replicate n 0.0))
(c1 (fft* 10 (f-sin-osc ar 440 0)))
(c2 (pack-fft c1 512 0 (- n 1) 1 (packfft-data m3 p)))
(s (ifft* c2)))
(audition (out 0 (mce2 s s))))