31 lines
876 B
31 lines
876 B
#lang scribble/manual
@(require (for-label racket))
@title{(latch in trig)}
Sample and hold. Holds input signal value when triggered.
in - input signal.
trig - trigger. The trigger can be any signal. A trigger happens when the
signal changes from non-positive to positive.
(out 0 (mul (blip ar (mul-add (latch (white-noise ar) (impulse ar 9 0))
400 500) 4)
The above is just meant as example. lf-noise0 is a faster way to
generate random steps :
(out 0 (mul (blip ar (mul-add (lf-noise0 kr 9) 400 500) 4) 0.2)))
(let* ((n0 (mul-add (lf-noise2 kr 8) 200 300))
(n1 (mul-add (lf-noise2 kr 3) 10 20))
(s (blip ar n0 n1))
(x (mouse-x kr 1000 (mul sample-rate 0.1) 1 0.1)))
(out 0 (latch s (impulse ar x 0)))))