
32 lines
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;; (degree-to-key bufnum in octave)
;; Convert signal to modal pitch
;; The input signal value is truncated to an integer value and used as
;; an index into an octave repeating table of note values. indices
;; wrap around the table and shift octaves as they do.
;; bufnum - index of the buffer which contains the steps for each
;; scale degree.
;; in - the input signal.
;; octave - the number of steps per octave in the scale.
(let* ((b 0)
(p (list 0 2 3.2 5 7 9 10))
(x (mouse-x kr 0 15 0 0.1))
(k (degree-to-key 0 x 12))
(c (lambda (n r)
(let* ((o (mul (sin-osc ar (midi-cps (add3 r k n)) 0) 0.1))
(t (lf-pulse ar (midi-cps (mce2 48 55)) 0.15 0.5))
(f (midi-cps (mul-add (sin-osc kr 0.1 0) 10 r)))
(d (mul (rlpf t f 0.1) 0.1))
(m (add o d)))
(add (comb-n m 0.31 0.31 2) m)))))
(lambda (fd)
(async fd (b-alloc 0 7 1))
(send fd (b-setn1 0 0 p))
(let ((n (mul (lf-noise1 kr (mce2 3 3.05)) 0.04)))
(play fd (out 0 (mul (add (c n 48) (c n 72)) 0.25)))))))