121 lines
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121 lines
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#lang scribble/manual
@(require (for-label racket))
Print the current output value of a UGen@section{related}
Classes/SendTrig, Classes/OSCFunc
Print the current output value of a UGen, useful for debugging SynthDefs.
Printing values from the Server in intensive for the CPU. Poll should be used for debugging purposes.::
categories, new, new1
ar, kr
a non-positive to positive transition telling Poll to return a value
the signal you want to poll
a string or symbol to be printed with the polled value
if greater then 0, a '/tr' message is sent back to the client (similar to SendTrig)
its in signal (and is therefore transparent).
checkInputs, init
{ Poll.kr(Impulse.kr(10), Line.kr(0, 1, 1), \test) }.play(s);
// multichannel expansion:
{ Poll.kr(Impulse.kr([10, 5]), Line.kr(0, [1, 5], [1, 2]), [\test, \test2]) }.play(s);
// using the poll message:
{ SinOsc.ar(375, 0, 1).poll(Impulse.ar(20), \test2) }.play(s);
// if no arguments are given, the poll is done every 0.1 sec.
{ Line.kr(0, 1, 1).poll }.play(s);
// send a '/tr' message back to the client. This can be useful if the server runs on another
// computer than the client, i.e. the post messages by the server cannot be read locally.
o = OSCFunc({arg msg; msg.postln;}, '/tr', s.addr);
{Poll.ar(Impulse.ar(5), Line.ar(0, 1, 1), \test2, 1234)}.play(s);
{SinOsc.ar(220, 0, 1).poll(Impulse.ar(15), "test", 1234)}.play(s);
// This example will kill the server (by outputting NaN).
// Poll.ar will help us spot why it's happening.
// Warning: You may need to reboot your server after running this.
var cutoff, son;
cutoff = LFPar.kr(0.2, 0, 500, 500);
son = LPF.ar(WhiteNoise.ar, cutoff);
// Using Poll to debug by spitting out a value if the output hits NaN
Poll.ar(if((son<=0)||(son>=0), 0, 1), cutoff, "Cutoff value which causes NaN:");
// This example polls when someone hits the trigger
x = {|t_poll=0|
var minfreq, maxfreq, son;
minfreq = LFNoise2.ar(0.25, 100, 110);
maxfreq = LFNoise2.ar(0.25, 200, 220);
son = Gendy1.ar(minfreq: minfreq, maxfreq: maxfreq, mul: 0.1);
Poll.kr(t_poll, [minfreq, maxfreq], ["minfreq", "maxfreq"]);
x.set(\t_poll, 1); // Hit this whenever you want to know what the parameters are