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class:: Pattern
summary:: abstract class that holds a list
related:: Classes/Stream, Classes/FilterPattern, Classes/ListPattern
categories:: Streams-Patterns-Events>Patterns
subsection::Patterns versus Streams
strong::Pattern:: is an abstract class that is the base for the Patterns library. These classes form a rich and concise score language for music. The series of help files entitled link::Tutorials/Streams-Patterns-Events1:: gives a detailed introduction. This attempts a briefer characterization.
A strong::Stream:: is an object that responds to code::next::, code::reset::, and code::embedInStream::. Streams represent sequences of values that are obtained one at a time by with message code::next::. A code::reset:: message will cause the stream to restart (many but not all streams actually repeat themselves.) If a stream runs out of values it returns code::nil:: in response to code::next::. The message code::embedInStream:: allows a stream definition to allow another stream to "take over control" of the stream.
All objects respond to code::next:: and code::reset::, most by returning themselves in response to next. Thus, the number 7 defines a Stream that produces an infinite sequence of 7's. Most objects respond to code::embedInStream:: with a singleton Stream that returns the object once.
A strong::Pattern:: is an object that responds to code::asStream:: and code::embedInStream::. A Pattern defines the behavior of a Stream and creates such streams in response to the messages code::asStream::.
The difference between a Pattern and a Stream is similar to the difference between a score and a performance of that score or a class and an instance of that class. All objects respond to this interface, most by returning themselves. So most objects are patterns that define streams that are an infinite sequence of the object and embed as singleton streams of that object returned once.
Patterns are defined in terms of other Patterns rather than in terms of specific values. This allows a Pattern of arbitrary complexity to be substituted for a single value anywhere within a Pattern definition. A comparison between a Stream definition and a Pattern will help illustrate the usefulness of Patterns.
subsection::example 1 - Pseq vs. Routine
The Pattern class strong::Pseq(array, repetitions):: defines a Pattern that will create a Stream that iterates an array. The class strong::Routine(func, stackSize):: defines a single Stream, the function that runs within that stream is defined to perform the array iteration.
Below a stream is created with link::Classes/Pseq:: and an code::asStream:: message and an identical stream is created directly using Routine.
// a Routine vs a Pattern
a = [-100, 00, 300, 400]; // the array to iterate
p = Pseq(a); // make the Pattern
q = p.asStream; // have the Pattern make a Stream
r = Routine({ a.do({ arg v; v.yield}) }) ; // make the Stream directly
5.do({ Post << Char.tab << r.next << " " << q.next << Char.nl; });
subsection::example 2 - Nesting patterns
In example 1, there is little difference between using link::Classes/Pseq:: and link::Classes/Routine::. But Pseq actually iterates its array as a collection of emphasis::patterns to be embedded::, allowing another Pseq to replace any of the values in the array. The Routine, on the other hand, needs to be completely redefined.
var routinesA;
a = [3, Pseq([-100, 00, 300, 400]), Pseq([-100, 00, 300, 400].reverse) ];
routinesA = [[3], [-100, 00, 300, 400], [-100, 00, 300, 400].reverse];
p = Pseq(a);
q = p.asStream;
r = Routine({
routinesA.do({ arg v;
v.do({ arg i; i.yield})
}) ;
10.do({ Post << Char.tab << r.next << " " << q.next << Char.nl; });
subsection::example 3 - Stream-embedInStream
The message code::embedInStream:: is what allows Patterns to do this kind of nesting. Most objects
(such as the number 3 below) respond to code::embedInStream:: by yielding themselves once and returning. Streams respond to embedInStream by iterating themselves to completion, effectively "taking over" the calling stream for that time.
A Routine can perform a pattern simply by replacing calls to code::yield:: with calls to code::embedInStream::.
a = [3, Pseq([-100, 00, 300, 400]), Pseq([-100, 00, 300, 400].reverse) ];
r = Routine({ a.do({ arg v; v.embedInStream}) }) ;
p = Pseq(a);
q = p.asStream;
10.do({ Post << Char.tab << r.next << " " << q.next << Char.nl; });
Of course, there is no concise way to emphasis::define:: this stream without using Pseq.
For reasons of efficiency, the implementation of code::embedInStream:: assumes that it is called from within a link::Classes/Routine::. Consequently, code::embedInStream:: should never be called from within the function that defines a link::Classes/FuncStream:: or a link::Classes/Pfunc:: (the pattern that creates FuncStreams).
subsection::Event Patterns
An link::Classes/Event:: is a link::Classes/Environment:: with a 'play' method. Typically, an Event consists of a collection of key/value pairs that determine what the play method actually does. The values may be any object including functions defined in terms of other named attributes. Changing those values can generate a succession of sounds sometimes called 'music'... The pattern link::Classes/Pbind:: connects specific patterns with specific names. Consult its help page for details.
subsection::Playing Event Patterns
The link::#-play:: method does not return the pattern itself. Instead, it returns the link::Classes/EventStreamPlayer:: object that actually runs the pattern. Control instructions -- stop, pause, resume, play, reset -- should be addressed to the EventStreamPlayer. (The same pattern can play many times simultaneously, using different EventStreamPlayers.)
p = Pbind(...);
p.stop; // does not stop because p is not the EventStreamPlayer that is actually playing
p = Pbind(...).play;
p.stop; // DOES stop because p is the EventStreamPlayer
subsection::Recording Event Patterns
Patterns may be recorded in realtime or non-realtime. See the method link::#-record:: for realtime recording.
For non-realtime recording see the link::Classes/Score:: helpfile, especially "creating Score from a pattern." It can be tricky, because NRT recording launches a new server instance. That server instance is not aware of buffers or other resources loaded into the realtime server you might have been using for tests. The pattern is responsible for (re)loading any resources (buffers, effects etc.). link::Classes/Pfset:: or link::Classes/Pproto:: may be useful.
Return a link::Classes/Stream:: from this pattern. One pattern can be used to produce any number of independent streams.
a = Pgeom(1, Pwhite(1.01, 1.2), inf);
b = a.asStream; c = a.asStream;
c.next; // c is independent from b
Given a link::Classes/Stream:: like e.g. link::Classes/Routine::, yield all values from this pattern before continuing. One pattern can be used to produce values for any number of independent streams.
The inval is passed into all substreams and can be used to control how they behave from the outside.
a = Pgeom(1, Pwhite(1.01, 1.2), 5);
r = Routine { 2.yield; 3.yield; a.embedInStream; 7.yield; };
r.nextN(12); // the next 12 values from r
The tempo clock that will run the pattern. If omitted, TempoClock.default is used.
The event prototype that will be fed into the pattern stream on each iteration. If omitted, event.default is used.
see the link::Classes/Quant:: helpfile.
Opens a disk file for recording and plays the pattern into it.
Disk location for the recorded file. If not given, a filename is generated for you and placed in the default recording directory: code::thisProcess.platform.recordingsDir::.
File format, default "AIFF" - see link::Classes/SoundFile:: for supported header and sample formats.
Sample format, default "float".
Number of channels to record, default 2.
How long to run the pattern before stopping. If nil (default), the pattern will run until it finishes on its own; then recording stops. Or, use cmd-period to stop the recording. If a number is given, the pattern will run for that many beats and then stop (using link::Classes/Pfindur::), ending the recording as well.
How many beats to allow after the last event before stopping the recording. Default = 0.2.
Which clock to use for play. Uses TempoClock.default if not otherwise specified.
Which event prototype to use for play. Falls back to Event.default if not otherwise specified.
Which server to play and record. Server.default if not otherwise specified.
Output bus to hear the pattern while recording, default = 0.
the number of out channels to play to the recorder. If larger than numChannels, outNumChannels will wrap .
Below are brief examples for most of the classes derived from Pattern. These examples all rely on the patterns assigned to the Interpreter variable p, q, and r in the first block of code.
SynthDef(\cfstring1, { arg i_out, freq = 360, gate = 1, pan, amp=0.1;
var out, eg, fc, osc, a, b, w;
fc = LinExp.kr(LFNoise1.kr(Rand(0.25, 0.4)), -1, 1, 500, 2000);
osc = Mix.fill(8, {LFSaw.ar(freq * [Rand(0.99, 1.01), Rand(0.99, 1.01)], 0, amp) }).distort * 0.2;
eg = EnvGen.kr(Env.asr(1, 1, 1), gate, doneAction: Done.freeSelf);
out = eg * RLPF.ar(osc, fc, 0.1);
#a, b = out;
Out.ar(i_out, Mix.ar(PanAz.ar(4, [a, b], [pan, pan+0.3])));
{ arg out=0, freq=440, sustain=0.05, pan;
var env;
env = EnvGen.kr(Env.perc(0.01, sustain, 0.3), doneAction: Done.freeSelf);
Out.ar(out, Pan2.ar(SinOsc.ar(freq, 0, env), pan))
p = Pbind(
[\degree, \dur], Pseq([[0, 0.1], [2, 0.1], [3, 0.1], [4, 0.1], [5, 0.8]], 1),
\amp, 0.05, \octave, 6, \instrument, \cfstring1, \mtranspose, 0);
q = Pbindf(p, \instrument, \default );
r = Pset(\freq, Pseq([500, 600, 700], 2), q);
subsection::EVENT PATTERNS - patterns that generate or require event streams
// Pbind( ArrayOfPatternPairs )
p = Pbind(
[\degree, \dur], Pseq([[0, 0.1], [2, 0.1], [3, 0.1], [4, 0.1], [5, 0.8]], 1),
\amp, 0.05, \octave, 6, \instrument, \cfstring1, \mtranspose, 0);
//Ppar(arrayOfPatterns, repeats) - play in parallel
Ppar([Pseq([p], 4), Pseq([Pbindf(q, \ctranspose, -24)], 5)]).play
//Ptpar(arrayOfTimePatternPairs, repeats) - play in parallel at different times
Ptpar([1, Pseq([p], 4), 0, Pseq([Pbindf(q, \ctranspose, -24)], 5)]).play
// Pbindf( pattern, ArrayOfNamePatternPairs )
q = Pbindf(p, \instrument, \default );
//Pfset(function, pattern)
// function constructs an event that is passed to the pattern.asStream
Pfset({ ~freq = Pseq([500, 600, 700], 2).asStream }, q).play;
//Pset(name, valPattern, pattern)
// set one field of the event on an event by event basis (Pmul, Padd are similar)
Pset(\freq, Pseq([500, 600, 700], 2), q).play;
//Psetp(name, valPattern, pattern)
// set once for each iteration of the pattern (Pmulp, Paddp are similar)
r = Pset(\freq, Pseq([500, 600, 700], 2), q);
Psetp(\legato, Pseq([0.01, 1.1], inf), r).play;
//Psetpre(name, valPattern, pattern)
// set before passing the event to the pattern (Pmulpre, Paddpre are similar)
r = Psetpre(\freq, Pseq([500, 600, 700], 2), q);
Psetp(\legato, Pseq([0.01, 1.1], inf), r).play;
//Pstretch(valPattern, pattern)
// stretches durations after
r = Psetpre(\freq, Pseq([500, 600, 700], 2), q);
Pstretch(Pn(Env([0.5, 2, 0.5], [10, 10])), Pn(r)).play;
Pset(\stretch, Pn(Env([0.5, 2, 0.5], [10, 10]) ), Pn(r)).play
//Pstretchp(valPattern, pattern)
// stretches durations after
r = Psetpre(\freq, Pseq([500, 600, 700], 2), q);
Pstretchp(Pn(Env([0.5, 2, 0.5], [10, 10])), r).play;
// Pfindur( duration, pattern ) - play pattern for duration
Pfindur(2, Pn(q, inf)).play;
// PfadeIn( pattern, fadeTime, holdTime, tolerance )
PfadeIn(Pn(q), 3, 0).play(quant: 0);
// PfadeOut( pattern, fadeTime, holdTime, tolerance )
PfadeOut(Pn(q), 3, 0).play(quant: 0);
// Psync( pattern, quantization, dur, tolerance )
// pattern is played for dur seconds (within tolerance), then a rest is played so the next pattern
Pbind(\dur, Pwhite(0.2, 0.5).round(0.2),
\db, Pseq([-10, -15, -15, -15, -15, -15, -30])
), 2, 3
//Plag(duration, pattern)
Ppar([Plag(1.2, Pn(p, 4)), Pn(Pbindf(q, \ctranspose, -24), 5)]).play
subsection::GENERAL PATTERNS that work with both event and value streams
//Ptrace(pattern, key, printStream) - print the contents of a pattern
r = Psetpre(\freq, Pseq([500, 600, 700], 2), q);
Ptrace(r, \freq).play;
{ var printStream;
printStream = CollStream.new;
Pseq([Ptrace(r, \freq, printStream), Pfunc({printStream.collection.dump; nil }) ]).play;
//Pseed(seed, pattern) - set the seed of the random number generator
// to force repetion of pseudo-random patterns
Pn(Pseed(44, Pbindf(q, \ctranspose, Pbrown(-3.0, 3.0, 10) ) ) ).play;
//Prout(function) - on exit, the function must return the last value returned by yield
// (otherwise, the pattern cannot be reliably manipulated by other patterns)
Prout({ arg inval;
inval = p.embedInStream(inval);
inval = Event.silent(4).yield;
inval = q.embedInStream(inval);
inval = r.embedInStream(inval);
//Pfunc(function) - the function should not have calls to embedInStream, use Prout instead.
Pn(Pbindf(q, \legato, Pfunc({ arg inval; if (inval.at(\degree)== 5) {4} {0.2}; })) ).play
// the following patterns control the sequencing and repetition of other patterns
//Pseq(arrayOfPatterns, repeats) - play as a sequence
Pseq([Pseq([p], 4), Pseq([Pbindf(q, \ctranspose, -24)], 5)]).play
//Pser(arrayOfPatterns, num) - play num patterns from the arrayOfPatterns
Pser([p, q, r], 5).play
//Place(arrayOfPatterns, repeats) - similar to Pseq
// but array elements that are themselves arrays are iterated
// embedding the first element on the first repetition, second on the second, etc
Place([[p, q, r], q, r], 5).play
// Pn( pattern, patternRepetitions ) - repeat the pattern n times
Pn(p, 2).play;
// Pfin( eventcount, pattern ) - play n events from the pattern
Pfin(12, Pn(p, inf)).play;
// Pstutter( eventRepetitions, pattern ) - repeat each event from the pattern n times
Pstutter(4, q).play
//Pwhile(function, pattern)
Pwhile({coin(0.5).postln;}, q).play
// Pswitch( patternList, selectPattern ) - when a pattern ends, switch according to select
Pswitch([p, q, r], Pwhite(0, 100)).play
// Pswitch1( patternList, selectPattern ) - on each event switch according to select
Pn(Pswitch1([p, q, r], Pwhite(0, 2))).play
// Prand( patternList, repeats ) - random selection from list
Prand([p, q, r], inf).play
// Pxrand( patternList, repeats ) - random selection from list without repeats
Pxrand([p, q, r], inf).play
// Pwrand( patternList, weights, repeats ) - weighted random selection from list
Pwrand([p, q, r], #[1, 3, 5].normalizeSum, inf).play
// Pwalk( patternList, stepPattern, directionPattern ) - walk through a list of patterns
Pwalk([p, q, r], 1, Pseq([-1, 1], inf)).play
// Pslide(list, repeats, length, step, start)
Pbind(\degree, Pslide(#[1, 2, 3, 4, 5], inf, 3, 1, 0), \dur, 0.2).play
// Pshuf( patternList, repeats ) - random selection from list
Pn(Pshuf([p, q, r, r, p])).play
// Ptuple(list, repeats)
Pbind(\degree, Ptuple([Pwhite(1, -6), Pbrown(8, 15, 2)]),
\dur, Pfunc({ arg ev; ev.at(\degree).last/80 round: 0.1}),
\db, Pfunc({ if (coin(0.8)) {-25} {-20} })
// the following patterns can alter the values returned by other patterns
//Pcollect(function, pattern)
Pcollect({ arg inval; inval.use({ ~freq = 1000.rand }); inval}, q).play
//Pselect(function, pattern)
Pselect({ arg inval; inval.at(\degree) != 0 }, q).play(quant: 0)
//Preject(function, pattern)
Preject({ arg inval; inval.at(\degree) != 0 }, q).play(quant: 0)
//Ppatmod(pattern, function, repeats) -
// function receives the current pattern as an argument and returns the next pattern to be played
Ppatmod(p, { arg oldPat; [p, q, r].choose }, inf).play
subsection::VALUE PATTERNS: these patterns define or act on streams of numbers
// Env as a pattern
Pbindf(Pn(q, inf), \ctranspose, Pn(Env.linen(3, 0, 0.3, 20), inf) ).play;
// Pwhite(lo, hi, length)
Pbindf(Pn(q, inf), \ctranspose, Pwhite(-3.0, 3.0) ).play;
// Pbrown(lo, hi, step, length)
Pbindf(Pn(q, inf), \ctranspose, Pbrown(-3.0, 3.0, 2) ).play;
// Pseries(start, step, length)
Pbindf(Pn(q, inf), \ctranspose, Pseries(0, 0.1, 10) ).play;
// Pgeom(start, step, length)
Pbindf(Pn(q, inf), \ctranspose, Pgeom(1, 1.2, 20) ).play;
// Pwrap(pattern, lo, hi)
Pbind(\note, Pwrap(Pwhite(0, 128), 10, 20).round(2), \dur, 0.05).play;
// PdegreeToKey(pattern, scale, stepsPerOctave)
// this reimplements part of pitchEvent (see Event)
Pbindf(Pn(q, inf), \note, PdegreeToKey(Pbrown(-8, 8, 2), [0, 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 11]) ).play;
// Prewrite(pattern, dict, levels) - see help page for details.
// (notice use of Env to define a chord progression of sorts...
Prewrite(0, ( 0: #[2, 0],
1: #[0, 0, 1],
2: #[1, 0, 1]
), 4
) + Pn(Env([4, 0, 1, 4, 3, 4], [6.4, 6.4, 6.4, 6.4, 6.4], 'step')),
\dur, 0.2).play
// PdurStutter( repetitionPattern, patternOfDurations ) -
Pbindf(Pn(q), \dur, PdurStutter(
Pseq(#[1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 15], inf),
Pseq(#[0.5], inf)
// Pstep2add( pat1, pat2 )
// Pstep3add( pat1, pat2, pat3 )
// PstepNadd(pat1, pat2, ...)
// PstepNfunc(function, patternArray )
// combine multiple patterns with depth first traversal
\octave, 4,
\degree, PstepNadd(
Pseq([1, 2, 3]),
Pseq([0, -2, [1, 3], -5]),
Pshuf([1, 0, 3, 0], 2)
\dur, PstepNadd(
Pseq([1, 0, 0, 1], 2),
Pshuf([1, 1, 2, 1], 2)
).loop * (1/8),
\legato, Pn(Pshuf([0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.5, 0.5, 1.6, 1.4], 4), inf),
\scale, #[0, 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8]