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#lang scribble/manual
@(require (for-label racket))
node proxy definition@section{categories}
Libraries>JITLib>NodeProxy, Live Coding
Classes/ProxySpace, Classes/Tdef
Reference to a proxy, forms an alternative to link::Classes/ProxySpace::. All methods are inherited from link::Classes/NodeProxy::.
Ndef(key) //returns the instance
Ndef(key, obj) //stores the object and returns the instance, like Tdef and Pdef.
Graphical editor overviewing all current Ndefs: link::Classes/NdefMixer::. A general overview: link::Overviews/JITLib::.
First Example
Ndef(\a).play; // play to hardware output.
Ndef(\a).fadeTime = 2; // fadeTime specifies crossfade
// set the source
Ndef(\a, { SinOsc.ar([350, 351.3], 0, 0.2) });
Ndef(\a, { Pulse.ar([350, 351.3] / 4, 0.4, 0.2) });
Ndef(\a, Pbind(\dur, 0.03, \freq, Pbrown(0, 1, 0.1, inf).linexp(0, 1, 200, 350)));
Ndef(\a, { Ringz.ar(Ndef.ar(\b), [350, 351.3] * 2, 0.4) });
Ndef(\b, { Impulse.ar([5, 7]/2, [0, 0.5], 0.15) });
Ndef.clear(3); // clear all after 3 seconds
Return a new node proxy and store it in a global ProxySpace under the key. If there is already an Ndef there, replace its object with the new one. The object can be any supported class, see link::Classes/NodeProxy#Supported sources:: help.
the name of the proxy (usually a symbol). If only the key is given and no object, it returns the proxy object:
Ndef(\x) // get the proxy
If key is an association, it is interpreted as strong::key -> server name::. (order changed in SC3.3 !). If no name is given, it uses the default server that was default when Ndef was first called. (to change it, see link::#*defaultServer::).
an object
Ndef(\x, { Dust.ar }); // returns the proxy and set the source object.
equivalent to
@racketblock[*new(key).ar(numChannels, offset):: (see link::Classes/BusPlug#ar::)
equivalent to
@racketblock[*new(key).kr(numChannels, offset):: (see link::Classes/BusPlug#kr::)
clear all proxies
set the default server (default:
Return the dictionary of all servers, pointing to proxyspaces with Ndefs for each.
Return the proxyspace for a given server.
Setting default parameters
Behind every Ndef there is one single instance of link::Classes/ProxySpace:: per server used (usually just the one for the default server). This ProxySpace keeps default values for the proxies that can be set. This can be done by:
// set default quant
Ndef(\x).proxyspace.quant = 1.0;
The other values that can be set in such a way are: ]
@racketblock[clock, fadeTime, quant, reshaping, awake::.
Ndef(\sound).fadeTime = 1;
Ndef(\sound, { SinOsc.ar([600, 635], 0, SinOsc.kr(2).max(0) * 0.2) });
Ndef(\sound, { SinOsc.ar([600, 635] * 3, 0, SinOsc.kr(2 * 3).max(0) * 0.2) });
Ndef(\sound, { SinOsc.ar([600, 635] * 2, 0, SinOsc.kr(2 * 3).max(0) * 0.2) });
Ndef(\sound, Pbind(\dur, 0.17, \freq, Pfunc({ rrand(300, 700) })) );
Ndef(\lfo, { LFNoise1.kr(3, 400, 800) });
Ndef(\sound).map(\freq, Ndef(\lfo));
Ndef(\sound, { arg freq; SinOsc.ar([600, 635] + freq, 0, SinOsc.kr(2 * 3).max(0) * 0.2) });
Ndef(\lfo, { LFNoise1.kr(300, 400, 800) });
Ndef.clear; //clear all Ndefs
using Ndef inside other Ndefs
Ndef(\lfo2, { LFNoise1.kr(LFNoise1.kr(0.1).exprange(1, 300) ! 2, 400, 800) });
Ndef(\sound, { Blip.ar(Ndef.kr(\lfo2), 30) * 0.2 }).play;
Ndef(\lfo2, { [MouseX.kr(10, 300, 1), MouseY.kr(10, 300, 1)] });
setting and mapping parameters
Ndef(\sound, { |freq = 56, numHarm = 10| Blip.ar(freq, numHarm, 30) * 0.2 }).play;
Ndef(\sound).set(\freq, 15);
Ndef(\sound).set(\freq, 15, \numHarm, 100);
Ndef(\lfo, { LFNoise2.kr(2).exprange(10, 200) });
Ndef(\sound).map(\numHarm, Ndef(\lfo));
Ndef(\sound).set(\numHarm, nil); // unmap.
Simple audio routing with the <<> operator
Ndef(\sound, {
\in1.ar([0, 0]) * \in2.ar([0, 0]),
\freq.kr(6000, 2),
) * 7
Ndef(\sound).fadeTime = 0.2; // avoid harsh clicks
Ndef(\a, { SinOsc.ar(MouseX.kr(300, 1000, 1) * [1, 1.2], \phase.ar([0, 0]) * 0.2) });
Ndef(\b, { LFDNoise3.ar(MouseY.kr(3, 1000, 1) * [1, 1.2]) });
Ndef(\c, { LFTri.ar(MouseY.kr(3, 10, 1) * [1, 1.2]).max(0) });
Ndef(\a).fadeTime = 0.2; // avoid harsh clicks again
Ndef(\sound) <<>.in1 Ndef(\a);
Ndef(\sound) <<>.in2 Ndef(\b);
Ndef(\sound) <<>.in2 Ndef(\c);
Ndef(\a) <<>.phase Ndef(\sound);
Ndef(\a) <<>.phase nil; // unmap
Ndef.clear(3); // fade out and clear all Ndefs
Embedding multi-channel Patterns, playing Streams in parallel
Controlling multi-channeled sequenced streams and having independent control over filtering and node ordering is a difficult topic in SuperCollider. However, using Ndefs (or their superclass link::Classes/NodeProxy:: or a link::Classes/ProxySpace::) may provide a convenient solution.
// a SynthDef, creating single-channel grain when instantiated
SynthDef(\grain, { |out=0, freq=300, amp=0.3|
OffsetOut.ar(out, Pulse.ar(freq) * EnvGen.kr(Env.perc, doneAction: Done.freeSelf) * amp)
// number of channels
~numChans = 5;
// values in a Pattern may be set in various ways
// here we use control buses, except for \dur which
// doesn't accept a control bus in parallel playing streams
// therefore we use PatternProxies
~durs = ~numChans.collect({ |i| PatternProxy(0.5 + (i/10)) });
// other parameters could as well be controlled in PatternProxies,
// yet, control buses are convenient either
~freqs = Bus.control(s, ~numChans);
~freqs.setn(Array.geom(~numChans, 300, 1.1));
~amps = Bus.control(s, ~numChans);
// the Pattern: a Ppar holding one Pbind for each channel,
// all wrapped in a Pdef
Ppar({ |i|
\instrument, \grain,
// we only set a single channel
\dur, ~durs[i],
\freq, ~freqs.subBus(i).asMap,
\amp, ~amps.subBus(i).asMap,
// the Pattern will play to a yet unknown private bus
// we only want to make sure the offset is right
\channelOffset, i,
// initialize an Ndef that will hold the Pdef as its source
// make sure the Ndef gets initialized to the right number of channels by calling 'mold'
Ndef(\ppar).mold(~numChans, \audio, \elastic);
Ndef(\ppar)[0] = Pdef(\ppar);
// mix the 5 channel audio coming from Ndef(\ppar) down to stereo
// Splay will spread the channels over the stereo panorama
// possibly use headphones to clearly identify the effect
Ndef(\stereo, { Splay.ar(\in.ar(0!~numChans)) });
// concatenate the Ndefs, so Ndef(\ppar)'s out will feed into Ndef(\stereo)'s in
Ndef(\stereo) <<> Ndef(\ppar);
// change durations
~durs.do({ |pp, i| pp.source = Pseq(Array.fib(5, i/10 + 0.1, i+1/5), inf) });
~durs.do({ |pp, i| pp.source = 0.5 + (i/10) });
~durs.do({ |pp| pp.source.postcs });
// frequencies
~freqs.setn(Array.geom(~numChans, 250, 1.6));
~freqs.setn(Array.geom(~numChans, 300, 1.1));
// add a filter Ndef
Ndef(\filter, {
SinOsc.ar({|i| 2 + i}!~numChans) + 1 * \multFreq.kr(Array.geom(~numChans, 400, 2))
}).mold(~numChans, \audio, \elastic);
// set a fadeTime for smooth transitions and add the filter to the chain
#[ppar, stereo, filter].do({ |k| Ndef(k).fadeTime_(3) });
Ndef(\stereo) <<> Ndef(\filter) <<> Ndef(\ppar);
// set filter param, considering fadeTime
Ndef(\filter).xset(\multFreq, Array.rand(~numChans, 20, 10000));
Making Copies
Because an Ndef is a unique instance for a given key, it can be copied only by supplying a new key.
See also: link::Classes/NodeProxy#-copy::.
Ndef(\x, { SinOsc.ar(Rand(500, 900)) * 0.1 }).play;
A valid new key, usually a link::Classes/Symbol::
Ndefs can be used recursively. A structure like the following works:
Ndef(\sound, { SinOsc.ar([600, 635], Ndef.ar(\sound), LFNoise1.kr(2).max(0) * 0.2) });
This is because there is a feedback delay (the server's strong::block size::), usually 64 samples, so that calculation can reiterate over its own outputs. For single sample feedback, see:
(Platform.resourceDir +/+ "examples/demonstrations/single_sample_feedback.scd").openDocument;
Using different servers
// create a new server
a = Server(\foo, NetAddr("", 57123)).boot.makeWindow;
Ndef(\sound, { SinOsc.ar([600, 635]) * SinOsc.kr(2).max(0) * 0.2 }).play; // play on default
Ndef(\sound -> \foo, { SinOsc.ar([700, 745]) * SinOsc.kr(2).max(0) * 0.2 }).play;// play on foo
// clear definitions
Ndef(\sound -> \foo).clear(3);
a.dump; // display settings of new server
a.quit; // terminate new server
// create a window for a given Ndef
Ndef(\sound, { |freq = 440, rate = 2|
SinOsc.ar(freq * [1, 1.625]) * SinOsc.kr(rate).max(0) * 0.2
// set lags for controls:
Ndef(\sound).lag(\freq, 0.2, \rate, 0.5);
// create a mixer for all Ndefs:
Using Associations
For a complete list, see link::Classes/NodeProxy::, and link::Reference/NodeProxy_roles::
// setsrc
\setsrc -> Pbind(\source,
{ LFTri.ar(280 * Line.kr(1.1, 0.4, rrand(2, 3)) + [0,1]) * 0.1 },
{ Pulse.ar(40 + [0,1]) * 0.1 },
{ LFTri.ar(LFTri.kr(1).round(1.0.rand) + 1 * 180 + [0,1], 0.04) * 0.3 },
], inf),
\dur, Prand([3, 2, 4], inf)