132 lines
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132 lines
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class:: DiskOut
summary:: Record to a soundfile to disk.
related:: Classes/RecordBuf, Classes/DiskIn
categories:: UGens>InOut, UGens>Buffer
Record to a soundfile to disk. Uses a link::Classes/Buffer::.
See link::Classes/RecordBuf:: for recording into a buffer in memory.
subsection:: Disk recording procedure
Recording to disk involves several steps, which should be taken in the right order. link::Classes/Server#-record:: performs these steps for you. To record arbitrary buses using DiskOut explicitly, make sure to do the following:
## Define a DiskOut link::Classes/SynthDef::, as shown in the example below.
## Allocate a link::Classes/Buffer:: for recording.
## The buffer size should be a power of two.
## A duration of at least one second is recommended: code::s.sampleRate.nextPowerOfTwo::.
## Do not allocate the buffer inside the SynthDef.
## Keep the buffer in a variable.
## Specify the file path and recording format using link::Classes/Buffer#-write::, with the teletype::leaveOpen:: flag set to code::true::. This is the only way to set the file path and recording format.
## Create a link::Classes/Synth:: node to run the DiskOut UGen.
## When recording is finished, stop the DiskOut synth.
## Close the buffer: code::b.close::. This step updates the recorded file's audio header. Without it, the file will be unusable.
## Free the buffer: code::b.free::.
These steps are illustrated in the Examples section. In general, only the "Object Style" approach is needed. ("Messaging Style" is provided as a historical reference, but it isn't needed for typical use.)
private:: categories
The number of the buffer to write to (prepared with /b-write or
Note:: The Buffer's numFrames must be a power of two and is recommended to be at least 65536 -- preferably 131072 or 262144. Smaller buffer sizes mean more frequent disk access, which can cause glitches. ::
The Array of channels to write to the file.
Note:: The number of channels in the buffer and the channelsArray must be the same, otherwise DiskOut will fail silently (and not write anything to your file). ::
returns:: The number of frames written to disk.
private:: checkInputs
s.boot; // start the server
// something to record
SynthDef("bubbles", {
var f, zout;
f = LFSaw.kr(0.4, 0, 24, LFSaw.kr([8,7.23], 0, 3, 80)).midicps; // glissando function
zout = CombN.ar(SinOsc.ar(f, 0, 0.04), 0.2, 0.2, 4); // echoing sine wave
Out.ar(0, zout);
// this will record to the disk
SynthDef("help-Diskout", {arg bufnum;
DiskOut.ar(bufnum, In.ar(0,2));
// this will play it back
SynthDef("help-Diskin-2chan", { arg bufnum = 0;
Out.ar(0, DiskIn.ar(2, bufnum));
subsection:: Object Style
// start something to record
x = Synth.new("bubbles");
// allocate a disk i/o buffer
b= Buffer.alloc(s, 65536, 2);
// create an output file for this buffer, leave it open
b.write("~/diskouttest.aiff".standardizePath, "aiff", "int16", 0, 0, true);
// create the diskout node; making sure it comes after the source
d = Synth.tail(nil, "help-Diskout", ["bufnum", b]);
// stop recording
// stop the bubbles
// close the buffer and the soundfile
// free the buffer
// play it back
x = Synth.basicNew("help-Diskin-2chan");
m = { arg buf; x.addToHeadMsg(nil, [\bufnum,buf])};
b = Buffer.cueSoundFile(s,"~/diskouttest.aiff".standardizePath, 0, 2, completionMessage: m);
x.free; b.close; b.free; // cleanup
subsection:: Messaging Style
// The same thing done in Messaging Style (less overhead but without the convenience of objects)
// This does nothing different from the Messaging Style example.
// If any of the following is confusing, stick to Object Style
// and ignore this part.
// start something to record
s.sendMsg("/s_new", "bubbles", 2003, 1, 1);
// allocate a disk i/o buffer
s.sendMsg("/b_alloc", 0, 65536, 2); // Buffer number is 0
// create an output file for this buffer, leave it open
s.sendMsg("/b_write", 0, "~/diskouttest.aiff".standardizePath, "aiff", "int16", 0, 0, 1);
// create the diskout node
s.sendMsg("/s_new", "help-Diskout", 2004, 3, 2003, "bufnum", 0);
s.sendMsg("/n_free", 2004); // stop recording
s.sendMsg("/n_free", 2003); // stop the bubbles
s.sendMsg("/b_close", 0); // close the file.
s.sendMsg("/b_free", 0);