34 lines
828 B
34 lines
828 B
#lang scribble/manual
@(require (for-label racket))
@title{(pow a b)}
Exponentiation, written ** in sclang. When the signal is negative
this function extends the usual definition of exponentiation and
returns neg(neg(a) ** b). This allows exponentiation of negative
signal values by noninteger exponents.
(out 0 (let ((a (mul (f-sin-osc ar 100 0) 0.1)))
(mce2 a (pow a 10)))))
(let* ((n0 (mul-add (lf-noise2 kr 8) 200 300))
(n1 (mul-add (lf-noise2 kr 3) 10 20))
(s (blip ar n0 n1))
(x (mouse-x kr 1000 (mul sample-rate 0.5) 1 0.1))
(y (mouse-y kr 1 24 1 0.1))
(d (latch s (impulse ar x 0)))
(b (u:round d (pow 0.5 y))))
(out 0 (mce2 d b))))