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<div class='contents'>
<div class='header'>
<div id='label'>SuperCollider CLASSES</div>
<div id='categories'><a href='./../Browse.html#Streams-Patterns-Events>Patterns>Parallel'>Streams-Patterns-Events>Patterns>Parallel</a></div>
<div id='summary'>dynamic control of multiple event streams from a Routine</div>
<div class='subheader'>
<div id='filename'>Source: <a href='file:///Applications/SuperCollider.app/Contents/Resources/SCClassLibrary/Common/Streams/Pspawner.sc'>/Applications/SuperCollider.app/Contents/Resources/SCClassLibrary/Common/Streams/Pspawner.sc</a></div><div id='superclasses'>Inherits from: <a href="../Classes/Prout.html">Prout</a> : <a href="../Classes/Pattern.html">Pattern</a> : <a href="../Classes/AbstractFunction.html">AbstractFunction</a> : <a href="../Classes/Object.html">Object</a></div>
<div id='related'>See also: <a href="./../Classes/Pspawn.html">Pspawn</a></div>
<div id='toc'>
<ul class='toc'><li class='toc1'><a href='#description'>Description</a></li>
<ul class='toc'></ul><li class='toc1'><a href='#classmethods'>Class methods</a></li>
<ul class='toc'><li class='toc3'><a href='#*new'>new</a> </li>
<li class='toc2'><a href='#Inherited%20class%20methods'>Inherited class methods</a></li>
</ul><li class='toc1'><a href='#instancemethods'>Instance methods</a></li>
<ul class='toc'><li class='toc2'><a href='#Inherited%20instance%20methods'>Inherited instance methods</a></li>
<li class='toc2'><a href='#Undocumented%20instance%20methods'>Undocumented instance methods</a></li>
<ul class='toc'><li class='toc3'><a href='#-asStream'>asStream</a> </li>
<li class='toc3'><a href='#-embedInStream'>embedInStream</a> </li>
</ul></ul><li class='toc1'><a href='#examples'>Examples</a></li>
<ul class='toc'></ul></ul></div><h2><a class='anchor' name='description'>Description</a></h2>
<p>Pspawner allows a routine to dynamically start and stop subpatterns.<h2><a class='anchor' name='classmethods'>Class Methods</a></h2>
<h3 class='cmethodname'><span class='methprefix'>*</span><a name='*new' href='./../Overviews/Methods.html#new'>new</a> (<span class='argstr'>routineFunc</span>)</h3>
<div class='supmethod'>From superclass: <a href='./../Classes/Prout.html'>Prout</a></div>
<div class='method'>
<table class='arguments'>
<tr><td class='argumentname'>function<td class='argumentdesc'>
<p>The function defines a <a href="./../Classes/Routine.html">Routine</a> that receives a <a href="./../Classes/Spawner.html">Spawner</a> as its sole argument. All control of subpatterns is through the spawner.
<p><a href="./../Classes/Spawner.html">Spawner</a> responds to the messages:<dl>
<dt>par<dd>Begin an event stream in parallel to the routine. If delta is non-zero, the pattern will begin that many beats after 'now', provided that now + delta is later than the next event that the Spawner will generate. The method returns the stream. This may be called from any object.<dt>seq<dd>Run the entire pattern and then return control to the routine.<dt>wait<dd>Wait <strong>dur</strong> seconds and then return control to the routine.<dt>suspend<dd>Find the stream in the Spawner and stop it, returns nil if the stream is not found, the stream otherwise.<dt>suspendAll<dd>Stop all substreams of the Spawner.</dl>
<div class='note'><span class='notelabel'>NOTE:</span> We should move the documentation of above methods to the <a href="./../Classes/Spawner.html">Spawner</a> helpfile...</div></table></div><h3><a class='anchor' name='Inherited%20class%20methods'>Inherited class methods</a></h3>
<div id='inheritedclassmets'></div><h2><a class='anchor' name='instancemethods'>Instance Methods</a></h2>
<h3><a class='anchor' name='Inherited%20instance%20methods'>Inherited instance methods</a></h3>
<div id='inheritedinstmets'></div><h3><a class='anchor' name='Undocumented%20instance%20methods'>Undocumented instance methods</a></h3>
<h3 class='imethodname'><span class='methprefix'>-</span><a name='-asStream' href='./../Overviews/Methods.html#asStream'>asStream</a> </h3>
<h3 class='imethodname'><span class='methprefix'>-</span><a name='-embedInStream' href='./../Overviews/Methods.html#embedInStream'>embedInStream</a> (<span class='argstr'>inevent</span>)</h3>
<h2><a class='anchor' name='examples'>Examples</a></h2>
<pre class='code prettyprint lang-sc'>// example 1: a simple Pspawner
Pspawner({ | sp |
// parallel in-c'ish pulses will run throughout the example
sp.par(Pbind(*[ degree: [0,7], octave: 7, dur: 0.2, db: Pseq([-20, -24, -22, -24], inf)]) );
// scales in sequence with pauses
Pbind(*[ degree: Pseq((0..7).mirror), dur: 0.2])
Pbind(*[ degree: Pseq((0..7).mirror), dur: 0.2, octave: 4]),
Pbind(*[ degree: Pseq((0..7).reverse.mirror), dur: 0.2])
Pbind(*[ degree: Pseq((0..7).mirror), dur: 0.2, mtranspose: (0,2..14)])
// scales overlaped at 0.4 second intervals
10.do {
Pbind(*[ degree: Pseq((0..7).mirror), dur: 0.2])
// example 2: create 6 streams at 4 second intervals
// then delete them in the order they were created
Pspawner({ | sp |
var streams, stream;
// start patterns, collect the resultant event streams
streams = [2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8].collect { | i |
stream = sp.par(Pbind(*[
harmonic: i,
ctranspose: [0, 1, 3]/40,
octave: Pbrown(2,8,2), dur: 1/i, db: -30
]) );
// now stop those streams one by one
streams.do { | s | sp.suspend(s); sp.wait(4) };
// example 3: define a Pspawner and use Pattern manipulations
p = Pspawner({ | sp |
var pat = Pbrown( -7, 7, 3);
sp.par(Pbind(*[octave: 5, degree: pat, dur: 1/4]) );
sp.par(Pbind(*[octave: 6, degree: pat, dur: 1/8]) );
sp.par(Pbind(*[octave: 7, degree: pat, dur: 1/6, db: -20]) );
sp.par(Pbind(*[octave: 4, degree: pat, dur: 1/4]) );
// play the basic patten
// manipulate basic pattern with Pchain
Pbind(*[mtranspose: Pkey(\mtranspose) + Pstutter(8, Prand([0,[0,3,-2],[0,2,4]], inf)) ] ), //make some notes into triads
Pbind(*[ctranspose: Pwhite(-0.1, 0.1)]), //add random detuning to notes
Pbind(*[\scale, Scale.minor]), //alter the scale
Pn(Pseq([p, (type:\rest, dur: 1.0)]) ), //repeat the pattern after a 1 second pause
db: Pstep(Pseq([-10, -13, -13, -11, -13, -13], inf), 0.1) - 10,
mtranspose: Pstep(Pwhite(-7,7), Prand([5,4,2],inf) ) //random modal transposition
).play(protoEvent: Event.default)
// example 4: altering the contents of the Pspawner from separate code
a = Pspawner({ |sp |
c = sp; // store the Spawner in a global variable
100.do{ sp.wait(1) }
( // c will not be valid until the Pspawner has run
b = c.par( // now start a pattern in spawner
Pbind(*[degree: Pseq((0..6) ++ (7..1), inf), dur: 0.2])
c.suspend(b) // we can suspend and resume the stream
b = c.par( // or just start up a new pattern
Pbind(*[degree: Pseq((0..6) ++ (7..1), inf), dur: 0.2])
// example 5: Spawner can be used directly in the manner of Pspawner.
// This allows external code to access to the spawner whether or not it has run
c = Spawner({ |sp |
100.do{ sp.wait(1) }
b = c.par( // now start a pattern in spawner
Pbind(*[degree: Pseq((0..6) ++ (7..1), inf), dur: 0.2])
c.play; // in this case, c is always valid
c.suspend(b) // we can suspend and resume the stream
b = c.par( // or just start up a new pattern
Pbind(*[degree: Pseq((0..6) ++ (7..1), inf), dur: 0.2])
Pspawner({ | sp |
(1..5).do { | i |
octave: i + 2,
degree: Pwhite(0,7), dur: 1/i, db: -30
]) );
<p><div class='doclink'>helpfile source: <a href='file:///Applications/SuperCollider.app/Contents/Resources/HelpSource/Classes/Pspawner.schelp'>/Applications/SuperCollider.app/Contents/Resources/HelpSource/Classes/Pspawner.schelp</a><br>link::Classes/Pspawner::<br>sc version: 3.8.0</div></div></body></html>