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#lang scribble/manual
@(require (for-label racket))
editor for a nodeproxy - replaced by NdefGui!@section{categories}
Libraries>JITLib>GUI, Live Coding
NodeProxyEditor has been rewritten and renamed link::Classes/NdefGui::, which has the same functionality, but is both more consistent and more flexible. There are some changes to the strong::*new:: method:
## instead of || *new(proxy, nSliders=16, parent, extras=[\CLR, \reset, \scope, \doc, \end, \fade], monitor, sinks, morph)
## NdefGui uses || *new(object, numItems = 0, parent, bounds, makeSkip, options)
strong::proxy:: is now strong::object::, strong::nSliders:: is now strong::numItems::, strong::parent:: is still strong::parent::. strong::bounds:: - can be
@racketblock[Rect(l, t, w, h):: or ]
@racketblock[width@heights::, strong::makeSkip:: - is an option to build without skipjack. strong::extras:: are now strong::options::, and have become more flexible.
Please see link::Classes/NdefGui:: for more details.
NodeProxyEditor provides controls for handling and editing a node proxy and its monitors (cross-platform graphics).
## sliders for numerical settings
## mapping of kr proxies to parameters
## optional controls for playing / monitoring
link::Classes/NodeProxy:: and link::Classes/Ndef:: implement an strong::edit:: message, which returns a link::Classes/NodeProxyEditor::. Overview: link::Overviews/JITLib::
Returns a new instance for a given proxy. If a window (win) or a composite view is given, it uses this.
// preparation
p = ProxySpace.push(s);
~test = { |freq=300, dens=20, amp=0.1, pan|
Pan2.ar(Ringz.ar(Dust.ar(dens, amp / (dens.max(1).sqrt)), freq, 0.2), pan)
// make a NodeProxyEditor
n = NodeProxyEditor();
// some configuration options
// number of sliders
n = NodeProxyEditor(~test, 6);
// the top line has a choice of elements:
\CLR button to clear proxy
\reset button to reset proxy nodemap
\scope button to scope proxy
\doc button to document proxy as code
\end button to end proxy
\fade EZNumber for setting fadetime
not in the default elements:
\rip button to open a new editor on the proxy (used in ProxyMixer)
\pausR a button to toggle pause/resume
\sendR a button to re-send; alt-click does Rebuild
\send just send
\rebuild just rebuild
\poll poll the proxy
// maybe provide later this?
\name -> { func }; // add your own element...
// The default buttons/controls are:
NodeProxyEditor(extras: nil, monitor: true, sinks: true);
// these are:
NodeProxyEditor(extras: [\CLR, \reset, \scope, \doc, \end, \fade], monitor: true, sinks: true);
// if no monitor line, you can add pausR and sendR buttons
NodeProxyEditor(extras: [\CLR, \reset, \pausR, \sendR, \scope], monitor: false, sinks: false);
// barebones
NodeProxyEditor(extras: [], monitor: false);
// not done yet - presets and morphing
NodeProxyEditor( morph: true);
// also works with Ndef
// place in existing window
w = Window("testing");
n = NodeProxyEditor(nSliders: 6, win: w);
// too many controls: an EZScroller helps.
~test = { |freq=300, dens=20, amp=0.1, pan, ping=12, tok=13, crak|
Pan2.ar(Ringz.ar(Dust.ar(dens, amp / (dens.max(1).sqrt)), freq, 0.2), pan)
Spec.add(\dens, [0.1, 100, \exp, 0.01, 10]);
// gets specs for slider ranges from global lookup in Spec.specs:
Spec.add(\dens, [0.1, 100, \exp, 0.01, 10]);
( // keys go away if not needed
~test = { |freq=300, dens=20, amp=0.1|
Pan2.ar(Ringz.ar(Dust.ar(dens, amp / (dens.max(1).sqrt)), freq, 0.2))
( // and are added in order if needed
~test = { |freq=300, intv=0, dens=20, amp=0.1, pan, pok, ting|
Dust.ar(dens ! 2, amp / (dens.max(1).sqrt)),
freq * [intv, intv.neg].midiratio, 0.2))
// changes in settings are shown:
~test.set(\freq, exprand(100.0, 2000.0));
// mapping kr proxies to controls is shown
~lfo = { LFNoise0.kr(8, 4) };
~test.map(\intv, ~lfo);
Spec.add(\intv, ControlSpec(0, 24, \lin, 0.01, 0)); n.fullUpdate;
// setting a param value unmaps a previous control source
~test.set(\freq, rrand(200, 500), \intv, rrand(-5.5, 5.5));
You can drag and drop proxies between NodeProxyEditors
// p = ProxySpace.push(s.boot);
l = NodeProxyEditor(nil, 3); l.w.bounds_(l.w.bounds.moveBy(0, 120));
m = NodeProxyEditor(nil, 3); m.w.bounds_(m.w.bounds.moveBy(0, 240));
n = NodeProxyEditor(nil, 3); n.w.bounds_(n.w.bounds.moveBy(0, 360));
o = NodeProxyEditor(nil, 3); o.w.bounds_(o.w.bounds.moveBy(0, 480));
Spec.add(\dens, [0.1, 300, \exp]);
// make 3 kinds of proxies: using tilde/proxyspace, Ndef, and unnamed.
~spacy = {|dens=5| Formlet.ar(Dust.ar(dens ! 2), LFDNoise0.kr(20 ! 2).lag(0.1).linexp(-1, 1, 300, 5000), 0.003, 0.03) };
Ndef(\ndeffy, { GrayNoise.ar( 0.1 ! 2) });
c = NodeProxy.audio.source_({ PinkNoise.ar(0.1 ! 2) });
// put one in each editor