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2022-08-24 13:53:18 +00:00
; a shorter variant, using some simple syntax, and a non-local buffer
(define seq (lambda (s l) (if (null? l) s (seq ((car l) s) (cdr l)))))
(define-syntax seq*
(syntax-rules ()
((_ i s f ...)
(seq i (list (lambda (s) f) ...)))))
; allocate and set non-local buffer=10
(lambda (fd)
(let ((a (list 97.999 195.998 523.251 466.164 195.998
233.082 87.307 391.995 87.307 261.626
195.998 77.782 233.082 195.998 97.999
(async fd (b_alloc 10 128 1))
(sendMessage fd (b_setn1 10 0 a)))))
;---- broken...
(let* ((b (ctl "buf" 0))
(rate (MouseX 1 5 1 0.1))
(clock (Impulse rate 0))
(env (Decay2 clock 0.002 2.5))
(index (Stepper clock 0 0 15 1 0))
(freq (BufRd 1 b Index 1 1))
(ffreq (Add (Lag2 freq 0.1) (Mce2 0 0.3)))
(lfo (SinOsc 0.2 (Mce4 0 (/ pi 2) 0.0024 0.0025)))
(rvb (lambda (s) (AllpassN s
(RandN 2 0 0.05)
(Rand 1.5 2.0))))
(init (Mix (LFPulse (Mul freq (Mce3 1 3/2 2)) 0 0.3))))
(Mul (RLPF s ffreq 0.3) env)
(Mul (RLPF s ffreq 0.3) env)
(Mul s 0.2)
(MulAdd (CombL s 1 (Fdiv 0.66 rate) 2) 0.8 s)
(Add s (Mul (seq s (replicate 5 rvb)) 0.3))
(LeakDC s 0.1)
(Add (DelayL s 0.1 lfo) s)
(OnePole s 0.9)))
; pattern randomizer
(lambda (fd)
(let ((p (map (lambda (e)
(s:midi-cps (+ 36 (s:degree-to-key e (list 0 3 5 7 10) 12))))
(map floor (replicateM 16 (lambda () (s:rand 0 15)))))))
(sendMessage fd (b_setn1 10 0 p)))))