2006-10-30 10:11:19 +01:00

374 lines
13 KiB

;; -*- mode: scheme -*-
;; a simple setup for testing ideas about visual programming
;; copyright (C) 2004 FoAM vzw
;; You are granted the rights to distribute and use this software
;; under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
;; published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of
;; the License, or (at your option] any later version. The LGPL is
;; distributed with this code (see: LICENCE) and available online
;; at http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html
;; authors
;; - nik gaffney <nik@fo.am>
;; requirements
;; - based on the MrEd environment for PLT scheme
;; - uses MrLib for graph display and editing
;; commentary
;; aims to provide a simple framework for testing VPL models, ideas
;; or techniques. this code is based around the implicit assumption
;; that a VPL will be a graph based representation which is mapable
;; to a sexp (or collection of sexps), so some things should be
;; reasonably common between different (although admittedly graph
;; based) VPLs, for example graph traversal, node placement and layout.
;; it is not intended to be complete, exhaustive, or stable.
;; changes
;; 2006-09-11
;; - scraped into coherence from various sources
;; 2006-09-14
;; - fixed tree-colouring and traversal
(module qfwfq mzscheme
(require "graph.scm" ;modified from (lib "graph.ss" "mrlib")
(lib "class.ss")
(lib "list.ss")
(lib "string.ss")
(lib "math.ss")
(lib "mred.ss" "mred")
(lib "contract.ss"))
(provide graph-pasteboard%
;; quik'n dirty debuggin'
(define (debug level fstring . fargs)
(let ([debugging #t] ; toggle #t/#f
[debug-level 1]) ; higher is more info
(if (and debugging (>= debug-level level))
(if (list? fargs)
(apply printf (cons fstring fargs))
(printf fstring fargs)))))
;;;;;;;;; ;; ;; ;;
;; graphs, graphing and graphics
;;;;;; ; ;;; ; ;;; ; ; ;
(define graph-pasteboard%
(class (graph-pasteboard-mixin pasteboard%)
(define/augment (on-delete snip)
;; remove from parent list of children
(for-each (lambda (child)
(send child remove-parent snip))
(send snip get-children))
;; remove from child list of parents
(for-each (lambda (parent)
(send parent remove-child snip))
(send snip get-parents)))
;; nodes can contain any valid expression, which is stored as text [for now]
;; able to be read by read-string. the field 'value' may contain a precomputed
;; value of the nodes subtree, and the 'dirty' flag indicates wheter the subtree
;; (ie. any of its children) have changed.
(define node-snip%
(class (graph-snip-mixin editor-snip%)
(init-field (value ()))
(init-field (dirty #f))
(inherit-field parent-links)
(define/public (set-value v)
(set! value v))
(define/public (besmirch)
(debug 2 "smirched: ~a ~%" this)
(set! dirty #t)
(map (lambda (x) (send x besmirch))
(send this get-children)))
(define/public (clean)
(set! dirty #f))
;; should be more coarse grained than 'on-event', but what?+
(define/override (on-char dc x y editorx editory event)
(if (eqv? (send event get-key-code) #\return)
(begin (send event set-key-code #\nul)
(set! dirty #t))
(super on-char dc x y editorx editory event))
(define/override (own-caret own-it?)
(if own-it?
(debug 3 "node: ~a got keybrd focus~%" this)
(if dirty
(begin (debug 3 "node: ~a lost keybrd focus~%" this)
(send this besmirch)
(send this clean))))
(super own-caret own-it?))
;; links
(define/public (get-parent-links) parent-links)
;; of suns, and of planets, and fields of wheat...
(define (make-node-snip)
(new node-snip%
(with-border? #t)
(left-margin 3)
(top-margin 3)
(right-margin 4)
(bottom-margin 2)
(left-inset 1)
(top-inset 1)
(right-inset 1)
(bottom-inset 1)))
;; .. edges?
;; would require modifying private methods in graph.
;; see -> draw-non-self-connection for example
;; maybe directly modify the list via get-parent-links
;; see -> (define-local-member-name get-parent-links)
;; an output snip will display or modify its contents when besmirched.. .
(define output-snip%
(class node-snip%
(define/override (besmirch)
(send (send this get-editor) erase)
(eval-tree this))
;; a recursive-snip can contain other node-snips
;(define recursive-snip-mixin
; (mixin () (graph-snip<%>)))
;(define recursive-snip%
; (class (recursive-snip-mixin editor-snip%)
; ;; details..
; (super-new)))
;; node/graph utils,.
(define (insert-nodes p . nodes)
(for-each (lambda (x) (send p insert x)) nodes))
;; insert non specific data into a node's text-field%
(define (set-node-text node data)
(send (send node get-editor)
insert (to-string data)))
;; get the text from a node
(define (get-node-text node)
(send (send node get-editor) get-text))
;; partial [e]valuation
(define (set-node-value node value)
(send node set-value value))
(define (get-node-value node)
(send node value))
;; convert given object to string
(define (to-string x)
(cond ((string? x) x)
((char? x) (list->string (list x)))
((number? x) (number->string x))
((symbol? x) (symbol->string x))
((list? x) (apply string-append (map to-string x)))
(else (error "don't know how to convert to string: " x))))
;; decor
;; brushes/ pens see -> 6.15 pen%
;; colours -> 6.7 color-database<%>
;; function links -> active/inactive
(define pen1 (send the-pen-list find-or-create-pen "Red" 1 'solid))
(define brush1 (send the-brush-list find-or-create-brush "orange" 'solid))
(define pen2 (send the-pen-list find-or-create-pen "DarkSeaGreen" 1 'solid))
(define brush2 (send the-brush-list find-or-create-brush "Gold" 'solid))
;; data links -> active/inactive
(define pen3 (send the-pen-list find-or-create-pen "orange" 1 'solid))
(define brush3 (send the-brush-list find-or-create-brush "yellow" 'solid))
(define pen4 (send the-pen-list find-or-create-pen "DarkSeaGreen" 1 'solid))
(define brush4 (send the-brush-list find-or-create-brush "Beige" 'solid))
;;;;;;;;; ; ; ;; ;
;; re-traversal
;;;;;;;;; ;; ;;
;; build a tree from a given list, starting from the node% parent,
;; drawing to the graph-pasteboard% pb .. .
(define (draw-parse-tree tree x y parent pb)
(if (list? tree)
(let ((size 5)
(root (car tree))
(node (make-node-snip)))
(debug 2 "root: ~a ~%" root)
(draw-parse-tree root x y parent pb)
;; function node
(send pb insert node)
(add-links node parent pen1 pen2 brush1 brush2)
(send (send node get-editor) insert (to-string root))
;; subtrees, or args
(lambda (child)
(if (list? child)
(draw-parse-tree child x y node pb)
(let ((sibling (make-node-snip)))
(send pb insert sibling)
(add-links sibling node pen3 pen4 brush3 brush4)
(send (send sibling get-editor) insert (to-string child)))))
(cdr tree))))))
;; tree colouring, using pens, brushes and wax.
;; where the given node is the root of the tree to be traversed
(define (colour-tree node pb)
(let ([parents (send node get-parents)])
(if (not (empty? parents))
(begin (debug 1 "tree-coloring: ~a ~%" node)
(colour-links node
(list pen1 pen2 brush1 brush2) ;; functions
(list pen3 pen4 brush3 brush4)) ;; elements
;; function node
;; - set pens and brushes...
;; subtrees, or args
(lambda (parent)
(colour-tree parent pb))
;; link colouring, of each link from a given node
;; *-colours are each a list of 4 pens & brushes
(define (colour-links node fcn-colours elt-colours)
(let* ([parents (send node get-parents)]
[links (send node get-parent-links)])
(let-values ([(fp1 fp2 fb1 fb2) (split-colours fcn-colours)]
[(ep1 ep2 eb1 eb2) (split-colours elt-colours)])
(debug 1 "link-coloring: ~a -> ~a ~%" node parents)
(if (not (empty? links))
(lambda (parent)
(if (empty? (send parent get-parents))
;; elements)
(let ([link (find-link node parent)])
(set-colours link ep1 ep2 eb1 eb2))
;; functions
(let ([link (find-link node parent)])
(set-colours link fp1 fp2 fb1 fb2))))
;; find a link from one node to another
(define (find-link n1 n2)
(let ([links (send n1 get-parent-links)]
[result #f])
(map (lambda (link)
(debug 2 "finding link: ~a -> ~a~%" n2 (link-snip link))
(if (equal? (link-snip link) n2)
(set! result link))) links) result))
;; relabel
;; note that this uses a global so is not threadsafe
(define *travail* 0)
(define (re-label! link)
(let ([label (link-label link)])
(set! *travail* (+ 1 *travail*))
(set-link-label! link (string-append (if label label "")
(format ".~a." *travail*)))))
;; multicolour
(define (set-colours link p1 p2 b1 b2)
(set-link-dark-pen! link p1)
(set-link-dark-brush! link b1)
(set-link-light-pen! link p2)
(set-link-light-brush! link b2))
;; return pens & brushes form a list as mulitple-values
(define (split-colours c)
(values (list-ref c 0)
(list-ref c 1)
(list-ref c 2)
(list-ref c 3)))
;; basic layout attmepts
;; traverse from a node, and s p r e a d
(define (wobble-tree node pb)
(let* ([parents (reverse (send node get-parents))]
[n (length parents)]
[x1 50]
[y1 30])
(debug 2 "~% node.~a " node)
(debug 2 "~% parents.~a " parents)
(send pb move node x1 y1)
(do ((i 0 (+ i 1)))
((= i n))
(debug 2 ".~a." i)
(let* ([parent (list-ref parents i)]
[nx (box 0)]
[ny (box 0)]
[loco (send pb get-snip-location node nx ny)])
(debug 2 ".[~a,~a]." (unbox nx) (unbox ny))
(send pb move-to parent
(+ (* i x1) (/ (unbox nx) n))
(+ y1 (unbox ny)))
(wobble-tree parent pb)))))
;; autoslonk
(define (shuffle-tree node pb x y)
(let ([parents (send node get-parents)]
[x1 200]
[y1 200])
(debug 2 "grinding: ~a ~%" parents)
(send pb move node (random x1) (random y1))
((= 1 (length parents))
(shuffle-tree (car parents) pb (random x1) (random y1)))
((< 1 (length parents))
(lambda (parent)
(shuffle-tree parent pb (random x1) (random y1)))
;; eval [sub]graph from a node. ..
;; absolutely no chekcing or error handling yet.
(define (eval-tree node)
(set-node-text node
(eval (tree->sexp (car (send node get-parents))))))
;; traverse a tree [or graph] to create a corresponding s-expresion
;; doesnt cope with cycles, nor muliple children (if a node has muliple
;; children, it is translated into separate expressions)
(define (tree->sexp node)
(let ([parents (send node get-parents)]
[data (get-node-text node)]
[out ()])
(if (not (null? parents))
(set! out (cons (read-from-string data)
(reverse (map tree->sexp parents))))
(set! out (read-from-string data)))
(debug 1 "tree->sexp: ~a ~%" out)
) ;; end of module