all at a single point. almost instantly, expanding into scratches, eddies and snipets of layout algorithms. gradually reshaping, drawn with puctiform convergence. what did those Z'zus have hidden in their cupboard?
141 lines
4.7 KiB
141 lines
4.7 KiB
;; -*- mode: scheme -*-
;; x a u e n e u a x - nqdataflow
;; copyright (C) 2004 FoAM vzw
;; You are granted the rights to distribute and use this software
;; under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
;; published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of
;; the License, or (at your option] any later version. The LGPL is
;; distributed with this code (see: LICENCE) and available online
;; at
;; authors
;; - nik gaffney <>
;; requirements
;; - uses qfwfq for layout and slipulation
;; commentary
;; a simple dataflow like visual wrapper to the underlying scheme,
;; using an evaluation model which is not quite dataflow, yet not
;; quite scheme -> nqdataflow
;; keyboard controls
;; C-n - adds new node, connected to a selected node
;; C-c - conencts 2 selected nodes
;; C-d - disconnects selected node
;; delete - deletes node
;; enter - evaluates current node
;; to do
;; - deal with evaluation order display
;; - check directions of node connection with 'C-c'
;; - multiple connections -> clarify
;; - deal with circularity
;; changes
;; 2006-09-11
;; - scraped into coherence from various sources
(require "qfwfq.scm")
(define xauen-pasteboard%
(class graph-pasteboard%
;; should probably figure out how keymaps work,.
(define/override (on-char event)
(temp-keymap event)
(super on-char event))
;; setup frame and windows..
(define f (new frame% [label " } x a u e n e u a x { "]))
(define mb (instantiate menu-bar% (f)))
(define edit-menu (instantiate menu% ("Edit" mb)))
(define font-menu (instantiate menu% ("Font" mb)))
(append-editor-operation-menu-items edit-menu)
(append-editor-font-menu-items font-menu)
(define p (new xauen-pasteboard%))
(define ec (new editor-canvas% (parent f)))
(send ec min-client-width 450)
(send ec min-client-height 450)
(send ec set-editor p)
(define dc (send ec get-dc))
;; text input callback - spit and polish
;; beware hardcoded node & pasteboard & lack of error checking
(define (parse-text-input tf event)
(if (eqv? (send event get-event-type) 'text-field-enter)
(let ([input (read-from-string (send tf get-value))]
[node n1]
[pasteboard p])
(draw-parse-tree input 1 1 node pasteboard)
(eval-tree node)
;(set-node-text node (eval input))
(wobble-tree n1 p))))
;; textmode input,. .
(define input (new text-field%
[label "inslkon >"] [parent f] [callback parse-text-input]
[init-value "(* 3 4 5 (* 7 (+ 1 1 1) 9))"]))
;; keyboard overloading..,
(define (temp-keymap event)
(let* ([target p] ;; should get dynamically pasteboard..,
[key (send event get-key-code)]
[selected-snip (send target find-next-selected-snip #f)]
[Gx (send event get-x)]
[Gy (send event get-y)])
(let-values ([(x y) (send target editor-location-to-dc-location Gx Gy)])
(debug 3 "key[de]maping->key: ~a ~%" key)
(debug 1 "selected-snip: ~a ~%" selected-snip)
(if (send event get-control-down)
(case key
[(#\n) ;; C-n fr 'new'
(debug 1 "add: ~a" key)
(let ([node (make-node-snip)])
(send target insert node)
(if selected-snip
(begin (add-links node selected-snip)
;; re.colour the tree, first [grand]child should do...
(colour-tree (car (send selected-snip get-children)) p)))
(send target move-to node x y)
[(#\c) ;; C-c fr 'connect'
(let ([next (send target find-next-selected-snip selected-snip)])
(debug 1 "next-snip: ~a ~%" next)
(add-links selected-snip next))]
[(#\d) ;; C-d fr 'disconnect'
(let ([next (send target find-next-selected-snip selected-snip)])
(send selected-snip remove-child next)
(send selected-snip remove-parent next)
(send next remove-parent selected-snip)
(send next remove-child selected-snip))]
[(#\z) ;; C-z re.colour
(colour-tree selected-snip p)]
[(#\x) ;; C-x re.lapse
(shadowpi-tree selected-snip p 0 0 120)]
[(#\=) ;; C-= zoom->out
(send p zoom 1.1)]
[(#\-) ;; C-- zoom->in
(send p zoom 0.9)]
;; basic nodewrenching
(define n1 (new output-snip%))
(send p insert n1)
(send p move-to n1 15 15)
;; test a recursive node
;; (define r1 (new recursive-snip%))
;; (send p insert r1)
;; (define n2 (new output-snip%))
;; (send r1 insert n1)
(send f show #t)