all at a single point. almost instantly, expanding into scratches, eddies and snipets of layout algorithms. gradually reshaping, drawn with puctiform convergence. what did those Z'zus have hidden in their cupboard?
1054 lines
48 KiB
1054 lines
48 KiB
;; -*- mode: scheme -*-
;; modified version of from mrlib as distributed with PLT Scheme v352
(module graph mzscheme
(require (lib "")
(lib "")
(lib "")
(lib "" "mred")
(lib ""))
(provide graph-snip<%>
(define graph-snip<%>
(interface ()
(define-local-member-name get-parent-links)
(provide/contract (add-links
((is-a?/c graph-snip<%>)
(is-a?/c graph-snip<%>)
. -> .
((is-a?/c graph-snip<%>)
(is-a?/c graph-snip<%>)
(or/c false/c (is-a?/c pen%))
(or/c false/c (is-a?/c pen%))
(or/c false/c (is-a?/c brush%))
(or/c false/c (is-a?/c brush%))
. -> .
((is-a?/c graph-snip<%>)
(is-a?/c graph-snip<%>)
(or/c false/c (is-a?/c pen%))
(or/c false/c (is-a?/c pen%))
(or/c false/c (is-a?/c brush%))
(or/c false/c (is-a?/c brush%))
(or/c false/c string?)
. -> .
((is-a?/c graph-snip<%>)
(is-a?/c graph-snip<%>)
(or/c false/c (is-a?/c pen%))
(or/c false/c (is-a?/c pen%))
(or/c false/c (is-a?/c brush%))
(or/c false/c (is-a?/c brush%))
. -> .
((is-a?/c graph-snip<%>)
(is-a?/c graph-snip<%>)
(or/c false/c (is-a?/c pen%))
(or/c false/c (is-a?/c pen%))
(or/c false/c (is-a?/c brush%))
(or/c false/c (is-a?/c brush%))
(or/c false/c string?)
. -> .
((is-a?/c graph-snip<%>)
(is-a?/c graph-snip<%>)
(or/c false/c (is-a?/c pen%))
(or/c false/c (is-a?/c pen%))
(or/c false/c (is-a?/c brush%))
(or/c false/c (is-a?/c brush%))
(or/c false/c (is-a?/c color%))
(or/c false/c (is-a?/c color%))
(or/c false/c string?)
. -> .
;; interface to #<struct:link> stuff
(provide (struct link (snip dark-pen light-pen dark-brush light-brush dark-text light-text dx dy label)))
(define self-offset 10)
;; (or-2v arg ...)
;; like `or', except each `arg' returns two values. The
;; truth value of each arg is #t if both args are #t and
;; #f otherwise
(define-syntax (or-2v stx)
(syntax-case stx ()
[(_ arg)
(syntax arg)]
[(_ arg args ...)
(let-values ([(one two) arg])
(if (and one two)
(values one two)
(or-2v args ...))))]))
(define snipclass (make-object snip-class%))
(define default-dark-pen (send the-pen-list find-or-create-pen "blue" 1 'solid))
(define default-light-pen (send the-pen-list find-or-create-pen "light blue" 1 'solid))
(define default-dark-brush (send the-brush-list find-or-create-brush "light blue" 'solid))
(define default-light-brush (send the-brush-list find-or-create-brush "white" 'solid))
(define default-dark-text (send the-color-database find-color "blue"))
(define default-light-text (send the-color-database find-color "light blue"))
;; label is boolean or string
(define-struct link (snip dark-pen light-pen dark-brush light-brush dark-text light-text dx dy label))
;; methods for #<struct:link> access
; (define (get-link-dark-pen link) (link-dark-pen link))
; (define (get-link-light-pen link) (link-light-pen link))
; (define (get-link-dark-brush link) (link-dark-brush link))
; (define (get-link-light-brush link) (link-light-brushn link))
;; add-links : (is-a?/c graph-snip<%>) (is-a?/c graph-snip<%>) -> void
;; : (is-a?/c graph-snip<%>) (is-a?/c graph-snip<%>) pen pen brush brush -> void
(define add-links
[(parent child) (add-links parent child #f #f #f #f)]
[(parent child dark-pen light-pen dark-brush light-brush)
(add-links parent child dark-pen light-pen dark-brush light-brush 0 0)]
[(parent child dark-pen light-pen dark-brush light-brush label)
(add-links parent child dark-pen light-pen dark-brush light-brush 0 0 label)]
[(parent child dark-pen light-pen dark-brush light-brush dx dy)
(add-links parent child dark-pen light-pen dark-brush light-brush dx dy #f)]
[(parent child dark-pen light-pen dark-brush light-brush dx dy label)
(add-links/text-colors parent child
dark-pen light-pen dark-brush light-brush
#f #f
dx dy
(define (add-links/text-colors parent child
dark-pen light-pen dark-brush light-brush
dark-text light-text
dx dy
(send parent add-child child)
(send child add-parent parent dark-pen light-pen dark-brush light-brush dark-text light-text dx dy label))
(define graph-snip-mixin
(mixin ((class->interface snip%)) (graph-snip<%>)
(field (children null))
(define/public (get-children) children)
(define/public (add-child child)
(unless (memq child children)
(set! children (cons child children))))
(define/public (remove-child child)
(when (memq child children)
(set! children (remq child children))))
(field (parent-links null))
(define/public (get-parent-links) parent-links)
(define/public (get-parents) (map link-snip parent-links))
(define/public add-parent
[(parent) (add-parent parent #f #f #f #f)]
[(parent dark-pen light-pen dark-brush light-brush)
(add-parent parent dark-pen light-pen dark-brush light-brush 0 0)]
[(parent dark-pen light-pen dark-brush light-brush dx dy)
(add-parent parent dark-pen light-pen dark-brush light-brush dx dy #f)]
[(parent dark-pen light-pen dark-brush light-brush dx dy)
(add-parent parent dark-pen light-pen dark-brush light-brush #f #f dx dy #f)]
[(parent dark-pen light-pen dark-brush light-brush dark-text light-text dx dy label)
(unless (memf (lambda (parent-link) (eq? (link-snip parent-link) parent)) parent-links)
(set! parent-links
(cons (make-link parent
(or dark-pen default-dark-pen)
(or light-pen default-light-pen)
(or dark-brush default-dark-brush)
(or light-brush default-light-brush)
(or dark-text default-dark-text)
(or light-text default-light-text)
(define/public (remove-parent parent)
(when (memf (lambda (parent-link) (eq? (link-snip parent-link) parent)) parent-links)
(set! parent-links
(lambda (parent parent-link) (eq? (link-snip parent-link) parent))))))
(define/public (has-self-loop?)
(memq this (get-children)))
(define/public (find-shortest-path other)
(define visited-ht (make-hash-table))
(define (first-view? n)
(hash-table-get visited-ht n (lambda ()
(hash-table-put! visited-ht n #f)
(let loop ((horizon (list (list this))))
[(null? horizon) #f]
[(assq other horizon) => (lambda (winner) winner)]
(let inner-loop ((paths horizon)
(acc '()))
[(null? paths) (loop (apply append acc))]
(let ((path (car paths)))
(cdr paths)
(map (lambda (child) (cons child path)) (filter first-view? (send (car path) get-children)))
(inherit set-snipclass)
(set-snipclass snipclass)))
(define graph-pasteboard<%>
(interface ()
(define-struct rect (left top right bottom))
(define graph-pasteboard-mixin
(mixin ((class->interface pasteboard%)) (graph-pasteboard<%>)
(inherit find-first-snip find-next-selected-snip)
(define arrowhead-angle-width (* 1/4 pi))
(define arrowhead-short-side 8)
(define arrowhead-long-side 12)
(define/public (set-arrowhead-params angle-width long-side short-side)
(set! arrowhead-angle-width angle-width)
(set! arrowhead-short-side short-side)
(set! arrowhead-long-side long-side))
(define/public (get-arrowhead-params)
(values arrowhead-angle-width
(inherit dc-location-to-editor-location get-canvas get-dc)
(field (currently-overs null))
(define/override (on-event evt)
[(send evt leaving?)
(change-currently-overs null (get-dc))
(super on-event evt)]
[(or (send evt entering?)
(send evt moving?))
(let ([ex (send evt get-x)]
[ey (send evt get-y)])
(let-values ([(x y) (dc-location-to-editor-location ex ey)])
(change-currently-overs (find-snips-under-mouse x y) (get-dc))))
(super on-event evt)]
(super on-event evt)]))
(define/augment (on-interactive-move evt)
#;(super on-interactive-move evt)
(define/augment (after-interactive-move evt)
#;(super on-interactive-move evt))
(define/override (interactive-adjust-move snip x y)
(let ([dc (get-dc)])
(when dc
(invalidate-to-children/parents snip dc)))
(super interactive-adjust-move snip x y))
(define/augment (after-insert snip before x y)
(let ([dc (get-dc)])
(when dc
(invalidate-to-children/parents snip dc)))
#;(super after-insert snip before x y))
;; invalidate-selected-snips : -> void
;; invalidates the region around the selected
;; snips and their parents and children
(define/private (invalidate-selected-snips)
(let ([dc (get-dc)])
(when dc
(let loop ([snip (find-next-selected-snip #f)])
(when snip
(invalidate-to-children/parents snip dc)
(loop (find-next-selected-snip snip)))))))
(define/private (add-to-rect from to rect)
(let-values ([(xf yf wf hf) (get-position from)]
[(xt yt wt ht) (get-position to)])
(if rect
(min xf xt (rect-left rect))
(min xf xt))
(if rect
(min yf yt (rect-top rect))
(min yf yt))
(if rect
(max (+ xf wf) (+ xt wt) (rect-right rect))
(max (+ xf wf) (+ xt wt)))
(if rect
(max (+ yf hf) (+ yt ht) (rect-bottom rect))
(max (+ yf hf) (+ yt ht))))))
;; find-snips-under-mouse : num num -> (listof graph-snip<%>)
(define/private (find-snips-under-mouse x y)
(let loop ([snip (find-first-snip)])
(let-values ([(sx sy sw sh) (get-position snip)])
(if (and (<= sx x (+ sx sw))
(<= sy y (+ sy sh))
(is-a? snip graph-snip<%>))
(cons snip (loop (send snip next)))
(loop (send snip next))))]
[else null])))
;; change-currently-overs : (listof snip) -> void
(define/private (change-currently-overs new-currently-overs dc)
(unless (set-equal new-currently-overs currently-overs)
(let ([old-currently-overs currently-overs])
(set! currently-overs new-currently-overs)
(on-mouse-over-snips currently-overs)
(lambda (old-currently-over)
(invalidate-to-children/parents old-currently-over dc))
(lambda (new-currently-over)
(invalidate-to-children/parents new-currently-over dc))
(define/public (on-mouse-over-snips snips)
;; set-equal : (listof snip) (listof snip) -> boolean
;; typically lists will be small (length 1),
;; so use andmap/memq rather than hash-tables
(define/private (set-equal los1 los2)
(and (andmap (lambda (s1) (memq s1 los2)) los1)
(andmap (lambda (s2) (memq s2 los1)) los2)
;; invalidate-to-children/parents : snip dc -> void
;; invalidates the region containing this snip and
;; all of its children and parents.
(inherit invalidate-bitmap-cache)
(define/private (invalidate-to-children/parents snip dc)
(when (is-a? snip graph-snip<%>)
(let* ([parents-and-children (append (get-all-parents snip)
(get-all-children snip))]
[rects (eliminate-redundancies (get-rectangles snip parents-and-children))]
[or/c (or/c-rects rects)]
[text-height (call-with-values
(λ () (send dc get-text-extent "Label" #f #f 0))
(λ (w h a s) h))]
(lambda (rect)
(invalidate-bitmap-cache (- (rect-left rect) text-height)
(- (rect-top rect) text-height)
(+ (- (rect-right rect)
(rect-left rect))
(+ (- (rect-bottom rect)
(rect-top rect))
[(< (rect-area or/c)
(apply + (map (lambda (x) (rect-area x)) rects)))
(invalidate-rect or/c)]
(for-each invalidate-rect rects)]))))
;; (listof rect) -> (listof rect)
(define/private (eliminate-redundancies rects)
(let loop ([rects rects]
[acc null])
[(null? rects) acc]
[else (let ([r (car rects)])
[(or (ormap (lambda (other-rect) (rect-included-in? r other-rect))
(cdr rects))
(ormap (lambda (other-rect) (rect-included-in? r other-rect))
(loop (cdr rects)
(loop (cdr rects)
(cons r acc))]))])))
;; rect-included-in? : rect rect -> boolean
(define/private (rect-included-in? r1 r2)
(and ((rect-left r1) . >= . (rect-left r2))
((rect-top r1) . >= . (rect-top r2))
((rect-right r1) . <= . (rect-right r2))
((rect-bottom r1) . <= . (rect-bottom r2))))
;; get-rectangles : snip (listof snip) -> rect
;; computes the rectangles that need to be invalidated for connecting
(define/private (get-rectangles main-snip c/p-snips)
(let ([main-snip-rect (snip->rect main-snip)])
(let loop ([c/p-snips c/p-snips])
[(null? c/p-snips) null]
(let* ([c/p (car c/p-snips)]
(if (eq? c/p main-snip)
(let-values ([(sx sy sw sh) (get-position c/p)]
[(_1 h _2 _3) (send (get-dc) get-text-extent "yX")])
(make-rect (- sx self-offset)
(+ (+ sx sw) self-offset)
(+ (+ sy sh) self-offset h)))
(or/c-rects (list main-snip-rect
(snip->rect c/p))))])
(cons rect (loop (cdr c/p-snips))))]))))
(define/private (snip->rect snip)
(let-values ([(sx sy sw sh) (get-position snip)])
(let* ([dc (get-dc)]
[h (if dc
(let-values ([(_1 h _2 _3) (send dc get-text-extent "yX")])
(make-rect sx
(+ sx sw)
(max (+ sy sh)
(+ sy (/ sh 2) (* 2
(sin (/ arrowhead-angle-width 2))
arrowhead-long-side) h))))))
(define/private (rect-area rect)
(* (- (rect-right rect)
(rect-left rect))
(- (rect-bottom rect)
(rect-top rect))))
(define/private (or/c-rects rects)
[(null? rects) (make-rect 0 0 0 0)]
(let loop ([rects (cdr rects)]
[l (rect-left (car rects))]
[t (rect-top (car rects))]
[r (rect-right (car rects))]
[b (rect-bottom (car rects))])
[(null? rects) (make-rect l t r b)]
(let ([rect (car rects)])
(loop (cdr rects)
(min l (rect-left rect))
(min t (rect-top rect))
(max r (rect-right rect))
(max b (rect-bottom rect))))]))]))
;; on-paint : ... -> void
;; see docs, same as super
;; draws all of the lines and then draws all of the arrow heads
(define/private (old-on-paint before? dc left top right bottom dx dy draw-caret)
(let ()
;; draw-connection : link snip boolean boolean -> void
;; sets the drawing context (pen and brush)
;; determines if the connection is between a snip and itself or two different snips
;; and calls draw-self-connection or draw-non-self-connection
(define (draw-connection from-link to dark-lines?)
(let ([from (link-snip from-link)])
(when (send from get-admin)
(let ([dx (+ dx (link-dx from-link))]
[dy (+ dy (link-dy from-link))])
[(eq? from to)
(set-pen/brush from-link dark-lines?)
(draw-self-connection dx dy (link-snip from-link))]
(draw-non-self-connection dx dy from-link dark-lines? to)])))))
(define (draw-self-connection dx dy snip)
(let*-values ([(sx sy sw sh) (get-position snip)]
[(s1x s1y) (values (+ sx sw) (+ sy (* sh 1/2)))]
[(s2x s2y) (values (+ sx sw self-offset) (+ sy (* 3/4 sh) (* 1/2 self-offset)))]
[(s3x s3y) (values (+ sx sw) (+ sy sh self-offset))]
[(b12x b12y) (values s2x s1y)]
[(b23x b23y) (values s2x s3y)]
[(s4x s4y) (values (- sx arrowhead-short-side)
(+ sy (* sh 1/2)))]
[(s5x s5y) (values (- sx arrowhead-short-side self-offset)
(+ sy (* 3/4 sh) (* 1/2 self-offset)))]
[(s6x s6y) (values (- sx arrowhead-short-side)
(+ sy sh self-offset))]
[(b45x b45y) (values s5x s4y)]
[(b56x b56y) (values s5x s6y)])
(update-polygon s4x s4y sx s4y)
(send dc draw-spline (+ dx s1x) (+ dy s1y) (+ dx b12x) (+ dy b12y) (+ dx s2x) (+ dy s2y))
(send dc draw-spline (+ dx s2x) (+ dy s2y) (+ dx b23x) (+ dy b23y) (+ dx s3x) (+ dy s3y))
(send dc draw-line (+ dx s3x) (+ dy s3y) (+ dx s6x) (+ dy s6y))
(send dc draw-spline (+ dx s4x) (+ dy s4y) (+ dx b45x) (+ dy b45y) (+ dx s5x) (+ dy s5y))
(send dc draw-spline (+ dx s5x) (+ dy s5y) (+ dx b56x) (+ dy b56y) (+ dx s6x) (+ dy s6y))
(send dc draw-polygon points dx dy)))
(define (draw-non-self-connection dx dy from-link dark-lines? to)
(let ([from (link-snip from-link)])
(let*-values ([(xf yf wf hf) (get-position from)]
[(xt yt wt ht) (get-position to)]
[(lf tf rf bf) (values xf yf (+ xf wf) (+ yf hf))]
[(lt tt rt bt) (values xt yt (+ xt wt) (+ yt ht))])
(let ([x1 (+ xf (/ wf 2))]
[y1 (+ yf (/ hf 2))]
[x2 (+ xt (/ wt 2))]
[y2 (+ yt (/ ht 2))])
(unless (or (and (x1 . <= . left)
(x2 . <= . left))
(and (x1 . >= . right)
(x2 . >= . right))
(and (y1 . <= . top)
(y2 . <= . top))
(and (y1 . >= . bottom)
(y2 . >= . bottom)))
(set-pen/brush from-link dark-lines?)
(let-values ([(from-x from-y)
(or-2v (find-intersection x1 y1 x2 y2
lf tf rf tf)
(find-intersection x1 y1 x2 y2
lf bf rf bf)
(find-intersection x1 y1 x2 y2
lf tf lf bf)
(find-intersection x1 y1 x2 y2
rf tf rf bf))]
[(to-x to-y)
(or-2v (find-intersection x1 y1 x2 y2
lt tt rt tt)
(find-intersection x1 y1 x2 y2
lt bt rt bt)
(find-intersection x1 y1 x2 y2
lt tt lt bt)
(find-intersection x1 y1 x2 y2
rt tt rt bt))])
(when (and from-x from-y to-x to-y)
(let ()
(define (arrow-point-ok? point-x point-y)
(and (in-rectangle? point-x point-y
(min lt rt lf rf) (min tt bt tf bf)
(max lt rt lf rf) (max tt bt tf bf))
(not (strict-in-rectangle? point-x point-y
(min lt rt) (min tt bt)
(max lt rt) (max tt bt)))
(not (strict-in-rectangle? point-x point-y
(min lf rf) (min tf bf)
(max lf rf) (max tf bf)))))
[(or (in-rectangle? from-x from-y lt tt rt bt)
(in-rectangle? to-x to-y lf tf rf bf))
;; the snips overlap, draw nothing
(send dc draw-line
(+ dx from-x) (+ dy from-y)
(+ dx to-x) (+ dy to-y))
(update-polygon from-x from-y to-x to-y)
(when (and (arrow-point-ok? (send point1 get-x) (send point1 get-y))
(arrow-point-ok? (send point2 get-x) (send point2 get-y))
(arrow-point-ok? (send point3 get-x) (send point3 get-y))
(arrow-point-ok? (send point4 get-x) (send point4 get-y)))
;; the arrowhead is not overlapping the snips, so draw it
;; (this is only an approximate test, but probably good enough)
(send dc draw-polygon points dx dy))])))))))))
(define (set-pen/brush from-link dark-lines?)
(send dc set-brush
(if dark-lines?
(link-dark-brush from-link)
(link-light-brush from-link)))
(send dc set-pen
(if dark-lines?
(link-dark-pen from-link)
(link-light-pen from-link))))
;;; body of on-paint
(when before?
(let ([old-pen (send dc get-pen)]
[old-brush (send dc get-brush)]
[os (send dc get-smoothing)])
(send dc set-smoothing 'aligned)
(let loop ([snip (find-first-snip)])
(when snip
(when (and (send snip get-admin)
(is-a? snip graph-snip<%>))
(for-each (lambda (parent-link)
(draw-connection parent-link snip #f))
(send snip get-parent-links)))
(loop (send snip next))))
(lambda (currently-over)
(lambda (child)
(let ([parent-link-f
(memf (lambda (parent-link) (eq? currently-over (link-snip parent-link)))
(send child get-parent-links))])
(when parent-link-f
(draw-connection (car parent-link-f) child #t))))
(send currently-over get-children))
(lambda (parent-link)
(draw-connection parent-link currently-over #t))
(send currently-over get-parent-links)))
(send dc set-smoothing os)
(send dc set-pen old-pen)
(send dc set-brush old-brush)))
(super on-paint before? dc left top right bottom dx dy draw-caret)))
(define/override (on-paint before? dc left top right bottom dx dy draw-caret)
(let ()
;; draw-connection : link snip boolean boolean -> void
;; sets the drawing context (pen and brush)
;; determines if the connection is between a snip and itself or two different snips
;; and calls draw-self-connection or draw-non-self-connection
(define splines? #f) ;; [en,dis]able spline drawing betwen nodes
(define (draw-connection from-link to dark-lines?)
(let ([from (link-snip from-link)])
(when (send from get-admin)
(let ([dx (+ dx (link-dx from-link))]
[dy (+ dy (link-dy from-link))])
[(eq? from to)
(set-pen/brush from-link dark-lines?)
(draw-self-connection dx dy (link-snip from-link) from-link dark-lines?)]
(draw-non-self-connection dx dy from-link dark-lines? to)])))))
(define (get-text-length txt)
(let-values ([(text-len h d v) (send dc get-text-extent txt)])
(define (draw-self-connection dx dy snip the-link dark-lines?)
(let*-values ([(sx sy sw sh) (get-position snip)]
[(s1x s1y) (values (+ sx sw) (+ sy (* sh 1/2)))]
[(s2x s2y) (values (+ sx sw self-offset) (+ sy (* 3/4 sh) (* 1/2 self-offset)))]
[(s3x s3y) (values (+ sx sw) (+ sy sh self-offset))]
[(b12x b12y) (values s2x s1y)]
[(b23x b23y) (values s2x s3y)]
[(s4x s4y) (values (- sx arrowhead-short-side)
(+ sy (* sh 1/2)))]
[(s5x s5y) (values (- sx arrowhead-short-side self-offset)
(+ sy (* 3/4 sh) (* 1/2 self-offset)))]
[(s6x s6y) (values (- sx arrowhead-short-side)
(+ sy sh self-offset))]
[(b45x b45y) (values s5x s4y)]
[(b56x b56y) (values s5x s6y)])
(update-polygon s4x s4y sx s4y)
(send dc draw-spline (+ dx s1x) (+ dy s1y) (+ dx b12x) (+ dy b12y) (+ dx s2x) (+ dy s2y))
(send dc draw-spline (+ dx s2x) (+ dy s2y) (+ dx b23x) (+ dy b23y) (+ dx s3x) (+ dy s3y))
(send dc draw-line (+ dx s3x) (+ dy s3y) (+ dx s6x) (+ dy s6y))
(let* ((textlen (get-text-length (link-label the-link)))
(linelen (- s6x s3x))
(offset (* 1/2 (- linelen textlen))))
(when #t (> sw textlen)
(send dc draw-text
(link-label the-link)
(+ dx s3x offset)
(+ dy s3y)
(send dc draw-spline (+ dx s4x) (+ dy s4y) (+ dx b45x) (+ dy b45y) (+ dx s5x) (+ dy s5y))
(send dc draw-spline (+ dx s5x) (+ dy s5y) (+ dx b56x) (+ dy b56y) (+ dx s6x) (+ dy s6y))
(send dc draw-polygon points dx dy)))
(define (draw-non-self-connection dx dy from-link dark-lines? to)
(let ([from (link-snip from-link)])
(let*-values ([(xf yf wf hf) (get-position from)]
[(xt yt wt ht) (get-position to)]
[(lf tf rf bf) (values xf yf (+ xf wf) (+ yf hf))]
[(lt tt rt bt) (values xt yt (+ xt wt) (+ yt ht))])
(let ([x1 (+ xf (/ wf 2))]
[y1 (+ yf (/ hf 2))]
[x2 (+ xt (/ wt 2))]
[y2 (+ yt (/ ht 2))])
(set-pen/brush from-link dark-lines?)
(let-values ([(from-x from-y)
(or-2v (find-intersection x1 y1 x2 y2
lf tf rf tf)
(find-intersection x1 y1 x2 y2
lf bf rf bf)
(find-intersection x1 y1 x2 y2
lf tf lf bf)
(find-intersection x1 y1 x2 y2
rf tf rf bf))]
[(to-x to-y)
(or-2v (find-intersection x1 y1 x2 y2
lt tt rt tt)
(find-intersection x1 y1 x2 y2
lt bt rt bt)
(find-intersection x1 y1 x2 y2
lt tt lt bt)
(find-intersection x1 y1 x2 y2
rt tt rt bt))])
(when (and from-x from-y to-x to-y)
(let ((from-pt (make-rectangular from-x from-y))
(to-pt (make-rectangular to-x to-y)))
(define (arrow-point-ok? point-x point-y)
(and (in-rectangle? point-x point-y
(min lt rt lf rf) (min tt bt tf bf)
(max lt rt lf rf) (max tt bt tf bf))
(not (strict-in-rectangle? point-x point-y
(min lt rt) (min tt bt)
(max lt rt) (max tt bt)))
(not (strict-in-rectangle? point-x point-y
(min lf rf) (min tf bf)
(max lf rf) (max tf bf)))))
[(or (in-rectangle? from-x from-y lt tt rt bt)
(in-rectangle? to-x to-y lf tf rf bf))
;; the snips overlap, draw nothing
(if splines?
(send dc draw-spline ;; modified link drawing
(+ dx from-x) (+ dy from-y)
(+ dx from-x) (+ dy to-y)
(+ dx to-x) (+ dy to-y))
(send dc draw-line
(+ dx from-x) (+ dy from-y)
(+ dx to-x) (+ dy to-y)))
(update-polygon from-x from-y to-x to-y)
(when (and (arrow-point-ok? (send point1 get-x) (send point1 get-y))
(arrow-point-ok? (send point2 get-x) (send point2 get-y))
(arrow-point-ok? (send point3 get-x) (send point3 get-y))
(arrow-point-ok? (send point4 get-x) (send point4 get-y)))
;; the arrowhead is not overlapping the snips, so draw it
;; (this is only an approximate test, but probably good enough)
(send dc draw-polygon points dx dy))
(when (named-link? from-link)
(let*-values ([(text-len h d v) (send dc get-text-extent (link-label from-link))]
[(x) (/ (+ from-x to-x) 2)]
[(y) (/ (+ from-y to-y) 2)]
[(theta) (- (angle (- to-pt from-pt)))]
[(flip?) #f #;(negative? (- to-x from-x))]
(if flip?
(+ theta pi)
(- x (* h (cos (if flip? (+ (- theta) pi) (- theta)))))]
(- y (* h (sin (if flip? (+ (- theta) pi) (- theta)))))]
[(sqr) (λ (x) (* x x))])
(when (> (sqrt (+ (sqr (- to-x from-x)) (sqr (- to-y from-y)))) text-len)
(send dc draw-text (link-label from-link)
(+ dx x)
(+ dy y)
(define (named-link? l) (link-label l))
(define (set-pen/brush from-link dark-lines?)
(send dc set-brush
(if dark-lines?
(link-dark-brush from-link)
(link-light-brush from-link)))
(send dc set-pen
(if dark-lines?
(link-dark-pen from-link)
(link-light-pen from-link)))
(send dc set-text-foreground
(if dark-lines?
(link-dark-text from-link)
(link-light-text from-link))))
;;; body of on-paint
(when before?
(let ([old-pen (send dc get-pen)]
[old-brush (send dc get-brush)]
[old-fg (send dc get-text-foreground)]
[os (send dc get-smoothing)])
(send dc set-smoothing 'aligned)
(let ([pairs '()])
left top right bottom
(lambda (from-link to)
(let ([from (link-snip from-link)])
[(or (memq from currently-overs)
(memq to currently-overs))
(set! pairs (cons (cons from-link to) pairs))]
(draw-connection from-link to #f)]))))
(for-each (lambda (pr)
(draw-connection (car pr) (cdr pr) #t))
(send dc set-smoothing os)
(send dc set-pen old-pen)
(send dc set-text-foreground old-fg)
(send dc set-brush old-brush)))
(super on-paint before? dc left top right bottom dx dy draw-caret)))
;; for-each-to-redraw : number number number number (link snip -> void)
(define/private (for-each-to-redraw left top right bottom f)
(let ()
;; draw-connection : link snip boolean boolean -> void
;; sets the drawing context (pen and brush)
;; determines if the connection is between a snip and itself or two different snips
;; and calls draw-self-connection or draw-non-self-connection
(define (maybe-call-f from-link to)
(let ([from (link-snip from-link)])
(when (send from get-admin)
[(eq? from to)
(f from-link to)]
(let*-values ([(xf yf wf hf) (get-position from)]
[(xt yt wt ht) (get-position to)]
[(lf tf rf bf) (values xf yf (+ xf wf) (+ yf hf))]
[(lt tt rt bt) (values xt yt (+ xt wt) (+ yt ht))])
(let ([x1 (+ xf (/ wf 2))]
[y1 (+ yf (/ hf 2))]
[x2 (+ xt (/ wt 2))]
[y2 (+ yt (/ ht 2))])
(unless (or (and (x1 . <= . left)
(x2 . <= . left))
(and (x1 . >= . right)
(x2 . >= . right))
(and (y1 . <= . top)
(y2 . <= . top))
(and (y1 . >= . bottom)
(y2 . >= . bottom)))
(f from-link to))))]))))
(let loop ([snip (find-first-snip)])
(when snip
(when (and (send snip get-admin)
(is-a? snip graph-snip<%>))
(for-each (lambda (parent-link) (maybe-call-f parent-link snip))
(send snip get-parent-links)))
(loop (send snip next))))))
[point1 (make-object point% 0 0)]
[point2 (make-object point% 0 0)]
[point3 (make-object point% 0 0)]
[point4 (make-object point% 0 0)]
[points (list point1 point2 point3 point4)])
;; update-polygon : number^4 -> void
;; updates points1, 2, and 3 with the arrow head's
;; points. Use a turtle-like movement to find the points.
;; point3 is the point where the line should end.
(define/private (update-polygon from-x from-y to-x to-y)
(define (move tx ty ta d) (values (+ tx (* d (cos ta)))
(+ ty (* d (sin ta)))
(define (turn tx ty ta a) (values tx
(+ ta a)))
(define init-angle
[(and (from-x . = . to-x)
(from-y . < . to-y))
(* pi 3/2)]
[(from-x . = . to-x)
(* pi 1/2)]
[(from-x . < . to-x)
(+ pi (atan (/ (- from-y to-y) (- from-x to-x))))]
(atan (/ (- from-y to-y) (- from-x to-x)))]))
(let*-values ([(t1x t1y t1a) (values to-x to-y init-angle)]
[(t2x t2y t2a) (turn t1x t1y t1a (/ arrowhead-angle-width 2))]
[(t3x t3y t3a) (move t2x t2y t2a arrowhead-long-side)]
[(t4x t4y t4a) (turn t1x t1y t1a (- (/ arrowhead-angle-width 2)))]
[(t5x t5y t5a) (move t4x t4y t4a arrowhead-long-side)]
[(t6x t6y t6a) (move t1x t1y t1a arrowhead-short-side)])
(send point1 set-x t1x)
(send point1 set-y t1y)
(send point2 set-x t3x)
(send point2 set-y t3y)
(send point3 set-x t6x)
(send point3 set-y t6y)
(send point4 set-x t5x)
(send point4 set-y t5y)))
;; HERE!!!
(define/private (should-hilite? snip)
(let ([check-one-way
(lambda (way)
(let loop ([snip snip])
(or (memq snip currently-overs)
(and (is-a? snip graph-snip<%>)
(loop (car (way snip)))))))])
(or (check-one-way (lambda (snip) (send snip get-children)))
(check-one-way (lambda (snip) (send snip get-parents))))))
(inherit get-snip-location)
(field [lb (box 0)]
[tb (box 0)]
[rb (box 0)]
[bb (box 0)])
(define/private (get-position snip)
(get-snip-location snip lb tb #f)
(get-snip-location snip rb bb #t)
(values (unbox lb)
(unbox tb)
(- (unbox rb) (unbox lb))
(- (unbox bb) (unbox tb))))
;; in-rectangle? : number^2 number^2 number^2 -> boolean
;; determines if (x,y) is in the rectangle described
;; by (p1x,p1y) and (p2x,p2y).
(define (in-rectangle? x y p1x p1y p2x p2y)
(and (<= (min p1x p2x) x (max p1x p2x))
(<= (min p1y p2y) y (max p1y p2y))))
;; strict-in-rectangle? : number^2 number^2 number^2 -> boolean
;; determines if (x,y) is in the rectangle described
;; by (p1x,p1y) and (p2x,p2y), but not on the border
(define (strict-in-rectangle? x y p1x p1y p2x p2y)
(and (< (min p1x p2x) x (max p1x p2x))
(< (min p1y p2y) y (max p1y p2y))))
;; find-intersection : number^8 -> (values (or/c #f number) (or/c #f number))
;; calculates the intersection between two line segments,
;; described as pairs of points. Returns #f if they do not intersect
(define (find-intersection x1 y1 x2 y2 x3 y3 x4 y4)
(let-values ([(m1 b1) (find-mb x1 y1 x2 y2)]
[(m2 b2) (find-mb x3 y3 x4 y4)])
(let-values ([(int-x int-y)
[(and m1 m2 b1 b2
(= m1 0)
(= m2 0))
(values #f #f)]
[(and m1 m2 b1 b2
(= m1 0))
(let* ([y y1]
[x (/ (- y b2) m2)])
(values x y))]
[(and m1 m2 b1 b2
(= m2 0))
(let* ([y y3]
[x (/ (- y b1) m1)])
(values x y))]
[(and m1 m2 b1 b2
(not (= m1 m2)))
(let* ([y (/ (- b2 b1) (- m1 m2))]
[x (/ (- y b1) m1)])
(values x y))]
[(and m1 b1)
(let* ([x x3]
[y (+ (* m1 x) b1)])
(values x y))]
[(and m2 b2)
(let* ([x x1]
[y (+ (* m2 x) b2)])
(values x y))]
(values #f #f)])])
(if (and int-x
(<= (min x1 x2) int-x (max x1 x2))
(<= (min y1 y2) int-y (max y1 y2))
(<= (min x3 x4) int-x (max x3 x4))
(<= (min y3 y4) int-y (max y3 y4)))
(values int-x int-y)
(values #f #f)))))
;; find-mb : number number number number -> (values (or/c #f number) (or/c #f number))
;; finds the "m" and "b" constants that describe the
;; lines from (x1, y1) to (x2, y2)
(define (find-mb x1 y1 x2 y2)
(if (= x1 x2)
(values #f #f)
(let-values ([(xl yl xr yr)
(if (x1 . <= . x2)
(values x1 y1 x2 y2)
(values x2 y2 x1 y1))])
(let* ([m (/ (- yr yl) (- xr xl))]
[b (- y1 (* m x1))])
(values m b)))))
;; get-all-relatives : (snip -> (listof snip)) snip -> (listof snip)
;; returns all editor-snip relatives (of a particular sort), including
;; any regular snip relatives along the way.
(define (get-all-relatives get-relatives snip)
(let loop ([flat-relatives (get-relatives snip)]
[relatives null])
[(null? flat-relatives) relatives]
(let i-loop ([dummy (car flat-relatives)]
[acc relatives])
[(is-a? dummy graph-snip<%>)
(loop (cdr flat-relatives) (cons dummy acc))]
(i-loop (car (get-relatives dummy))
(cons dummy acc))]))])))
;; get-all-children : snip -> (listof snip)
(define (get-all-children snip)
(get-all-relatives (lambda (snip) (send snip get-children)) snip))
;; get-all-parents : snip -> (listof snip)
(define (get-all-parents snip)
(get-all-relatives (lambda (snip) (send snip get-parents)) snip)))