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2006-09-11 17:00:50 +00:00
;; -*- mode: scheme -*-
;; x a u e n e u a x - nqdataflow
2006-09-11 17:00:50 +00:00
;; copyright (C) 2004 FoAM vzw
;; You are granted the rights to distribute and use this software
;; under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
;; published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of
;; the License, or (at your option] any later version. The LGPL is
;; distributed with this code (see: LICENCE) and available online
;; at http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html
2006-09-11 17:00:50 +00:00
;; authors
;; - nik gaffney <nik@fo.am>
;; requirements
;; - uses qfwfq for layout and slipping between
2006-09-11 17:00:50 +00:00
;; commentary
;; a simple dataflow like visual wrapper to the underlying scheme,
;; using an evaluation model which is not quite dataflow, yet not
;; quite scheme -> nqdataflow
;; keyboard controls
;; C-n - adds new node, connected to a selected node
;; C-c - connects 2 selected nodes
;; C-d - disconnects selected node
;; C-l - autolayout from selcted node
2006-09-11 17:00:50 +00:00
;; delete - deletes node
;; enter - evaluates current node
;; to do
;; - deal with evaluation order display
;; - check directions of node connection with 'C-c'
2006-09-11 17:00:50 +00:00
;; - multiple connections -> clarify
;; - deal with circularity
;; changes
;; 2006-09-11
;; - scraped into coherence from various sources
(require "qfwfq.scm")
2006-09-11 17:00:50 +00:00
2006-09-11 17:00:50 +00:00
(define xauen-pasteboard%
(class graph-pasteboard%
;; should probably figure out how keymaps work,.
(define/override (on-char event)
(temp-keymap event)
(super on-char event))
(define/override (do-paste time)
(super do-paste time))
2006-09-11 17:00:50 +00:00
;; setup frame and windows..
(define f (new frame% [label " } x a u e n e u a x { "]))
2006-10-30 09:11:19 +00:00
(define mb (instantiate menu-bar% (f)))
(define edit-menu (instantiate menu% ("Edit" mb)))
(define font-menu (instantiate menu% ("Font" mb)))
(append-editor-operation-menu-items edit-menu)
(append-editor-font-menu-items font-menu)
2006-09-11 17:00:50 +00:00
(define p (new xauen-pasteboard%))
(define ec (new editor-canvas% (parent f)))
(send ec min-client-width 450)
(send ec min-client-height 450)
(send ec set-editor p)
(define dc (send ec get-dc))
;; text input callback - spit and polish
2006-09-11 17:00:50 +00:00
;; beware hardcoded node & pasteboard & lack of error checking
(define (parse-text-input tf event)
(if (eqv? (send event get-event-type) 'text-field-enter)
(let ([input (read-from-string (send tf get-value))]
[node n1]
[pasteboard p])
(draw-parse-tree input 1 1 node pasteboard)
(eval-tree node)
;(set-node-text node (eval input))
2006-11-27 00:07:49 +00:00
;(shadowpi-tree n1 p 0 50))))
2006-11-26 22:56:56 +00:00
(circles-tree n1 p 100 100 0 6.28 10))))
2006-09-11 17:00:50 +00:00
;; textmode input,. .
(define input (new text-field%
[label "inslkon >"] [parent f] [callback parse-text-input]
[init-value "(* 3 4 5 (* 7 (+ 1 1 1) 9))"]))
2006-09-11 17:00:50 +00:00
;; keyboard overloading..,
(define (temp-keymap event)
(let* ([target p] ;; should get dynamically pasteboard..,
[key (send event get-key-code)]
[selected-snip (send target find-next-selected-snip #f)]
[Gx (send event get-x)]
[Gy (send event get-y)])
(let-values ([(x y) (send target editor-location-to-dc-location Gx Gy)])
(debug 3 "key[de]maping->key: ~a ~%" key)
2006-09-11 17:00:50 +00:00
(debug 1 "selected-snip: ~a ~%" selected-snip)
(if (send event get-control-down)
(case key
[(#\n) ;; C-n fr 'new'
(debug 1 "add: ~a" key)
(let ([node (make-node-snip)])
(send target insert node)
(if selected-snip
(begin (add-links node selected-snip)
;; re.colour the tree, first [grand]child should do...
(colour-tree (car (send selected-snip get-children)) p)))
(send target move-to node x y)
[(#\c) ;; C-c fr 'connect'
(let ([next (send target find-next-selected-snip selected-snip)])
(debug 1 "next-snip: ~a ~%" next)
(add-links selected-snip next))]
[(#\d) ;; C-d fr 'disconnect'
(let ([next (send target find-next-selected-snip selected-snip)])
(send selected-snip remove-child next)
(send selected-snip remove-parent next)
(send next remove-parent selected-snip)
(send next remove-child selected-snip))]
[(#\z) ;; C-z re.colour
(colour-tree selected-snip p)]
[(#\l) ;; C-l re.lapse -> splay
(shadowpi-tree selected-snip p 0 63)]
[(#\e) ;; C-e encapsulate the selection
(encapsulate (selected-snips p) p)]
[(#\=) ;; C-= zoom->out
(send p zoom 1.1)]
[(#\-) ;; C-- zoom->in
(send p zoom 0.9)]
2006-09-11 17:00:50 +00:00
;; basic nodewrenching
(define n1 (new output-snip%))
(send p insert n1)
(send p move-to n1 15 15)
2006-10-30 09:11:19 +00:00
;; test a recursive node
;(define r1 (new recursive-snip%))
;(send p insert r1)
;(define n2 (new output-snip%))
;(send r1 insert n1)
2006-10-30 09:11:19 +00:00
2006-09-11 17:00:50 +00:00
(send f show #t)