nik gaffney d22ba88cc5 acroscopic
2005-01-26 23:19:43 +08:00

82 lines
2.5 KiB
Common Lisp

;; -*- mode: lisp -*-
;; Examples of how to send OSC messages. ..
;; Copyright (C) 2004 FoAM vzw
;; Authors
;; - nik gaffney <nik@f0.am>
;;;;; ;; ; ; ;; ; ;
;;;;;::::: : : : ; ;; ; ; ; ; ; ;
;; Commentry
;; These examples are currently sbcl specific (ports welcome!)
;; but should still be able to explain enough to get started. ..
;; eg. listen on port 6667 for incoming msgs
;; (osc-listen 6667)
;; eg. listen on port 6667 and send to 10.0.89:6668
;; note the ip# is formatted as a vector
;; (osc-reflector 6667 #(10 0 0 89) 6668)
;;;;;:::;;: ; ; ;::: ; ;; ;; ; ;; ;
(require :sb-bsd-sockets)
;(require :osc)
(use-package :sb-bsd-sockets)
(defun osc-listen (port)
"a basic test function which attempts to decode osc stuff a
given port. default ogreOSC port is 4178"
(let ((s (make-instance
'inet-socket :type :datagram :protocol :udp))
(buffer (make-sequence '(vector (unsigned-byte 8)) 1024)))
(socket-bind s #(127 0 0 1) port)
(format t "listening on localhost port ~A~%~%" port)
(loop do
(socket-receive s buffer nil :waitall t)
(format t "receiveded -=> ~S~%" (osc-decode-message buffer)))
(when s (socket-close s)))))
(defun osc-reflector (listen-port send-ip send-port)
"reflector.. . listens on a given port and sends out on another
note ip#s need to be in the format #(127 0 0 1) for now.. ."
(let ((in (make-instance
'inet-socket :type :datagram :protocol :udp))
(out (make-instance
'inet-socket :type :datagram :protocol :udp))
(buffer (make-sequence '(vector (unsigned-byte 8)) 512)))
(socket-bind in #(127 0 0 1) listen-port)
(socket-connect out send-ip send-port)
(let ((stream
out :input t :output t
:element-type '(unsigned-byte 8) :buffering :full)))
(loop do
(socket-receive in buffer nil :waitall t)
(let ((oscuff (osc-decode-message buffer)))
(format t "glonked -=> message with ~S~% arg(s)" (length oscuff))
(write-sequence (stream-t1 oscuff) stream)))
(when in (socket-close in))
(when out (socket-close sc))))))
(defun stream-t1 (osc-message stream)
"writes a given message to a stream. keep in mind that when using a buffered stream
any funtion writing to the stream should call (finish-output stream) after it sends
the mesages,. ."
(write-sequence (osc-encode-message osc-message) stream)
(finish-output stream))