127 lines
5.2 KiB
Common Lisp
127 lines
5.2 KiB
Common Lisp
(cl:in-package #:osc)
;; Only UDP devices can be transmitters.
(defun make-osc-transmitter (&key debug-mode cleanup-fun)
(make-instance 'osc-transmitter-udp
:debug-mode debug-mode
:cleanup-fun cleanup-fun))
(defgeneric connect (osc-transmitter host-port &key host-address
host-name port)
(:method-combination progn :most-specific-last))
(defmethod connect progn ((transmitter osc-transmitter) host-port
&key (host-address nil addr)
(host-name "localhost" name) port)
(when (and addr name)
(error "Supplied both :host-address and :host-name to connect"))
(cond (addr
(when (typep host-address 'string)
(setf host-address
(sb-bsd-sockets:make-inet-address host-address))))
(setf host-address
(if (not (device-active-p transmitter))
(let ((socket (make-socket (protocol transmitter))))
(if port
(socket-bind socket #(127 0 0 1) port)
(socket-bind socket))
(socket-connect socket host-address host-port)
(socket-make-stream socket
:input nil :output t
:element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)
:buffering :full)
(set-socket socket transmitter))
(when (debug-mode transmitter)
(format t "~%Device connected: ~A~%~A -> ~A~%"
(name transmitter) #\Tab
(make-addr+port-string (peer-address transmitter)
(peer-port transmitter)))))
(warn "Already connected"))
(defmethod quit ((transmitter osc-transmitter-udp))
(if (device-active-p transmitter)
(osc-device-cleanup transmitter)
(warn "Not connected: ~A" (name transmitter))))
;;; Sending functions
(defmacro osc-write-to-stream (stream &body msg)
`(progn (write-sequence ,@msg ,stream)
(finish-output ,stream)))
(defgeneric send (transmitter &rest msg-args)
(:method ((transmitter osc-transmitter) &rest msg-args)
(let ((msg (apply #'encode-message msg-args)))
(slot-value (socket transmitter) 'stream) msg))))
(defgeneric send-bundle (transmitter timetag &rest msg-args)
(:method ((transmitter osc-transmitter) timetag &rest msg-args)
(let ((msg (encode-bundle msg-args timetag)))
(slot-value (socket transmitter) 'stream) msg))))
;; Unconnected sending
(defgeneric send-to (transmitter address port &rest msg-args)
(:method ((transmitter osc-transmitter-udp) address port &rest
(socket-send (socket transmitter)
(apply #'encode-message msg-args) nil
:address (list address port))))
(defgeneric send-bundle-to (transmitter address port timestamp &rest
(:method ((transmitter osc-transmitter-udp) address port timestamp
&rest msg-args)
(socket-send (socket transmitter)
(apply #'encode-bundle msg-args (list timestamp)) nil
:address (list address port))))
;; Server functions
(defgeneric send-all (server &rest msg-args))
(defmethod send-all ((server osc-server-udp) &rest msg-args)
(loop for addr+port being the hash-value in (clients server)
do (apply #'send-to server (first addr+port) (second addr+port)
(defmethod send-all ((server osc-server-tcp) &rest msg-args)
(loop for endpoint being the hash-value in (clients server)
do (apply #'send endpoint msg-args)))
(defmethod send-all ((client-endpoint osc-client-endpoint) &rest
(loop for endpoint being the hash-value in (clients client-endpoint)
unless (eq endpoint client-endpoint) ; don't send to sender
do (apply #'send endpoint msg-args)))
(defgeneric send-bundle-all (server timetag &rest msg-args))
(defmethod send-bundle-all ((server osc-server-udp) timetag &rest
(loop for addr+port being the hash-value in (clients server)
do (apply #'send-bundle-to server (first addr+port)
(second addr+port) timetag msg-args)))
(defmethod send-bundle-all ((server osc-server-tcp) timetag &rest
(loop for endpoint being the hash-value in (clients server)
do (apply #'send-bundle endpoint timetag msg-args)))
(defmethod send-bundle-all ((client-endpoint osc-client-endpoint)
timetag &rest msg-args)
(loop for endpoint being the hash-value in (clients client-endpoint)
unless (eq endpoint client-endpoint) ; don't send to sender
do (apply #'send-bundle endpoint timetag msg-args)))