Instead of Shifting bits and masking in order to extract a subset of the bits Lisp provides the function LBD, which allows us to extract a number of bits from an integer. This approach is more direct, communicates the intent better and allows the compiler to do less work.
408 lines
14 KiB
Common Lisp
408 lines
14 KiB
Common Lisp
;;; -*- mode: lisp -*-
;;; an implementation of the OSC (Open Sound Control) protocol
;;; copyright (C) 2004 FoAM vzw.
;;; You are granted the rights to distribute and use this software
;;; under the terms of the Lisp Lesser GNU Public License, known
;;; as the LLGPL. The LLGPL consists of a preamble and the LGPL.
;;; Where these conflict, the preamble takes precedence. The LLGPL
;;; is available online at http://opensource.franz.com/preamble.html
;;; and is distributed with this code (see: LICENCE and LGPL files)
;;; authors
;;; nik gaffney <nik@f0.am>
;;; requirements
;;; dependent on sbcl, cmucl or openmcl for float encoding, other suggestions
;;; welcome.
;;; commentary
;;; this is a partial implementation of the OSC protocol which is used
;;; for communication mostly amongst music programs and their attatched
;;; musicians. eg. sc3, max/pd, reaktor/traktorska etc+. more details
;;; of the protocol can be found at the open sound control pages -=>
;;; http://www.cnmat.berkeley.edu/OpenSoundControl/
;;; - doesnt send nested bundles or timetags later than 'now'
;;; - malformed input -> exception
;;; - int32 en/de-coding based on code (c) Walter C. Pelissero
;;; - unknown types are sent as 'blobs' which may or may not be an issue
;;; see the README file for more details...
;;; known BUGS
;;; - encoding a :symbol which is unbound, or has no symbol-value will cause
;;; an error
(defpackage :osc
(:use :cl)
(:documentation "OSC aka the 'open sound control' protocol")
(:export :encode-message
(in-package :osc)
;(declaim (optimize (speed 3) (safety 1) (debug 3)))
;;;;;; ; ;; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
;; eNcoding OSC messages
;;;; ;; ;; ; ; ;; ; ; ; ;
(defun encode-bundle (data &optional timetag)
"will encode an osc message, or list of messages as a bundle
with an optional timetag (symbol or 64bit int).
doesnt handle nested bundles"
(cat '(35 98 117 110 100 108 101 0) ; #bundle
(if timetag
(encode-timetag timetag)
(encode-timetag :now))
(if (listp (car data))
(apply #'cat (mapcar #'encode-bundle-elt data))
(encode-bundle-elt data))))
(defun encode-bundle-elt (data)
(let ((message (apply #'encode-message data)))
(cat (encode-int32 (length message)) message)))
(defun encode-message (address &rest data)
"encodes an osc message with the given address and data."
(concatenate '(vector (unsigned-byte 8))
(encode-address address)
(encode-typetags data)
(encode-data data)))
(defun encode-address (address)
(cat (map 'vector #'char-code address)
(string-padding address)))
(defun encode-typetags (data)
"creates a typetag string suitable for the given data.
valid typetags according to the osc spec are ,i ,f ,s and ,b
non-std extensions include ,{h|t|d|S|c|r|m|T|F|N|I|[|]}
see the spec for more details. ..
NOTE: currently handles the following tags
i => #(105) => int32
f => #(102) => float
s => #(115) => string
b => #(98) => blob
h => #(104) => int64
and considers non int/float/string data to be a blob."
(let ((lump (make-array 0 :adjustable t
:fill-pointer t)))
(macrolet ((write-to-vector (char)
(char-code ,char) lump)))
(write-to-vector #\,)
(dolist (x data)
(typecase x
(integer (if (>= x 4294967296) (write-to-vector #\h) (write-to-vector #\i)))
(float (write-to-vector #\f))
(simple-string (write-to-vector #\s))
(t (write-to-vector #\b)))))
(cat lump
(pad (padding-length (length lump))))))
(defun encode-data (data)
"encodes data in a format suitable for an OSC message"
(let ((lump (make-array 0 :adjustable t :fill-pointer t)))
(macrolet ((enc (f)
`(setf lump (cat lump (,f x)))))
(dolist (x data)
(typecase x
(integer (if (>= x 4294967296) (enc encode-int64) (enc encode-int32)))
(float (enc encode-float32))
(simple-string (enc encode-string))
(t (enc encode-blob))))
;;;;;; ; ;; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
;; decoding OSC messages
;;; ;; ;; ; ; ; ; ; ;
(defun decode-bundle (data)
"decodes an osc bundle into a list of decoded-messages, which has
an osc-timetagas its first element"
(let ((contents '()))
(if (equalp 35 (elt data 0)) ; a bundle begins with '#'
(let ((timetag (subseq data 8 16))
(i 16)
(bundle-length (length data)))
(loop while (< i bundle-length)
do (let ((mark (+ i 4))
(size (decode-int32
(subseq data i (+ i 4)))))
(if (eq size 0)
(setf bundle-length 0)
(push (decode-bundle
(subseq data mark (+ mark size)))
(incf i (+ 4 size))))
(push timetag contents))
(decode-message data))))
(defun decode-message (message)
"reduces an osc message to an (address . data) pair. .."
(declare (type (vector *) message))
(let ((x (position (char-code #\,) message)))
(if (eq x NIL)
(format t "message contains no data.. ")
(cons (decode-address (subseq message 0 x))
(decode-taged-data (subseq message x))))))
(defun decode-address (address)
(coerce (map 'vector #'code-char
(delete 0 address))
(defun decode-taged-data (data)
"decodes data encoded with typetags...
NOTE: currently handles the following tags
i => #(105) => int32
f => #(102) => float
s => #(115) => string
b => #(98) => blob
h => #(104) => int64"
(let ((div (position 0 data)))
(let ((tags (subseq data 1 div))
(acc (subseq data (padded-length div)))
(result '()))
(map 'vector
#'(lambda (x)
((eq x (char-code #\i))
(push (decode-int32 (subseq acc 0 4))
(setf acc (subseq acc 4)))
((eq x (char-code #\h))
(push (decode-uint64 (subseq acc 0 8))
(setf acc (subseq acc 8)))
((eq x (char-code #\f))
(push (decode-float32 (subseq acc 0 4))
(setf acc (subseq acc 4)))
((eq x (char-code #\s))
(let ((pointer (padded-length (position 0 acc))))
(push (decode-string
(subseq acc 0 pointer))
(setf acc (subseq acc pointer))))
((eq x (char-code #\b))
(let* ((size (decode-int32 (subseq acc 0 4)))
(bl (+ 4 size))
(end (+ bl (mod (- 4 bl) 4)))) ; NOTE: cannot use (padded-length bl), as it is not the same algorithm. Blobs of 4, 8, 12 etc bytes should not be padded!
(push (decode-blob (subseq acc 0 end))
(setf acc (subseq acc end))))
(t (error "unrecognised typetag ~a" x))))
(nreverse result))))
;;;;;; ;; ;; ; ; ; ; ; ;; ;
;; timetags
;; - timetags can be encoded using a value, or the :now and :time keywords. the
;; keywords enable either a tag indicating 'immediate' execution, or
;; a tag containing the current time (which will most likely be in the past
;; of anyt receiver) to be created.
;; - note: not well tested, and probably not accurate enough for syncronisation.
;; see also: CLHS 25.1.4 Time, and the ntp timestamp format. also needs to
;; convert from 2 32bit ints to 64bit fixed point value.
;; - see this c.l.l thread to sync universal-time and internal-time
;; http://groups.google.com/group/comp.lang.lisp/browse_thread/thread/c207fef63a78d720/adc7442d2e4de5a0?lnk=gst&q=internal-real-time-sync&rnum=1#adc7442d2e4de5a0
;;;; ;; ; ;
(defconstant +unix-epoch+ (encode-universal-time 0 0 0 1 1 1970 0))
(defun encode-timetag (utime &optional subseconds)
"encodes an osc timetag from a universal-time and 32bit 'sub-second' part.
for an 'instantaneous' timetag use (encode-timetag :now)
for a timetag with the current time use (encode-timetag :time)"
;; a 1bit timetag will be interpreted as 'imediately'
((equalp utime :now)
#(0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1))
;; converts seconds since 19000101 to seconds since 19700101
;; note: fractions of a second is accurate, but not syncronised.
((equalp utime :time)
(cat (encode-int32 (- (get-universal-time) +unix-epoch+))
(round (* internal-time-units-per-second
(second (multiple-value-list
(floor (/ (get-internal-real-time)
((integerp utime)
(cat (encode-int32 (+ utime +unix-epoch+))
(encode-int32 subseconds)))
(t (error "the time or subsecond given is not an integer"))))
(defun decode-timetag (timetag)
"decomposes a timetag into unix-time and a subsecond,. . ."
(decode-int32 (subseq timetag 0 4))
(decode-int32 (subseq timetag 4 8))))
;;;;; ; ; ;; ;; ; ;
;; dataformat en- de- cetera.
;;; ;; ; ; ;
;; floats are encoded using implementation specific 'internals' which is not
;; particulaly portable, but 'works for now'.
(defun encode-float32 (f)
"encode an ieee754 float as a 4 byte vector. currently sbcl/cmucl specifc"
#+sbcl (encode-int32 (sb-kernel:single-float-bits f))
#+cmucl (encode-int32 (kernel:single-float-bits f))
#+openmcl (encode-int32 (CCL::SINGLE-FLOAT-BITS f))
#+allegro (encode-int32 (multiple-value-bind (x y) (excl:single-float-to-shorts f)
(+ (ash x 16) y)))
#-(or sbcl cmucl openmcl allegro) (error "cant encode floats using this implementation"))
(defun decode-float32 (s)
"ieee754 float from a vector of 4 bytes in network byte order"
#+sbcl (sb-kernel:make-single-float (decode-int32 s))
#+cmucl (kernel:make-single-float (decode-int32 s))
#+openmcl (CCL::HOST-SINGLE-FLOAT-FROM-UNSIGNED-BYTE-32 (decode-uint32 s))
#+allegro (excl:shorts-to-single-float (ldb (byte 16 16) (decode-int32 s))
(ldb (byte 16 0) (decode-int32 s)))
#-(or sbcl cmucl openmcl allegro) (error "cant decode floats using this implementation"))
(defun decode-int32 (s)
"4 byte -> 32 bit int -> two's compliment (in network byte order)"
(let ((i (+ (ash (elt s 0) 24)
(ash (elt s 1) 16)
(ash (elt s 2) 8)
(elt s 3))))
(if (>= i #x7fffffff)
(- 0 (- #x100000000 i))
(defun decode-uint32 (s)
"4 byte -> 32 bit unsigned int"
(let ((i (+ (ash (elt s 0) 24)
(ash (elt s 1) 16)
(ash (elt s 2) 8)
(elt s 3))))
(defmacro defint-encoder (num-of-octets &optional docstring)
(let ((enc-name (intern (format nil "~:@(encode-int~)~D" (* 8 num-of-octets))))
(buf (gensym))
(int (gensym)))
`(defun ,enc-name (,int)
,@(when docstring
(list docstring))
(let ((,buf (make-array ,num-of-octets :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))))
for n below num-of-octets
collect `(setf (aref ,buf ,n)
(ldb (byte 8 (* 8 (- (1- ,num-of-octets) ,n)))
(defint-encoder 4 "Convert an integer into a sequence of 4 bytes in network byte order.")
(defint-encoder 8 "Convert an integer into a sequence of 8 bytes in network byte order.")
(defun decode-uint64 (s)
"8 byte -> 64 bit unsigned int"
(let ((i (+ (ash (elt s 0) 56)
(ash (elt s 1) 48)
(ash (elt s 2) 40)
(ash (elt s 3) 32)
(ash (elt s 4) 24)
(ash (elt s 5) 16)
(ash (elt s 6) 8)
(elt s 7))))
(defun decode-int64 (s)
"8 byte -> 64 bit int -> two's compliment (in network byte order)"
(let ((i (+ (ash (elt s 0) 56)
(ash (elt s 1) 48)
(ash (elt s 2) 40)
(ash (elt s 3) 32)
(ash (elt s 4) 24)
(ash (elt s 5) 16)
(ash (elt s 6) 8)
(elt s 7))))
(if (>= i #x7fffffffffffffff)
(- 0 (- #x10000000000000000 i))
;; osc-strings are unsigned bytes, padded to a 4 byte boundary
(defun decode-string (data)
"converts a binary vector to a string and removes trailing #\nul characters"
(string-trim '(#\nul) (coerce (map 'vector #'code-char data) 'string)))
(defun encode-string (string)
"encodes a string as a vector of character-codes, padded to 4 byte boundary"
(cat (map 'vector #'char-code string)
(string-padding string)))
;; blobs are binary data, consisting of a length (int32) and bytes which are
;; osc-padded to a 4 byte boundary.
(defun decode-blob (blob)
"decode a blob as a vector of unsigned bytes."
(let ((size (decode-int32
(subseq blob 0 4))))
(subseq blob 4 (+ 4 size))))
(defun encode-blob (blob)
"encodes a blob from a given vector"
(let ((bl (length blob)))
(cat (encode-int32 bl) blob
(pad (mod (- 4 bl) 4))))) ; NOTE: cannot use (padding-length bl), as it is not the same algorithm. Blobs of 4, 8, 12 etc bytes should not be padded!
;; utility functions for osc-string/padding slonking
(defun cat (&rest catatac)
(apply #'concatenate '(vector *) catatac))
(defun padding-length (s)
"returns the length of padding required for a given length of string"
(declare (type fixnum s))
(- 4 (mod s 4)))
(defun padded-length (s)
"returns the length of an osc-string made from a given length of string"
(declare (type fixnum s))
(+ s (- 4 (mod s 4))))
(defun string-padding (string)
"returns the padding required for a given osc string"
(declare (type simple-string string))
(pad (padding-length (length string))))
(defun pad (n)
"make a sequence of the required number of #\Nul characters"
(declare (type fixnum n))
(make-array n :initial-element 0 :fill-pointer n))
(provide :osc)
;; end