timetags, nested bundles, higher-level API and various tweaks #2

jamieforth wants to merge 24 commits from master into master
10 changed files with 414 additions and 228 deletions
Showing only changes of commit f5a9fd8069 - Show all commits

View file

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
(cl:in-package #:osc)
(defun make-osc-client (&key(protocol :udp) debug-mode
(defun make-osc-client (&key (protocol :udp) debug-mode
(buffer-size *default-osc-buffer-size*)
address-tree cleanup-fun)
(ecase protocol
@ -28,25 +28,25 @@
(defmethod make-client-responders ((client osc-client-udp))
(add-osc-responder client "/cl-osc/server/registered"
(cmd args device address port timetag)
(cmd args device address port timetag bundle)
(format t "Registered with server at ~A~%"
(make-addr+port-string address port)))
(add-osc-responder client "/cl-osc/server/quit"
(cmd args device address port timetag)
(cmd args device address port timetag bundle)
(format t "Server ~A has quit~%"
(make-addr+port-string address port))))
(defgeneric register (client)
(:method ((client osc-client-udp))
(send client "/cl-osc/register" (port client))))
(send-msg client "/cl-osc/register" (port client))))
(defmethod osc-device-cleanup ((device osc-client-udp))
(send device "/cl-osc/quit")
(send-msg device "/cl-osc/quit")
(defun make-osc-client-endpoint-tcp (socket debug-mode buffer-size
address-tree clients &optional
(socket-make-stream socket
:input nil :output t
:element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)
@ -74,14 +74,14 @@
(when (eq length 0) ; Closed by remote
(multiple-value-bind (message timetag)
(decode-bundle buffer length)
(multiple-value-bind (data timetag)
(decode-bundle buffer :end length)
(when (debug-mode receiver)
(print-osc-debug-msg receiver message length
(print-osc-debug-msg receiver data length
(peer-address receiver)
(peer-port receiver) timetag))
(dispatch (address-tree receiver) message receiver
address port timetag))))
(dispatch (address-tree receiver) data receiver
address port))))
(osc-device-cleanup receiver)))
:name (format nil "osc-client-tcp-connection: ~A~%"
(name receiver))))

View file

@ -9,13 +9,13 @@
do (multiple-value-bind (buffer length address port)
(socket-receive (socket receiver)
(socket-buffer receiver) nil)
(multiple-value-bind (message timetag)
(osc:decode-bundle buffer length)
(multiple-value-bind (data timetag)
(osc:decode-bundle buffer :end length)
(when (debug-mode receiver)
(print-osc-debug-msg receiver message length
(print-osc-debug-msg receiver data length
address port timetag))
(osc:dispatch (address-tree receiver) message
receiver address port timetag))))
(dispatch (address-tree receiver) data receiver
address port))))
(osc-device-cleanup receiver)))
:name (format nil "osc-receiver-udp: ~A~%" (name receiver))))
@ -25,12 +25,13 @@
(defmacro add-osc-responder (dispatcher cmd-name
(cmd args disp addr port timetag) &body
(cmd args device address port timetag bundle)
&body body)
`(dp-register (address-tree ,dispatcher) ,cmd-name
(lambda (,cmd ,args ,disp ,addr ,port ,timetag)
(declare (ignorable ,cmd ,args ,disp ,addr
,port ,timetag))
(lambda (,cmd ,args ,device ,address ,port ,timetag
(declare (ignorable ,cmd ,args ,device ,address
,port ,timetag ,bundle))
(defgeneric remove-osc-responder (dispatcher address)

View file

@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
(peer-address *osc-transmitter*)
(peer-port *osc-transmitter*)
(send *osc-transmitter* "/bar" 1 2 9)
(send-msg *osc-transmitter* "/bar" 1 2 9)
(send-bundle *osc-transmitter*
:time ; current real time
@ -37,6 +37,24 @@
(unix-time->timetag 1234567890.1234567d0)
"/foo" 1 2 3)
;; The lower-level send function can be used to send message and
;; bundle objects directly. This allows more complex (nested) bundles
;; to be created.
(send *osc-transmitter* (make-message "/foo" 1 2 3))
(send *osc-transmitter* (make-bundle :now
(make-message "/foo" 1 2 3)))
(let ((bundle
(make-bundle :now
(make-message "/foo" '(1 2 3))
(make-bundle :now
(make-bundle :now
(make-message "/bar"
'(10 20 30)))))))
(send *osc-transmitter* bundle))
(quit *osc-transmitter*)
(quit *osc-server*)
@ -65,7 +83,7 @@
(connect *osc-client* 57127 :host-name "localhost")
(send *osc-client* "/foo" 2 99)
(send-msg *osc-client* "/foo" 2 99)
(send-bundle *osc-client*
(unix-time->timetag 1234567890.1234567d0)
@ -76,45 +94,65 @@
(send-bundle *osc-client* :time "/foo" 1)
;; Using the server as a transmitter.
(send-to *osc-server* (address *osc-client*) (port *osc-client*)
"/bar" 1 2 3)
(send-msg-to *osc-server*
(address *osc-client*) (port *osc-client*)
"/bar" 1 2 3)
(send-bundle-to *osc-server*
(address *osc-client*) (port *osc-client*)
:now "/bar" 1 2 3)
;; If a client is registered...
(send-to-client *osc-server* (make-name-string *osc-client*)
"/bar" 2 99)
(send-msg-to-client *osc-server* (make-name-string *osc-client*)
"/bar" 2 99)
(register *osc-client*)
(send-to-client *osc-server* (make-name-string *osc-client*)
"/bar" 2 99)
(send-msg-to-client *osc-server* (make-name-string *osc-client*)
"/bar" 2 99)
(send-bundle-to-client *osc-server*
(make-name-string *osc-client*)
:timeq "/bar" 2 99)
:time "/bar" 2 99)
(add-osc-responder *osc-server* "/echo-sum"
(cmd args device address port timetag)
(send-to device address port "/echo-answer" (apply #'+ args)))
(cmd args dev addr port timetag bundle)
(send-msg-to dev addr port
"/echo-answer" (apply #'+ args)))
(add-osc-responder *osc-client* "/echo-answer"
(cmd args device address port timetag)
(format t "~%Sum is ~A" (car args)))
(cmd args dev addr port timetag bundle)
(format t "Sum is ~a~%" (car args)))
(send *osc-client* "/echo-sum" 1 2 3 4)
(send-msg *osc-client* "/echo-sum" 1 2 3 4)
(add-osc-responder *osc-server* "/timetag+1"
(cmd args device address port timetag)
(send-bundle-to device address port (timetag+ timetag 1) "/future"))
(cmd args dev addr port timetag bundle)
(send-bundle-to dev addr port (timetag+ timetag 1) "/the-future"))
(send-bundle *osc-client* (get-current-timetag)
;; Send a messages to all registered clients.
(send-all *osc-server* "/foo" 1 2 3)
(send-msg-all *osc-server* "/foo" 1 2 3)
(send-bundle-all *osc-server* :now "/foo" 1 2 3)
(defparameter *osc-client2* (make-osc-client
:protocol :udp
:debug-mode t))
(connect *osc-client2* 57127)
(register *osc-client2*)
(add-osc-responder *osc-server* "/echo-sum"
(cmd args dev addr port timetag bundle)
(send-msg-all dev "/echo-answer" (apply #'+ args)))
(send-msg *osc-client* "/echo-sum" 1 2 3 4)
(quit *osc-client*)
(quit *osc-client2*)
(quit *osc-server*)
@ -137,11 +175,11 @@
(device-socket-name *osc-client*)
(device-socket-peername *osc-client*)
(send *osc-client* "/foo" 1 2 3)
(send-msg *osc-client* "/foo" 1 2 3)
(send-to-client *osc-server* (make-name-string
"/foo" 1 2 3)
(send-msg-to-client *osc-server* (make-name-string
"/foo" 1 2 3)
(defparameter *osc-client2* (make-osc-client
:protocol :tcp
@ -153,30 +191,30 @@
(device-socket-name *osc-client2*)
(send *osc-client2* "/bar" 4 5 6 9)
(send-msg *osc-client2* "/bar" 4 5 6 9)
(print-clients *osc-server*)
(add-osc-responder *osc-server* "/print-sum"
(cmd args device address port timetag)
(cmd args dev addr port timetag bundle)
(format t "Sum = ~A~%" (apply #'+ args)))
(send *osc-client2* "/print-sum" 4 5 6 9)
(send-msg *osc-client2* "/print-sum" 4 5 6 9)
(add-osc-responder *osc-server* "/echo-sum"
(cmd args disp address port timetag)
(send disp cmd (apply #'+ args)))
(cmd args dev addr port timetag bundle)
(send-msg dev cmd (apply #'+ args)))
(send *osc-client2* "/echo-sum" 4 5 6 9)
(send-msg *osc-client2* "/echo-sum" 4 5 6 9)
(send-all *osc-server* "/bar" 1 2 3) ; send to all peers
(send-msg-all *osc-server* "/bar" 1 2 3) ; send to all peers
(add-osc-responder *osc-server* "/echo-sum-all"
(cmd args disp address port timetag)
(send-all disp cmd (apply #'+ args)))
(cmd args dev addr port timetag bundle)
(send-msg-all dev cmd (apply #'+ args)))
; Send to all peers (excluding self).
(send *osc-client2* "/echo-sum-all" 1 2 3)
; Send to all peers (including self).
(send-msg *osc-client2* "/echo-sum-all" 1 2 3)
(quit *osc-client*)
(quit *osc-client2*)
@ -204,15 +242,15 @@ c=OSCresponder(nil,
{|t,r,msg,addr| [t,r,msg,addr].postln}).add
(send *osc-client* "/foo" 1 2 3)
(send-msg *osc-client* "/foo" 1 2 3)
(send-bundle *osc-client*
"/foo" 3)
(add-osc-responder *osc-client* "/echo-sum"
(cmd args disp addr port timetag)
(send disp cmd (apply #'+ args)))
(cmd args dev addr port timetag bundle)
(send-msg dev cmd (apply #'+ args)))
;; Send /echo-sum from sc, and lisp returns the sum.
@ -240,15 +278,15 @@ n.sendMsg('/echo-sum', 1, 2, 3) // send numbers, lisp returns sum.
(connect *osc-client* 57110 :host-name "localhost" :port 57127)
(send *osc-client* "/s_new" "default" 1001 0 0 "freq" 500)
(send-msg *osc-client* "/s_new" "default" 1001 0 0 "freq" 500)
(send *osc-client* "/n_free" 1001)
(send-msg *osc-client* "/n_free" 1001)
(send-bundle *osc-client*
(timetag+ (get-current-timetag) 2) ; 2 secs later
"/s_new" "default" 1001 0 0 "freq" 500)
(send *osc-client* "/n_free" 1001)
(send-msg *osc-client* "/n_free" 1001)
(quit *osc-client*) ; Sends default /quit notification which scsynth
; ignores. Ideally osc-client should be subclassed

View file

@ -19,9 +19,13 @@
(fill (socket-buffer device) 0)
(defun print-osc-debug-msg (receiver message length address port
(format t "~%~A~%received:~A~A~%bytes:~A~A~A~%from:~A~A~A ~A ~%timetag:~A~A~%unix-time:~A~F~%"
(name receiver) #\Tab message #\Tab #\Tab length #\Tab #\Tab
(defun print-osc-debug-msg (receiver data length address port
timetag &optional (stream t))
(format stream
"~&~a~%bytes rx:~a~a~%from:~a~a~a ~a~%timetag:~a~a~%unix-time:~a~f~%data:~a~a"
(name receiver) #\Tab length #\Tab #\Tab
address port #\Tab timetag #\Tab
(when timetag (timetag->unix-time timetag))))
(when timetag (timetag->unix-time timetag))
#\Tab #\Tab)
(format-osc-data data stream)
(format stream "~%"))

View file

@ -80,13 +80,13 @@
(defmethod make-server-responders ((server osc-server-udp))
(add-osc-responder server "/cl-osc/register"
(cmd args device address port timetag)
(cmd args device address port timetag bundle)
(let ((listening-port (car args))) ; Optional port for sending
; return messages to.
; return messages.
(register-udp-client device address
(if listening-port listening-port port))))
(add-osc-responder server "/cl-osc/quit"
(cmd args device address port timetag)
(cmd args device address port timetag bundle)
(unregister-udp-client device address port)))
(defun register-udp-client (server addr port)
@ -107,10 +107,10 @@
(notify-registered server client-name)))
(defun notify-registered (server client-name)
(send-to-client server client-name "/cl-osc/server/registered"))
(send-msg-to-client server client-name "/cl-osc/server/registered"))
(defun notify-quit (server client-name)
(send-to-client server client-name "/cl-osc/server/quit"))
(send-msg-to-client server client-name "/cl-osc/server/quit"))
@ -153,30 +153,72 @@
;;; Server sending functions
(defgeneric send-to-client (server client-name &rest msg)
(:method :around ((server osc-server) client-name &rest msg)
;; Send to a client
(defgeneric send-to-client (server client-name data)
(:method :around ((server osc-server) client-name data)
(let ((client (gethash client-name (clients server))))
(if client
(apply #'call-next-method server client msg)
(call-next-method server client data)
(warn "No client called ~A~%" client-name)))))
(defmethod send-to-client ((server osc-server-udp) client-name &rest
(apply #'send-to server (first client-name) (second client-name)
(defmethod send-to-client ((server osc-server-udp) client-name data)
(send-to server (first client-name) (second client-name) data))
(defmethod send-to-client ((server osc-server-tcp) client &rest msg)
(apply #'send client msg))
(defmethod send-to-client ((server osc-server-tcp) client data)
(send client data))
(defgeneric send-bundle-to-client (server client-name timetag &rest
(:method :around ((server osc-server) client-name timetag &rest msg)
(let ((client (gethash client-name (clients server))))
(if client
(apply #'call-next-method server client timetag msg)
(warn "No client called ~A~%" client-name)))))
(defgeneric send-msg-to-client (server client-name command &rest args)
(:method ((server osc-server) client-name command &rest args)
(let ((message (apply #'make-message command args)))
(send-to-client server client-name message))))
(defmethod send-bundle-to-client ((server osc-server-udp) client-name
timetag &rest msg)
(apply #'send-bundle-to server (first client-name)
(second client-name) timetag msg))
(defgeneric send-bundle-to-client (server client-name timetag command
&rest args)
(:method ((server osc-server) client-name timetag command &rest
(let ((bundle (make-bundle timetag
(apply #'make-message command args))))
(send-to-client server client-name bundle))))
;; Send all
(defgeneric send-all (server data))
(defmethod send-all ((server osc-server-udp) data)
(loop for addr+port being the hash-value in (clients server)
do (send-to server (first addr+port) (second addr+port) data)))
(defmethod send-all ((server osc-server-tcp) data)
(loop for endpoint being the hash-value in (clients server)
do (send endpoint data)))
(defmethod send-all ((client-endpoint osc-client-endpoint) data)
(loop for endpoint being the hash-value in (clients client-endpoint)
;; FIXME: Don't not reply to the sender in this case so that the
;; behaviour of send-all is uniform for both UDP and TCP. But
;; could be useful to have a means of broadcasting messages to
;; all clients of a server except the client that generated the
;; message.
;; unless (eq endpoint client-endpoint) ; don't send to sender
do (send endpoint data)))
(defgeneric send-msg-all (server command &rest args)
(:method ((server osc-server) command &rest args)
(let ((message (apply #'make-message command args)))
(send-all server message)))
(:method ((client-endpoint osc-client-endpoint) command &rest args)
(let ((message (apply #'make-message command args)))
(send-all client-endpoint message))))
(defgeneric send-bundle-all (server timetag command &rest args)
(:method ((server osc-server) timetag command &rest args)
(let ((bundle (make-bundle timetag
(apply #'make-message command args))))
(send-all server bundle)))
(:method ((client-endpoint osc-client-endpoint) timetag command
&rest args)
(let ((bundle (make-bundle timetag
(apply #'make-message command args))))
(send-all client-endpoint bundle))))

View file

@ -59,69 +59,41 @@
`(progn (write-sequence ,@msg ,stream)
(finish-output ,stream)))
(defgeneric send (transmitter &rest msg-args)
(:method ((transmitter osc-transmitter) &rest msg-args)
(let ((msg (apply #'encode-message msg-args)))
(defgeneric send (transmitter data)
(:method ((transmitter osc-transmitter) data)
(let ((bytes (encode-osc-data data)))
(slot-value (socket transmitter) 'stream) msg))))
(slot-value (socket transmitter) 'stream) bytes))))
(defgeneric send-bundle (transmitter timetag &rest msg-args)
(:method ((transmitter osc-transmitter) timetag &rest msg-args)
(let ((msg (encode-bundle msg-args timetag)))
(slot-value (socket transmitter) 'stream) msg))))
(defgeneric send-msg (transmitter command &rest args)
(:method ((transmitter osc-transmitter) command &rest args)
(let ((message (apply #'make-message command args)))
(send transmitter message))))
;; Unconnected sending
(defgeneric send-bundle (transmitter timetag command &rest args)
(:method ((transmitter osc-transmitter) timetag command &rest args)
(let ((bundle (make-bundle timetag
(apply #'make-message command args))))
(send transmitter bundle))))
(defgeneric send-to (transmitter address port &rest msg-args)
(:method ((transmitter osc-transmitter-udp) address port &rest
;; Unconnected sending (UDP only)
(defgeneric send-to (transmitter address port data)
(:method ((transmitter osc-transmitter-udp) address port data)
(socket-send (socket transmitter)
(apply #'encode-message msg-args) nil
(encode-osc-data data) nil
:address (list address port))))
(defgeneric send-bundle-to (transmitter address port timestamp &rest
(:method ((transmitter osc-transmitter-udp) address port timestamp
&rest msg-args)
(socket-send (socket transmitter)
(apply #'encode-bundle msg-args (list timestamp)) nil
:address (list address port))))
(defgeneric send-msg-to (transmitter address port command &rest args)
(:method ((transmitter osc-transmitter-udp) address port command
&rest args)
(let ((message (apply #'make-message command args)))
(send-to transmitter address port message))))
;; Server functions
(defgeneric send-all (server &rest msg-args))
(defmethod send-all ((server osc-server-udp) &rest msg-args)
(loop for addr+port being the hash-value in (clients server)
do (apply #'send-to server (first addr+port) (second addr+port)
(defmethod send-all ((server osc-server-tcp) &rest msg-args)
(loop for endpoint being the hash-value in (clients server)
do (apply #'send endpoint msg-args)))
(defmethod send-all ((client-endpoint osc-client-endpoint) &rest
(loop for endpoint being the hash-value in (clients client-endpoint)
unless (eq endpoint client-endpoint) ; don't send to sender
do (apply #'send endpoint msg-args)))
(defgeneric send-bundle-all (server timetag &rest msg-args))
(defmethod send-bundle-all ((server osc-server-udp) timetag &rest
(loop for addr+port being the hash-value in (clients server)
do (apply #'send-bundle-to server (first addr+port)
(second addr+port) timetag msg-args)))
(defmethod send-bundle-all ((server osc-server-tcp) timetag &rest
(loop for endpoint being the hash-value in (clients server)
do (apply #'send-bundle endpoint timetag msg-args)))
(defmethod send-bundle-all ((client-endpoint osc-client-endpoint)
timetag &rest msg-args)
(loop for endpoint being the hash-value in (clients client-endpoint)
unless (eq endpoint client-endpoint) ; don't send to sender
do (apply #'send-bundle endpoint timetag msg-args)))
(defgeneric send-bundle-to (transmitter address port timetag command
&rest args)
(:method ((transmitter osc-transmitter-udp) address port timetag
command &rest args)
(let ((bundle (make-bundle timetag
(apply #'make-message command args))))
(send-to transmitter address port bundle))))

osc-data.lisp Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
(cl:in-package #:osc)
;; Classes
(defclass osc-data () ())
(defclass message (osc-data)
:reader command
:initarg :command)
:reader args
:initarg :args
:initform nil)))
(defclass bundle (osc-data)
:reader timetag
:initarg :timetag
:initform :now)
:reader elements
:initarg :elements
:initform nil)))
;; Constructors
(defun make-message (command &rest args)
(make-instance 'message
:command command
:args args))
(defun make-bundle (timetag &rest elements)
(make-instance 'bundle
:timetag timetag
:elements elements))
(defgeneric format-osc-data (data &optional stream))
(defmethod format-osc-data ((message message) &optional (stream t))
(format stream "~a~{ ~a~}~%"
(command message)
(args message)))
(defmethod format-osc-data ((bundle bundle) &optional (stream t))
(format stream "~&[ ~a~%" (timetag bundle))
(dolist (element (elements bundle))
(format-osc-data element stream))
(format stream "~&]~%"))

View file

@ -47,27 +47,41 @@
;;;; ; ; ; ;;
(defun dp-register (tree address function)
"registers a function to respond to incoming osc message. since
"Registers a function to respond to incoming osc messages. Since
only one function should be associated with an address, any
previous registration will be overwritten"
previous registration will be overwritten."
(setf (gethash address tree)
(defun dp-remove (tree address)
"removes the function associated with the given address.."
"Removes the function associated with the given address."
(remhash address tree))
(defun dp-match (tree pattern)
"returns a list of functions which are registered for dispatch for a
given address pattern.."
"Returns a list of functions which are registered for dispatch for a
given address pattern."
(list (gethash pattern tree)))
(defun dispatch (tree osc-message &optional device address port
"calls the function(s) matching the address(pattern) in the osc
message with the data contained in the message"
(let ((pattern (car osc-message)))
(defgeneric dispatch (tree data device address port &optional timetag
(defmethod dispatch (tree (data message) device address port &optional
"Calls the function(s) matching the address(pattern) in the osc
message passing the message object, the recieving device, and
optionally in the case where a message is part of a bundle, the
timetag of the bundle and the enclosing bundle."
(let ((pattern (command data)))
(dolist (x (dp-match tree pattern))
(unless (eq x NIL)
(funcall x (car osc-message) (cdr osc-message) device address
port timetag)))))
(funcall x (command data) (args data) device address port
timetag parent-bundle)))))
(defmethod dispatch (tree (data bundle) device address port &optional
"Dispatches each bundle element in sequence."
(declare (ignore timetag parent-bundle))
(dolist (element (elements data))
(dispatch tree element device address port (timetag data) data)))

View file

@ -8,22 +8,24 @@
:licence "LLGPL"
:description "The Open Sound Control protocol, aka OSC"
:version "0.5"
:components ((:file "osc" :depends-on ("osc-time"))
(:file "osc-dispatch" :depends-on ("osc"))
(:file "osc-time" :depends-on ("package"))
(:file "package")
(:module "devices"
:depends-on ("package")
((:file "socket-functions")
(:file "device")
(:file "transmitter"
:depends-on ("device"
(:file "listening-device"
:depends-on ("transmitter"))
(:file "dispatching-device"
:depends-on ("listening-device"))
(:file "client"
:depends-on ("dispatching-device"))
(:file "server" :depends-on ("client"))))))
((:file "osc" :depends-on ("osc-data" "osc-time"))
(:file "osc-data" :depends-on ("package"))
(:file "osc-dispatch" :depends-on ("osc"))
(:file "osc-time" :depends-on ("package"))
(:file "package")
(:module "devices"
:depends-on ("package" "osc-data")
((:file "socket-functions")
(:file "device")
(:file "transmitter"
:depends-on ("device"
(:file "listening-device"
:depends-on ("transmitter"))
(:file "dispatching-device"
:depends-on ("listening-device"))
(:file "client"
:depends-on ("dispatching-device"))
(:file "server" :depends-on ("client"))))))

View file

@ -50,28 +50,41 @@
;;;; ;; ;; ; ; ;; ; ; ; ;
(defun encode-bundle (data &optional timetag)
"will encode an osc message, or list of messages as a bundle
with an optional timetag (symbol or 64bit int).
doesnt handle nested bundles"
(cat '(35 98 117 110 100 108 101 0) ; #bundle
(if timetag
(encode-timetag timetag)
(encode-timetag :now))
(if (listp (car data))
(apply #'cat (mapcar #'encode-bundle-elt data))
(encode-bundle-elt data))))
(defparameter *debug* 0
"Set debug verbosity for core library functions. Currently levels
are 0-3.")
(defun encode-bundle-elt (data)
(let ((message (apply #'encode-message data)))
(cat (encode-int32 (length message)) message)))
(defgeneric encode-osc-data (data))
(defun encode-message (address &rest data)
"encodes an osc message with the given address and data."
(concatenate '(vector (unsigned-byte 8))
(encode-address address)
(encode-typetags data)
(encode-data data)))
(defmethod encode-osc-data ((data message))
"Encode an osc message with the given address and args."
(with-slots (command args) data
(concatenate '(vector (unsigned-byte 8))
(encode-address command)
(encode-typetags args)
(encode-args args))))
(defmethod encode-osc-data ((data bundle))
"Encode an osc bundle. A bundle contains a timetag (symbol or 64bit
int) and a list of message or nested bundle elements."
(with-slots (timetag elements) data
(cat '(35 98 117 110 100 108 101 0) ; #bundle
(if timetag
(encode-timetag timetag)
(encode-timetag :now))
(apply #'cat (mapcar #'encode-bundle-elt elements)))))
(defgeneric encode-bundle-elt (data))
(defmethod encode-bundle-elt ((data message))
(let ((bytes (encode-osc-data data)))
(cat (encode-int32 (length bytes)) bytes)))
(defmethod encode-bundle-elt ((data bundle))
(let ((bytes (encode-osc-data data)))
(cat (encode-int32 (length bytes)) bytes)))
;; Auxilary functions
(defun encode-address (address)
(cat (map 'vector #'char-code address)
@ -106,12 +119,12 @@
(cat lump
(pad (padding-length (length lump))))))
(defun encode-data (data)
"encodes data in a format suitable for an OSC message"
(defun encode-args (args)
"encodes args in a format suitable for an OSC message"
(let ((lump (make-array 0 :adjustable t :fill-pointer t)))
(macrolet ((enc (f)
`(setf lump (cat lump (,f x)))))
(dolist (x data)
(dolist (x args)
(typecase x
(integer (enc encode-int32))
(float (enc encode-float32))
@ -126,33 +139,84 @@
;;; ;; ;; ; ; ; ; ; ;
(defun decode-bundle (data &optional bundle-length)
"Decodes an osc bundle into a list of decoded-messages, which has an
osc-timetag as its first element. An optional buffer-length argument
can be supplied (i.e. the length value returned by socket-receive),
otherwise the entire buffer is decoded - in which case, if you are
reusing buffers, you are responsible for ensuring that the buffer does
not contain stale data."
(unless bundle-length
(setf bundle-length (length data)))
;; (print (subseq data 0 bundle-length))
(let ((contents '()))
(if (equalp 35 (elt data 0)) ; a bundle begins with
; '#bundle' (8 bytes)
(let ((timetag (subseq data 8 16)) ; bytes 8-15 are timestamp
(i 16))
(loop while (< i bundle-length)
do (let ((mark (+ i 4))
(size (decode-int32
(subseq data i (+ i 4)))))
(if (eq size 0)
(setf bundle-length 0)
(push (decode-bundle
(subseq data mark (+ mark size)))
(incf i (+ 4 size))))
(values (car contents) (decode-timetag timetag)))
(values (decode-message data) nil))))
(defun bundle-p (buffer &optional (start 0))
"A bundle begins with '#bundle' (8 bytes). The start argument should
index the beginning of a bundle in the buffer."
(= 35 (elt buffer start)))
(defun get-timetag (buffer &optional (start 0))
"Bytes 8-15 are the bundle timestamp. The start argument should
index the beginning of a bundle in the buffer."
(decode-timetag (subseq buffer
(+ 8 start)
(+ 16 start))))
(defun get-bundle-element-length (buffer &optional (start 16))
"Bytes 16-19 are the size of the bundle element. The start argument
should index the beginning of the bundle element (length, content)
pair in the buffer."
(decode-int32 (subseq buffer start (+ 4 start))))
(defun get-bundle-element (buffer &optional (start 16))
"Bytes 20 upto to the length of the content (defined by the
preceeding 4 bytes) are the content of the bundle. The start argument
should index the beginning of the bundle element (length, content)
pair in the buffer."
(let ((length (get-bundle-element-length buffer start)))
(subseq buffer
(+ 4 start)
(+ (+ 4 start)
(+ length)))))
(defun split-sequence-by-n (sequence n)
(loop :with length := (length sequence)
:for start :from 0 :by n :below length
:collecting (coerce
(subseq sequence start (min length (+ start n)))
(defun print-buffer (buffer &optional (n 8))
(format t "~%~{~{ ~5d~}~%~}Total: ~a bytes~2%"
(split-sequence-by-n buffer n)
(length buffer)))
(defun decode-bundle (buffer &key (start 0) end)
"Decodes an osc bundle/message into a bundle/message object. Bundles
comprise an osc-timetag and a list of elements, which may be
messages or bundles recursively. An optional end argument can be
supplied (i.e. the length value returned by socket-receive, or the
element length in the case of nested bundles), otherwise the entire
buffer is decoded - in which case, if you are reusing buffers, you
are responsible for ensuring that the buffer does not contain stale
(unless end
(setf end (- (length buffer) start)))
(when (>= *debug* 2)
(format t "~%Buffer start: ~a end: ~a~%" start end)
(print-buffer (subseq buffer start end)))
(if (bundle-p buffer start)
;; Bundle
(let ((timetag (get-timetag buffer start)))
(incf start (+ 8 8)) ; #bundle, timetag bytes
(loop while (< start end)
for element-length = (get-bundle-element-length
buffer start)
do (incf start 4) ; length bytes
when (>= *debug* 1)
do (format t "~&Bundle element length: ~a~%" element-length)
collect (decode-bundle buffer
:start start
:end (+ start element-length))
into elements
do (incf start (+ element-length))
finally (return
(values (apply #'make-bundle timetag elements)
;; Message
(let ((message
(subseq buffer start (+ start end)))))
(apply #'make-message (car message) (cdr message)))))
(defun decode-message (message)
"reduces an osc message to an (address . data) pair. .."