2023-05-18 19:16:31 +00:00
;;; listenbrainz.el --- ListenBrainz API interface -*- coding: utf-8; lexical-binding: t -*-
;; Copyright 2023 FoAM
;; Author: nik gaffney <nik@fo.am>
;; Created: 2023-05-05
;; Version: 0.1
;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "27.1") (request "0.3"))
;; Keywords: music, scrobbling, multimedia
;; URL: https://github.com/zzkt/listenbrainz
;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs.
;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
;; (at your option) any later version.
;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
;;; Commentary:
2023-05-22 14:49:11 +00:00
;; An interface to ListenBrainz, a project to store a record of the music that
;; you listen to. The listening data, can be used to provide statistics,
;; recommendations and general exploration.
;; The package can be used programmatically (e.g. from a music player) to auto
;; submit listening data `listenbrainz-submit-listen'. There are other entrypoints
;; for reading user stats such as `listenbrainz-stats-artists' or
;; `listenbrainz-listens'.
;; Some API calls require a user token, which can be found in your ListenBrainz
;; profile. Configure, set or `customize' the `listenbrainz-api-token' as needed.
;; https://listenbrainz.readthedocs.io/
2023-05-18 19:16:31 +00:00
;;; Code:
(require 'request)
(require 'json)
;;; ;; ;; ; ; ; ; ; ;
;; API config
;;; ; ;; ;;
(defcustom listenbrainz-api-url "https://api.listenbrainz.org"
"URL for listenbrainz API.
Documentation available at https://listenbrainz.readthedocs.io/"
:type 'string
:group 'listenbrainz)
(defcustom listenbrainz-api-token ""
"An auth token is required for some functions.
Details can be found near https://listenbrainz.org/profile/"
:type 'string
:group 'listenbrainz)
;;; ;; ;; ; ; ; ; ; ;
;; Constants that are relevant to using the API
;; https://listenbrainz.readthedocs.io/en/production/dev/api/#constants
;; ;; ; ; ;
(defconst listenbrainz--MAX_LISTEN_SIZE 10240
"Maximum overall listen size in bytes, to prevent egregious spamming.
listenbrainz.webserver.views.api_tools.MAX_LISTEN_SIZE = 10240")
(defconst listenbrainz--MAX_ITEMS_PER_GET 100
"The maximum number of listens returned in a single GET request.
listenbrainz.webserver.views.api_tools.MAX_ITEMS_PER_GET = 100")
(defconst listenbrainz--DEFAULT_ITEMS_PER_GET 25
"The default number of listens returned in a single GET request.
listenbrainz.webserver.views.api_tools.DEFAULT_ITEMS_PER_GET = 25")
(defconst listenbrainz--MAX_TAGS_PER_LISTEN 50
"The maximum number of tags per listen.
listenbrainz.webserver.views.api_tools.MAX_TAGS_PER_LISTEN = 50")
(defconst listenbrainz--MAX_TAG_SIZE 64
"The maximum length of a tag.
listenbrainz.webserver.views.api_tools.MAX_TAG_SIZE = 64")
;;; ;; ;; ; ; ; ; ; ;
;; Timestamps
;;; ;; ; ;
(defun listenbrainz-timestamp (&optional time)
"Return a ListenBrainz compatible timestamp for the `current-time' or TIME.
All timestamps used in ListenBrainz are UNIX epoch timestamps in UTC."
(if time (time-convert time 'integer)
(time-convert (current-time) 'integer)))
;;; ;; ;; ; ; ; ; ; ;
;; Formatting & formatters
;;;; ; ;; ;
(defmacro listenbrainz--deformatter (name format-string format-args alist)
"Generate function with NAME to format data returned from an API call.
The function has the name `listenbrainz--format-NAME`.
The ALIST is the relevant section of the response payload in dotted form as
seen in `let-alist'. The FORMAT-STRING and FORMAT-ARGS are applied to each
element in ALIST and also assumed to be accessors for the ALIST, but can
be any valid `format' string.
For example, format track info from .payload.listens as an `org-mode' table.
(listenbrainz--deformatter (\"listens\"
\"%s | %s | %s | %s |\n\"
macroexpands to something like ->
(defun listenbrainz--format-listens (data)
(let-alist data
(lambda (i)
(let-alist i
(format \"%s | %s | %s | %s |\n\"
(let ((f (intern (concat "listenbrainz--format-" name)))
(doc "Some details from listening data."))
`(defun ,f (data) ,doc
(let-alist data
(lambda (i)
(let-alist i
(format ,format-string ,@format-args)))
;; Core API formatters
;; listens -> listenbrainz--format-listens
(listenbrainz--deformatter "listens"
"%s | %s |\n"
;; playing now -> listenbrainz--format-playing
(listenbrainz--deformatter "playing"
"%s | %s |\n"
;; Statistics API formatters
;; releases -> listenbrainz--format-stats-0
(listenbrainz--deformatter "stats-0"
"%s | %s | %s |\n"
(.artist_name .release_name .listen_count)
;; artists -> listenbrainz--format-stats-1
(listenbrainz--deformatter "stats-1"
"%s | %s |\n"
(.artist_name .listen_count)
;; recordings -> listenbrainz--format-stats-2
(listenbrainz--deformatter "stats-2"
"%s | %s | %s |\n"
(.artist_name .track_name .listen_count)
;; Social API formatters
;; follows -> listenbrainz--format-followers-list
(listenbrainz--deformatter "followers-list"
"%s |\n"
(i) ;; note scope
;; follows -> listenbrainz--format-followers-graph
(listenbrainz--deformatter "followers-graph"
"%s -> %s |\n"
(i (cdadr data)) ;; note scope
;; following -> listenbrainz--format-following
(listenbrainz--deformatter "following"
"%s |\n"
(i) ;; note scope
;;; ;; ;; ; ; ; ; ; ;
;; Core API Endpoints
;; https://listenbrainz.readthedocs.io/en/production/dev/api/#core-api-endpoints
;;; ; ;; ; ; ;
(defun listenbrainz-validate-token (token)
"Check if TOKEN is valid. Return a username or nil."
(message "listenbrainz: checking token %s" token)
(let ((response
(format "%s/1/validate-token" listenbrainz-api-url)
:type "GET"
:headers (list `("Authorization" . ,(format "Token %s" token)))
:parser 'json-read
:sync t
:success (cl-function
(lambda (&key data &allow-other-keys)
(if (eq t (assoc-default 'valid data))
(message "Token is valid for user: %s"
(assoc-default 'user_name data))
(message "Not a valid user token"))))))))
;; return user_name or nil
(if (assoc-default 'user_name response)
(format "%s" (assoc-default 'user_name response))
(defun listenbrainz-listens (username &optional count)
"Get listing data for USERNAME (optionally get COUNT number of items)."
(message "listenbrainz: getting listens for %s" username)
(let* ((limit (if count count 25))
(format "%s/1/user/%s/listens" listenbrainz-api-url username)
:type "GET"
:params (list `("count" . ,limit))
:parser 'json-read
:sync t
:success (cl-function
(lambda (&key data &allow-other-keys)
(message "Listens for user: %s" username)))))))
(princ (listenbrainz--format-listens response))))
(defun listenbrainz-playing-now (username)
"Get `playing now' info for USERNAME."
(message "listenbrainz: getting playing now for %s" username)
(let* ((response
(format "%s/1/user/%s/playing-now" listenbrainz-api-url username)
:type "GET"
:parser 'json-read
:sync t
:success (cl-function
(lambda (&key data &allow-other-keys)
(message "User playing now: %s" username)))))))
(princ (listenbrainz--format-playing response))))
;; see
;; - https://listenbrainz.readthedocs.io/en/production/dev/api-usage/#submitting-listens
;; - https://listenbrainz.readthedocs.io/en/production/dev/json/#json-doc
(defun listenbrainz-submit-listen (type artist track &optional release)
"Submit listening data to ListenBrainz.
- listen TYPE (string) either \='single\=', \='import\=' or \='playing_now\='
- ARTIST name (string)
- TRACK title (string)
- RELEASE title (string) also album title."
(message "listenbrainz: submitting %s - %s - %s" artist track release)
(let* ((json-null "")
(now (listenbrainz-timestamp))
(token (format "Token %s" listenbrainz-api-token))
(listen (json-encode
(cons "listen_type" type)
(list "payload"
(remove nil
(when (string= type "single") (cons "listened_at" now))
(list "track_metadata"
(cons "artist_name" artist)
(cons "track_name" track)
;; (cons "release_name" release)
(format "%s/1/submit-listens" listenbrainz-api-url)
:type "POST"
:data listen
:headers (list '("Content-Type" . "application/json")
`("Authorization" . ,token))
:parser 'json-read
:success (cl-function
(lambda (&key data &allow-other-keys)
(message "status: %s" (assoc-default 'status data)))))))
(defun listenbrainz-submit-single-listen (artist track &optional release)
"Submit data for a single track (ARTIST TRACK and optional RELEASE)."
(listenbrainz-submit-listen "single" artist track (when release release)))
(defun listenbrainz-submit-playing-now (artist track &optional release)
"Submit data for track (ARTIST TRACK and optional RELEASE) playing now."
(listenbrainz-submit-listen "playing_now" artist track (when release release)))
;;; ;; ;; ; ; ; ; ; ;
;; Statistics API Endpoints
;; https://listenbrainz.readthedocs.io/en/production/dev/api/#statistics-api-endpoints
;; ; ;; ; ;
(defun listenbrainz-stats-recordings (username &optional count range)
"Get top tracks for USERNAME (optionally get COUNT number of items.
RANGE (str) – Optional, time interval for which statistics should be collected,
possible values are week, month, year, all_time, defaults to all_time."
(message "listenbrainz: getting top releases for %s" username)
(let* ((limit (if count count 25))
(range (if range range "all_time"))
(format "%s/1/stats/user/%s/recordings" listenbrainz-api-url username)
:type "GET"
:params (list `("count" . ,limit)
`("range" . ,range))
:parser 'json-read
:sync t
:success (cl-function
(lambda (&key data &allow-other-keys)
(message "Top recordings for user: %s" username)))))))
(princ (listenbrainz--format-stats-2 response))))
(defun listenbrainz-stats-releases (username &optional count range)
"Get top releases for USERNAME (optionally get COUNT number of items.
RANGE (str) – Optional, time interval for which statistics should be collected,
possible values are week, month, year, all_time, defaults to all_time."
(message "listenbrainz: getting top releases for %s" username)
(let* ((limit (if count count 25))
(range (if range range "all_time"))
(format "%s/1/stats/user/%s/releases" listenbrainz-api-url username)
:type "GET"
:params (list `("count" . ,limit)
`("range" . ,range))
:parser 'json-read
:sync t
:success (cl-function
(lambda (&key data &allow-other-keys)
(message "Top releases for user: %s" username)))))))
(princ (listenbrainz--format-stats-0 response))))
(defun listenbrainz-stats-artists (username &optional count range)
"Get top artists for USERNAME (optionally get COUNT number of items.
RANGE (str) – Optional, time interval for which statistics should be collected,
possible values are week, month, year, all_time, defaults to all_time."
(message "listenbrainz: getting top artists for %s" username)
(let* ((limit (if count count 25))
(range (if range range "all_time"))
(format "%s/1/stats/user/%s/artists" listenbrainz-api-url username)
:type "GET"
:params (list `("count" . ,limit)
`("range" . ,range))
:parser 'json-read
:sync t
:success (cl-function
(lambda (&key data &allow-other-keys)
(message "Top artists for user: %s" username)))))))
(princ (listenbrainz--format-stats-1 response))))
;;; ;; ;; ; ; ; ; ; ;
;; Social API Endpoints
;; https://listenbrainz.readthedocs.io/en/production/dev/api/#social-api-endpoints
;;; ; ; ;;; ;
(defun listenbrainz-followers (username &optional output)
"Fetch the list of followers of USERNAME.
OUTPUT format can be either `list' (default) or `graph'."
(message "listenbrainz: getting followers for %s" username)
(let* ((response
(format "%s/1/user/%s/followers" listenbrainz-api-url username)
:type "GET"
:parser 'json-read
:sync t
:success (cl-function
(lambda (&key data &allow-other-keys)
(message "Followers for %s" username)))))))
(if (string= "graph" output)
(princ (listenbrainz--format-followers-graph response))
(princ (listenbrainz--format-followers-list response)))))
(defun listenbrainz-following (username)
"Fetch the list of users followed by USERNAME."
(message "listenbrainz: getting users %s is following" username)
(let* ((response
(format "%s/1/user/%s/following" listenbrainz-api-url username)
:type "GET"
:parser 'json-read
:sync t
:success (cl-function
(lambda (&key data &allow-other-keys)
(message "Users %s is following" username)))))))
(princ (listenbrainz--format-following response))))
(provide 'listenbrainz)
;;; listenbrainz.el ends here