
87 lines
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#lang scheme/base
(require fluxus-016/drflux)
(require scheme/class "" "" "" "" "")
(define jid "")
(define pass "plant0000001")
(define pos (vector 50 0 0))
; p l a n t e y e s
; notes:
; * keeping with a view/logic separation, although this is quite different to
; the hexagon game. the main advantages:
; - just a divide and conquer strategy for staying sane
; - able to debug the logic without the view, or vice versa
; - the logic can be ticked at a lower frequency - or even different
; parts at different rates, whereas the view needs ticking every frame
; * need to try to keep all the intensive 'every thing vs every thing' checking
; in the logic side, where it can be done over many frames (i'm thinking the
; lags involved with things like nutrients getting absorbed may not matter
; too much in this game)
; * using a message passing system to formalise the passing of information on
; the logic side. this makes it possible to have objects sending messages
; at any point, and have them automatically collected up and dispatched to
; the view
; * these messages are also converted to xmpp messages and sent out over the
; network
; * line segments are computed in the logic side, and can be represented any
; way by the view - maybe the players plant will be geometry and everyone
; elses will be ribbons (stoopid LOD)
; * in the same way, the line segments can be created in any way by the logic
; side - eg. lsystem, or different methods per plant (or per twig even)
(define logic-tick 0.5) ; time between logic updates
(define gl (make-object game-logic%))
(define gv (make-object game-view%))
(define c (make-object controller% gv))
(define cl (make-object client% jid pass))
(send c setup)
(send gv setup)
(send gl setup)
(send cl setup)
(define tick-time 0)
(define pt 0)
(define pd 0.02)
(define (pe-time) pt)
(define (pe-delta) pd)
(define (pt-update) (set! pt (+ pt pd)))
(define player (make-object plant-logic% jid pos))
(send c set-player-plant player)
(send gl add-player player)
(define (animate)
(when (< tick-time (pe-time))
(send player grow (vmul (send c get-fwd) -1))
(let ((messages (send gl update)))
; pass the messages to the network client
(send gv update (pe-time) (pe-delta) (send cl update messages gl))) ; and the game view
(set! tick-time (+ (pe-time) logic-tick)))
(send gv update (pe-time) (pe-delta) '())
(send c update)
(sleep 0.01))
#;(for ((i (in-range 0 100000)))
; (sleep 0.4)
(every-frame (animate))