2009-04-16 18:28:51 +02:00

48 lines
913 B

;; simple example of setting texture, colour and rotation of an object
;; in fluxus from pd. requires llink.pd to be running in pd and the
;; 'frame-functions' to be loaded.
(require mzlib/string)
(define t1 0)
(define c1 (vector 0 0 0))
(define v1 (vector 0 0 0))
(define (set-texture str)
(set! t1 (load-texture str)))
(define (set-colour r g b)
(set! c1 (vector r g b)))
(define (set-rotor x y z)
(set! v1 (vector x y z)))
(define (spin)
(colour c1)
(texture t1)
(rotate v1)
(define (osc-repl)
(cond ((osc-msg "/code")
(printf "eval..~% ~a~%" (pd-filter (osc 0)))
(eval-string (pd-filter (osc 0)) osc-repl-err))
((osc-msg "/ping")
(printf "ping... ~%"))))
(define (osc-repl-err err)
(printf "xcrrERR: ~a~%" err))
(define (pd-filter str)
(regexp-replace* "_" str " "))
(osc-source "88008")
(spawn-task osc-repl)
(spawn-task spin)