146 lines
4.9 KiB
146 lines
4.9 KiB
(define texture-loc "/home/dave/flotsam/groworld/game-prototypes/flatgarden/textures/")
; try all the rules on this character -
; returns #f if none are matched
(define (lsys-run-rules char rules)
(lambda (rule str)
(if str ; if str is not #f
str ; then we have already found a rule, return it
(if (char=? char (string-ref (car rule) 0)) ; check this rule
(cadr rule) ; return the string
#f))) ; no match
; runs the lsystem rules on every character in a string,
; returns the new string
(define (lsys-search-replace str rules pos result)
((>= pos (string-length str)) result)
(let ((ret (lsys-run-rules (string-ref str pos) rules)))
(if (string? ret)
(lsys-search-replace str rules (+ pos 1)
(string-append result ret))
(lsys-search-replace str rules (+ pos 1)
(string-append result (string (string-ref str pos)))))))))
; runs the search-replace multiple (n) times on a string
(define (ls-generate n str rules)
((zero? n) str)
(ls-generate (- n 1)
(lsys-search-replace str rules 0 "") rules))))
; todo: get rid of all these
(define branch-obj (with-state
(translate (vector 0.5 0 0))
(scale (vector 1 0.5 0.5))
(rotate (vector 0 0 90))
(with-primitive branch-obj
(hide 1)
(define leaf-obj (with-state
(translate (vector 0.5 0 0))
; (scale (vector 1 0.5 0.5))
(rotate (vector 0 0 -90))
(with-primitive leaf-obj
(hide 1)
; builds objects from a string
(define (ls-build root string angle branch-scale)
(let ((parent-stack '(root))
(last-obj root)
(obj-list '())
(rot 0))
(define (make-component src-obj tex)
(let ((obj (with-state
(texture (load-texture tex))
(translate (vector 1 0.01 0))
(rotate (vector 0 0 rot))
(set! rot 0)
(build-copy src-obj))))
(with-primitive obj
(hide 0)
(when (not (zero? last-obj))
(parent last-obj)))
(set! last-obj obj)
(set! obj-list (cons obj obj-list))))
(lambda (char)
((char=? #\F char) (make-component branch-obj (string-append texture-loc "branch-a.png")))
((char=? #\G char) (make-component branch-obj (string-append texture-loc "branch-b.png")))
((char=? #\L char) (make-component leaf-obj (string-append texture-loc "leaf-a.png")))
((char=? #\B char) (make-component leaf-obj (string-append texture-loc "leaf-b.png")))
((char=? #\+ char)
(set! rot (+ rot angle)))
((char=? #\- char)
(set! rot (- rot angle)))
((char=? #\[ char)
(set! parent-stack (cons last-obj parent-stack))
(scale (vector branch-scale branch-scale branch-scale))
((char=? #\] char)
(set! last-obj (car parent-stack))
(set! parent-stack (cdr parent-stack)))))
(string->list string))
(define t 0)
(define (animate obj-list)
(set! t (+ t 0.05))
(let ((c 0))
(lambda (objs)
(lambda (obj)
(with-primitive obj
(rotate (vector 0 0 (* 0.05 (sin (+ (* c 0.2) (* 4 t)))))))
(set! c (+ c 20)))
(clear-colour (vector 0 0 0))
(set-camera-transform (mmul
(mrotate (vector 0 0 90))
(mtranslate (vector -9 0 -10))))
(set-ortho-zoom -10)
(define trees '())
(colour 1)
(for ((i (in-range 0 10)))
(let ((t2 (with-state
(translate (vector 0 (* 20 (crndf)) (rndf)))
(set! trees (cons (ls-build t2 (ls-generate 3 "F" '(("F" "G-[-F+G+FB]+F[+F-G-FL]-F")))
(+ 10 (random 20)) 0.9) trees))))
(start-framedump "wind" "jpg")
(every-frame (animate trees))