2009-08-19 17:16:48 +01:00

1054 lines
36 KiB

#lang scheme/base
(require scheme/class fluxus-016/fluxus "" "")
(provide (all-defined-out))
; the fluxus code to make things look the way they do
(define debug-messages #t) ; prints out all the messages sent to the renderer
(define audio-on #t)
(define (ornament-colour) (vector 0.5 1 0.4))
(define (pickup-colour) (vector 1 1 1))
(define (earth-colour) (vector 0.2 0.1 0))
(define (stones-colour) (vmul (earth-colour) (+ 0.5 (* (rndf) 0.5))))
(define wire-mode #f)
(define fog-col (earth-colour))
(define fog-strength 0.001)
(define default-grow-speed 0.5)
(define grow-overshoot 10)
(when audio-on (oa-start)) ;; start openAL audio
(define (pre-ripple)
(when (not (pdata-exists? "rip-pref"))
(pdata-copy "p" "rip-pref")))
(define (clamp v l u)
(if (< v l) l
(if (> v u) u v)))
(define (ripple t speed wave-length)
(lambda (p pref)
(vadd pref (vmul (srndvec)
(* 0.1 (+ 1 (sin (+ (* t speed) (* wave-length
(vdist (vtransform p
(minverse (get-transform)))
(vector 0 0 0))))))))))
"p" "rip-pref"))
(define (play-sound sound pos freq vol)
(when audio-on (let ((noise (oa-load-sample (fullpath sound))))
(oa-play noise pos freq vol))))
(define ornament-view%
(class object%
(pos (vector 0 0 0))
(sc 1)
(dir (vector 0 0 1))
(property 'none)
(col (vector 1 1 1))
(time 0)
(ev-time 0)
(ev-dur 8)
(ev-col (vector 0 0 1))
(light 0))
(const-scale (if (eq? property 'leaf) 2 4))
(rot (vector 0 0 0))
(excitation-changed #f)
(root (with-state
(translate pos)
(concat (maim dir (vector 0 1 0)))
(scale (* const-scale sc))
;(shader "shaders/textoon.vert.glsl" "shaders/textoon.frag.glsl")
((eq? property 'wiggle)
; (opacity 1)
(colour (vector 0.5 0.0 0.0))
(load-primitive "meshes/wiggle.obj"))
((eq? property 'leaf)
(colour (vector 0.8 1 0.6))
(texture (load-texture "textures/leaf.png"))
(set! rot (vector 0 0 0))
(load-primitive "meshes/leaf.obj"))
((eq? property 'horn)
(backfacecull 0)
(shader "shaders/toon.vert.glsl" "shaders/toon.frag.glsl")
(colour col)
(set! rot (vector (* (rndf) 360) 0 0))
(load-primitive "meshes/horn.obj"))
((eq? property 'inflatoe)
(backfacecull 0)
(shader "shaders/toon.vert.glsl" "shaders/textoon.frag.glsl")
(texture (load-texture "textures/wiggle.png"))
(colour col)
(set! rot (vector (* (rndf) 360) 0 0))
(let ((p (load-primitive "meshes/inflatoe-full.obj")))
(let ((dp (load-primitive "meshes/inflatoe-empty.obj")))
(with-primitive p
(pdata-copy "p" "p1")
(pdata-add "p2" "v")
(lambda (i p2)
(with-primitive dp
(pdata-ref "p" i)))
(destroy dp))
(else (error "unrecognised pickup property")))))
(particles (if (eq? property 'horn)
(let ((p (with-state
(parent root)
(translate (vector 0 0 2))
(blend-mode 'src-alpha 'one)
(texture (load-texture "textures/particle.png"))
(build-particles 30))))
(with-primitive p
(pdata-add "vel" "v")
(lambda (vel)
(vmul (srndvec) 0.01))
(lambda (s)
(vmul (vector 1 1 1) (* 0.25 (rndf))))
(lambda (c)
(vadd ev-col (vmul (rndvec) (* 0.2 (rndf)))))
(define/public (set-excitations! a b)
(set! excitation-changed #t)
(set! light a)
(set! ev-dur (if (zero? a) 9999 (/ 1 a)))
(set! ev-col (vmix (vector 0 0 1) (vector 1 0 0) b))
(set! ev-time (* ev-dur 4 (rndf))))
(define/public (update t d)
(when (< time 1)
(with-primitive root
(translate pos)
(concat (maim dir (vector 0 1 0)))
(rotate rot)
(scale (* const-scale sc 0.2 time)))
(set! time (+ time (* 0.05 d))))
(when (and (eq? property 'inflatoe) excitation-changed)
(with-primitive root
(lambda (p p1 p2)
(vmix p1 p2 (clamp light 0 1)))
"p" "p1" "p2")))
(when (eq? property 'horn)
(with-primitive particles
(pdata-op "+" "p" "vel")
(pdata-op "*" "c" 0.995))
(when (< ev-time 0)
(play-sound "snd/wateringcan.wav" pos (+ 0.1 (rndf)) 0.3)
#;(with-primitive root
(translate pos)
(concat (maim dir (vector 0 1 0)))
(rotate rot)
(scale (* const-scale sc 0.2 ev-time)))
; todo inherit and call event happen or somesuch
(with-primitive particles
(lambda (i p)
(cond ((zero? (random 2)) p)
(pdata-set! "c" i (vector (+ 0.5 (* 0.5 (rndf))) (+ 0.5 (* 0.5 (rndf))) 1))
(vector 0 0 0))))
(set! ev-time ev-dur))
(set! ev-time (- ev-time d)))
(set! excitation-changed #f))
(define pickup-view%
(class object%
(id -1)
(type 'none)
(pos (vector 0 0 0)))
(rot (vmul (rndvec) 360))
(root (with-state
(translate pos)
(rotate rot)
(colour (pickup-colour))
(scale 0.3)
;(shader "shaders/textoon.vert.glsl" "shaders/textoon.frag.glsl")
((eq? type 'wiggle) (load-texture "textures/wiggle.png"))
((eq? type 'leaf) (load-texture "textures/leaf.png"))
((eq? type 'curly) (load-texture "textures/curl.png"))
(else 0)))
((eq? type 'wiggle) (load-primitive "meshes/pickup.obj"))
((eq? type 'leaf) (load-primitive "meshes/leaf.obj"))
((eq? type 'curly) (load-primitive "meshes/pickup.obj"))
((eq? type 'horn) (backfacecull 0) (scale 5) (load-primitive "meshes/horn.obj"))
((eq? type 'inflatoe) (backfacecull 0) (scale 5) (load-primitive "meshes/inflatoe.obj")))))
(from pos)
(destination (vector 0 0 0))
(speed 0.05)
(t -1))
(define/public (pick-up)
(destroy root))
(define/public (move-to s)
(set! t 0)
(set! from pos)
(set! destination s))
(define/public (update t d)
(with-primitive root
(rotate (vector (* d 10) 0 0)))
#;(when (and (>= t 0) (< t 1))
(set! pos (vadd pos (vmul (vsub destination from) speed)))
(with-primitive root
(translate pos)
(rotate rot))
(set! t (+ t speed))))
(define nutrient-view%
(class object%
(id -1)
(pos (vector 0 0 0))
(size 0))
(root (with-state
(translate pos)
(scale size)
(build-sphere 10 10))))
(define/public (deplete amount)
(when (> size 0)
(set! size (- size amount))
(with-primitive root
(translate pos)
(scale size))))
(define/public (update t d)
(define twig-view%
(class object%
(id 0)
(pos (vector 0 0 0))
(type 'none)
(dir (vector 0 1 0))
(radius 1)
(num-points 0))
(index 0)
(parent-twig-id -1)
(child-twig-ids '())
(ornaments '())
(col (vector 1 1 1))
(tex "")
(markers '())
(grow-t -1)
(marker-destroy-t 0)
(grow-speed default-grow-speed)
(shrink-t 0)
(delme #f))
(define/public (get-id)
(define/public (delme?)
(define/public (get-dir)
(define/public (set-col! s)
(set! col s))
(define/public (set-tex! s)
(set! tex s))
(define/public (build)
(define/public (get-num-points)
(define/public (set-pos! s)
(set! pos s))
(define/public (get-child-twig-ids)
(define/public (get-root)
(error "need to overide this"))
(define/public (destroy-twig)
(destroy (get-root)))
(define/public (set-parent-twig-id s)
(set! parent-twig-id s))
(define/public (get-point point-index)
(error "need to overide this"))
(define/public (get-width point-index)
(error "need to overide this"))
(define/public (add-child-twig-id twig-id)
(set! child-twig-ids (cons twig-id child-twig-ids)))
(define/public (growing?)
(< grow-t (+ num-points grow-overshoot)))
(define/public (start-growing)
(set! grow-t 0)
(set! markers (cons (build-locator) markers)))
(define/public (start-shrinking)
(set! shrink-t (if (growing?) grow-t grow-overshoot)))
(define/pubment (add-point point width)
(play-sound "snd/event01.wav" point (+ 0.1 (rndf)) 0.3)
(set! markers (append markers (list (with-state
(parent (get-root))
(translate point)
(scale 0.1)
(shader "shaders/toon.vert.glsl" "shaders/toon.frag.glsl")
(colour col)
(build-sphere 8 8)))))
(inner (void) add-point point width))
(define/public (add-ornament point-index property)
(when (< point-index grow-t)
(play-sound "snd/nix.00203.wav" (get-point point-index) (+ 0.1 (rndf)) 0.3)
(parent (get-root))
; todo - different ornament-view objects per property needed?
; todo - delete existing ornaments here
(set! ornaments (cons (list point-index
(make-object ornament-view%
(get-point point-index)
(get-width point-index)
(vnormalise (vsub (get-point point-index)
(get-point (- point-index 1))))
property col))
(define/pubment (set-excitations! a b)
(lambda (ornament)
(send (cadr ornament) set-excitations! a b))
(define/pubment (update t d)
(lambda (ornament)
(send (cadr ornament) update t d))
(when (> shrink-t 0)
(set! shrink-t (- shrink-t (* d grow-speed))))
(when (< shrink-t 0)
(set! delme #t))
(inner (void) update t d)
(when (and (not (eq? grow-t -1)) (< grow-t (+ num-points grow-overshoot)))
(set! grow-t (+ grow-t (* d grow-speed)))
(when (and (not (null? markers)) (> 0 (- marker-destroy-t grow-t)))
; soundtodo: marker gobble
(set! marker-destroy-t (+ 1 marker-destroy-t))
(destroy (car markers))
(set! markers (cdr markers))))
(when (> grow-t (+ num-points 10))
(set! grow-t 999)))
(define ribbon-twig-view%
(class twig-view%
(inherit-field pos radius num-points index col tex)
(root 0))
(define/override (build)
(set! root (let ((p (with-state
(translate pos)
(colour col)
(texture (load-texture tex))
(build-ribbon num-points))))
(with-primitive p
(lambda (w)
(pdata-set! "w" 0 radius))
(define/override (get-root)
(define/override (get-point point-index)
(with-primitive root
(pdata-ref "p" point-index)))
(define/override (get-width point-index)
(with-primitive root
(pdata-ref "w" point-index)))
(define/augment (add-point point width)
(with-primitive root
(pdata-index-map! ; set all the remaining points to the end
(lambda (i p) ; in order to hide them
(if (< i index)
(pdata-index-map! ; do a similar thing with the width
(lambda (i w)
(if (< i (+ index 1))
(set! index (+ index 1)))
(define/augment (update t d)
(define extruded-twig-view%
(class twig-view%
(inherit growing?)
(inherit-field index radius num-points pos dir col tex grow-t shrink-t)
(profile '())
(path '())
(root 0)
(widths '()))
(define/override (build)
(set! profile (build-circle-profile 12 1))
(set! path (build-list num-points (lambda (_) (vector 0 0 0))))
(set! widths (build-list num-points (lambda (_) 1)))
(set! root (let ((p (with-state
(backfacecull 0)
(when wire-mode
(shader "shaders/toon.vert.glsl" "shaders/toon.frag.glsl")
(texture (load-texture tex))
(opacity 0.6)
(colour col)
#;(colour (vector 1 1 1))
#;(texture (load-texture "textures/root.png"))
(build-partial-extrusion profile path 3))))
(define/override (get-root)
(define/override (get-point point-index)
(list-ref path point-index))
(define/override (get-width point-index)
(list-ref widths point-index))
(define (list-set l c s)
(cond ((null? l) '())
((zero? c) (cons s (list-set (cdr l) (- c 1) s)))
(else (cons (car l) (list-set (cdr l) (- c 1) s)))))
(define/augment (add-point point width)
(set! path (list-set path index point))
(set! widths (list-set widths index width))
(set! index (+ index 1)))
(define/augment (update t d)
(when (and (not (eq? grow-t -1)) (not (eq? grow-t 999)))
(with-primitive root
(partial-extrude grow-t profile path widths (vector 1 0 0) 0.05)))
(when (> shrink-t 0)
(with-primitive root
(partial-extrude shrink-t profile path widths (vector 1 0 0) 0.05)))
#;(when (not (growing?))
(with-primitive root
(ripple t 1 0.001))))
(define/public (get-end-pos)
(list-ref path (if (zero? index) 0 (- index 1)))
#;(with-primitive root (pdata-ref "p" (- (* index (length profile)) 1))))
(define plant-view%
(class object%
(id "none")
(pos (vector 0 0 0))
(size 0)
(col (vector 1 1 1))
(tex ""))
(twigs '()) ; a assoc list map between ids and twigs stored flat here,
; for fast access, but prims heirachically in the scenegraph
(root (with-state
(translate pos)
(seed (with-state
(parent root)
(shader "shaders/toon.vert.glsl" "shaders/toon.frag.glsl")
(texture (load-texture tex))
(backfacecull 0)
(opacity 0.6)
(colour col)
(scale (* 0.12 size))
(when wire-mode
(load-primitive "meshes/seed.obj")))
(nutrients (let ((p (with-state
(parent root)
(blend-mode 'src-alpha 'one)
(texture (load-texture "textures/star.png"))
(build-particles 100))))
(with-primitive p
(pdata-add "twig" "f")
(pdata-add "point" "f")
(pdata-add "offset" "v")
(pdata-add "speed" "f")
(lambda (point)
(lambda (point)
(* 3 (+ 0.1 (rndf))))
(lambda (offset)
(vector 0 0 0))
(lambda (c)
(vector 0 (rndf) (rndf)))
(lambda (p)
(vmul (vadd (crndvec) (vector 0 -1 0)) 900))
(lambda (s)
(vmul (vector 1 1 1) (+ 0.1 (rndf))))
(define/public (get-id)
(define/public (get-col)
(define/public (get-twig twig-id)
(let ((l (assq twig-id twigs)))
(if l
(cadr (assq twig-id twigs))
(define/public (destroy-branch-twig twig-id)
(when (get-twig twig-id) ; might have destroyed itself already
(lambda (twig-id)
(destroy-branch-twig twig-id))
(send (get-twig twig-id) get-child-twig-ids))
(send (get-twig twig-id) destroy-twig))
(set! twigs (assoc-remove twig-id twigs)))
(define/public (destroy-plant)
(destroy root)
(lambda (twig)
(destroy-branch-twig (car twig)))
(define/public (shrink-twig twig-id)
(send (get-twig twig-id) start-shrinking)
(lambda (twig-id)
(shrink-twig twig-id))
(send (get-twig twig-id) get-child-twig-ids)))
(define/public (add-twig parent-twig-id point-index twig)
(let ((ptwig (get-twig parent-twig-id)))
(when ptwig
(send twig set-pos! (send ptwig get-point point-index)) ; attach to parent twig
; tell the twigs about this relationship (might turn out to be overkill)
(send ptwig add-child-twig-id (send twig get-id))
(send twig set-parent-twig-id parent-twig-id))
(send twig set-col! col)
(send twig set-tex! tex)
(send twig build)
(with-primitive (send twig get-root)
(parent root))
(set! twigs (cons (list (send twig get-id) twig) twigs))))
(define/public (add-twig-point twig-id point width)
(when (get-twig twig-id)
(send (get-twig twig-id) add-point point width)))
(define/public (start-twig-growing twig-id)
(when (get-twig twig-id)
(send (get-twig twig-id) start-growing)))
(define/public (grow-seed amount)
(with-primitive seed (scale amount)))
(define/public (add-ornament twig-id point-index property)
(when (get-twig twig-id)
(send (get-twig twig-id) add-ornament point-index property)))
(define/public (set-excitations! a b)
(lambda (twig)
(send (cadr twig) set-excitations! a b))
(define/public (nutrient-absorb twig-id twig-point)
(with-primitive nutrients
(let ((p (random (pdata-size))))
(pdata-set! "twig" p twig-id)
(pdata-set! "point" p twig-point)
(pdata-set! "p" p (send (get-twig twig-id) get-point twig-point))
(pdata-set! "offset" p (vmul (srndvec) (
send (get-twig twig-id) get-width twig-point))))))
(define/public (update-nutrients t d)
(when (not (null? twigs))
(with-primitive nutrients
(lambda (i p twig-id point offset speed)
(let* ((twig-id (inexact->exact twig-id))
(twig (get-twig twig-id))
(point (inexact->exact point)))
(if twig
((< point 1) (pdata-set! "twig" i -1) (vector 0 0 0))
((< (vdist (vadd (send twig get-point point) offset) p) 0.1)
(pdata-set! "point" i (- point 1))
(vadd p (vmul (vnormalise (vsub (vadd (send twig get-point (- point 1)) offset) p)) (* speed d))))
(vadd p (vmul (vnormalise (vsub (vadd (send twig get-point point) offset) p)) (* speed d)))))
(vector 0 0 0))))
"p" "twig" "point" "offset" "speed"))))
(define/public (update t d)
(update-nutrients t d)
(with-primitive seed
(scale (+ 1 (* 0.001 (sin (* 2 t))))))
(lambda (twig)
(when (send (cadr twig) delme?)
(destroy-branch-twig (car twig))))
(lambda (twig)
(send (cadr twig) update t d))
(define (build-env-box top bottom left right front back lower)
(let ((p (build-locator)))
(parent p)
(let ((t (with-state
(texture (load-texture top))
(translate (vector 0 0.5 0))
(rotate (vector 90 0 0))
(when lower (with-primitive t
(lambda (t)
(vmul t 10))
) t)
(texture (load-texture left))
(translate (vector 0 0 -0.5))
(rotate (vector 0 0 0))
(texture (load-texture back))
(translate (vector 0.5 0 0))
(rotate (vector 0 90 0))
(texture (load-texture right))
(translate (vector 0 0 0.5))
(rotate (vector 0 0 0))
(texture (load-texture front))
(translate (vector -0.5 0 0))
(rotate (vector 0 90 0))
(if lower
(texture (load-texture bottom))
(translate (vector 0 -0.5 0))
(rotate (vector 90 0 0))
(build-plane)) 0)))))
(define game-view%
(class object%
(plants '()) ; map of ids -> plants
(pickups '()) ; map of ids -> pickups
(nutrients '()) ; map of ids -> nutrients
(camera-dist 1)
(env-root (with-state (scale 1000) (build-locator)))
(root-camera-t 0)
(num-msgs 0)
#;(upper-env (with-state
(parent env-root)
(colour 2)
(translate (vector 0 0.28 0))
(build-env-box "textures/top.png" "textures/bottom-trans.png"
"textures/left.png" "textures/right.png"
"textures/front.png" "textures/back.png")))
#;(lower-env (with-state
(parent env-root)
(translate (vector 0 -0.22001 0))
(build-env-box "textures/bottom-trans.png" "textures/bottom.png"
"textures/sleft.png" "textures/sright.png"
"textures/sfront.png" "textures/sback.png")))
(upper-env (with-state
(parent env-root)
(translate (vector 0 0.28 0))
(build-env-box "textures/sky-top.png" "textures/floor.png"
"textures/sky-side.png" "textures/sky-side.png"
"textures/sky-side.png" "textures/sky-side.png" #f)))
(lower-env (with-state
(parent env-root)
(colour (earth-colour))
(translate (vector 0 -0.22001 0))
(build-env-box "textures/floor.png" "textures/earth-bottom.png"
"textures/earth-side.png" "textures/earth-side.png"
"textures/earth-side.png" "textures/earth-side.png" #t)))
(stones '()))
(define/public (setup world-list)
(let ((l (make-light 'point 'free)))
(light-diffuse 0 (vector 0.5 0.5 0.5))
(light-diffuse l (vector 1 1 1))
(light-position l (vector 10 50 -4)))
(clear-colour fog-col)
(clip 1 2000)
(fog fog-col fog-strength 1 100)
(set! stones
(lambda (stone)
(let ((p (with-state
(shader "shaders/toon.vert.glsl" "shaders/toon.frag.glsl")
(colour (stones-colour))
(translate (list-ref stone 2))
(scale (list-ref stone 3))
(rotate (list-ref stone 4))
(texture (load-texture "textures/quartz.png"))
(load-primitive (list-ref stone 1)))))
(with-primitive p (apply-transform) (recalc-bb)) ; apply the transform to speed up the ray tracing, don't have to tranform the ray into object space
(list-ref world-list 3))))
(define/public (get-stones)
(define/public (add-plant plant)
;(destroy-plant (send plant get-id)) ; just in case
(set! plants (cons (list (send plant get-id) plant) plants)))
(define/public (get-plant plant-id)
(let ((p (assoc plant-id plants)))
(if (not p) #f (cadr p))))
(define/public (destroy-plant plant-id)
(let ((p (get-plant plant-id)))
(when p (send p destroy-plant)
(set! plants (assoc-remove plant-id plants)))))
(define/public (destroy-branch-twig plant-id twig-id)
(send (get-plant plant-id) destroy-branch-twig twig-id))
(define/public (add-twig plant-id parent-twig-id point-index twig)
(when (get-plant plant-id)
(send (get-plant plant-id) add-twig parent-twig-id point-index twig)))
(define/public (grow-seed plant-id amount)
(when (get-plant plant-id)
(send (get-plant plant-id) grow-seed amount)))
(define/public (get-pickup pickup-id)
(cadr (assq pickup-id pickups)))
(define/public (get-nutrient nutrient-id)
(cadr (assq nutrient-id nutrients)))
(define/public (add-pickup pickup-id type pos)
(set! pickups (cons (list pickup-id (make-object pickup-view% pickup-id type pos)) pickups)))
(define/public (add-nutrient nutrient-id pos size)
(set! nutrients (cons (list nutrient-id (make-object nutrient-view% nutrient-id pos size)) nutrients)))
(define/public (pick-up-pickup pickup-id)
(send (get-pickup pickup-id) pick-up)
(set! pickups (assoc-remove pickup-id pickups)))
(define/public (deplete-nutrient nutrient-id amount plant-id twig-id twig-point)
(send (get-nutrient nutrient-id) deplete amount)
(when (get-plant plant-id)
(send (get-plant plant-id) nutrient-absorb twig-id twig-point)))
(define/public (add-ornament plant-id twig-id point-index property)
(when (get-plant plant-id)
(send (get-plant plant-id) add-ornament twig-id point-index property)))
(define/public (shrink-twig plant-id twig-id)
(when (get-plant plant-id)
(send (get-plant plant-id) shrink-twig twig-id)))
(define/public (set-excitations! a b)
(lambda (plant)
(send (cadr plant) set-excitations! a b))
(define/public (update t d messages)
(lambda (plant)
(send (cadr plant) update t d))
(lambda (pickup)
(send (cadr pickup) update t d))
(when debug-messages
(lambda (msg)
(send msg print))
(lambda (msg)
((eq? (send msg get-name) 'player-plant) ; not really any difference now
(add-plant (make-object plant-view%
(send msg get-data 'plant-id)
(send msg get-data 'pos)
(send msg get-data 'size)
(send msg get-data 'col)
(send msg get-data 'tex))))
((eq? (send msg get-name) 'new-plant)
(printf "adding new plant to view ~a~n" (send msg get-data 'plant-id))
(add-plant (make-object plant-view%
(send msg get-data 'plant-id)
(send msg get-data 'pos)
(send msg get-data 'size)
(send msg get-data 'col)
(send msg get-data 'tex))))
((eq? (send msg get-name) 'grow-seed)
(grow-seed (send msg get-data 'plant-id)
(send msg get-data 'amount)))
((eq? (send msg get-name) 'destroy-branch-twig)
(destroy-branch-twig (send msg get-data 'plant-id) (send msg get-data 'twig-id)))
((eq? (send msg get-name) 'new-twig)
(add-twig (send msg get-data 'plant-id)
(send msg get-data 'parent-twig-id)
(send msg get-data 'point-index)
((eq? (send msg get-data 'render-type) 'ribbon)
(make-object ribbon-twig-view%
(send msg get-data 'twig-id)
(vector 0 0 0) ; will be filled in by add-twig
(send msg get-data 'type)
(send msg get-data 'dir)
(send msg get-data 'width)
(send msg get-data 'num-points)))
((eq? (send msg get-data 'render-type) 'extruded)
(make-object extruded-twig-view%
(send msg get-data 'twig-id)
(vector 0 0 0) ; will be filled in by add-twig
(send msg get-data 'type)
(send msg get-data 'dir)
(send msg get-data 'width)
(send msg get-data 'num-points))))))
((eq? (send msg get-name) 'add-twig-point)
(when (get-plant (send msg get-data 'plant-id))
(send (get-plant (send msg get-data 'plant-id)) add-twig-point
(send msg get-data 'twig-id)
(send msg get-data 'point)
(send msg get-data 'width))))
((eq? (send msg get-name) 'start-growing)
(when (get-plant (send msg get-data 'plant-id))
(send (get-plant (send msg get-data 'plant-id)) start-twig-growing
(send msg get-data 'twig-id))))
((eq? (send msg get-name) 'new-pickup)
(send msg get-data 'pickup-id)
(send msg get-data 'type)
(send msg get-data 'pos)))
((eq? (send msg get-name) 'new-nutrient)
(send msg get-data 'nutrient-id)
(send msg get-data 'pos)
(send msg get-data 'size)))
((eq? (send msg get-name) 'pick-up-pickup)
(send msg get-data 'pickup-id)))
((eq? (send msg get-name) 'deplete-nutrient)
(send msg get-data 'nutrient-id)
(send msg get-data 'amount)
(send msg get-data 'plant-id)
(send msg get-data 'twig-id)
(send msg get-data 'twig-point)))
((eq? (send msg get-name) 'shrink-twig)
(printf "hello~n")
(send msg get-data 'plant-id)
(send msg get-data 'twig-id)))
((eq? (send msg get-name) 'new-ornament)
(send msg get-data 'plant-id)
(send msg get-data 'twig-id)
(send msg get-data 'point-index)
(send msg get-data 'property)))
((eq? (send msg get-name) 'vrob)
(set! num-msgs (+ num-msgs 1))
(printf "num light-level msgs: ~a~n" num-msgs)
(send msg get-data 'light-level)
(send msg get-data 'soil-moisture))
(lambda (p)
(with-primitive p
(colour (send msg get-data 'amount))))