added nutrients (pickups) and worms

This commit is contained in:
Dave Griffiths 2009-06-08 16:25:32 +01:00
parent c9fdfcc45e
commit 68d44b0343
2 changed files with 471 additions and 63 deletions

Binary file not shown.

View file

@ -1,5 +1,22 @@
; hex groworld game : fluxus version
(require scheme/class)
; tweakables
(define num-insects 20)
(define pickup-drop-probability 10)
(define (bg-colour) (vector 0.5 0.2 0.1))
(define (worm-colour) (hsv->rgb (vector 0.1 (rndf) 0.5)))
(define (root-colour) (vector 0.6 0.5 0.5))
(define (pickup-colour) (hsv->rgb (vector 0.1 (rndf) 1)))
(define (absorb-colour) (hsv->rgb (vector 0.1 (rndf) 1)))
(define texpath "textures/")
; odds and sods
@ -23,6 +40,9 @@
(cons (list-ref l i)
(shuffle (list-remove l i))))))
(define (choose l)
(list-ref l (random (length l))))
; convert a list of bools into a number, treating the
; list as a binary sequence
(define (bool-list->num l n c)
@ -63,20 +83,30 @@
; logic
; messages passed between the logic and the view
(define-struct cell-update (pos code pickup upstream))
(define-struct insect-update (id pos dir t))
(define-struct absorb-event (cell-pos type))
(define comb-cell%
(class object%
(pos '())
(neighbours '(#f #f #f #f #f #f))
(contents '())
(pickup #f)
(connections '(#f #f #f #f #f #f))
(visible #f)
(update-me #f))
(update-me #f)
(upstream #f)) ; the cell we are connected to (if we are)
(define/public (update-me?)
(let ((r update-me))
(set! update-me #f)
(define/public (get-upstream)
(define/public (set-visible! s)
(set! update-me #t)
(set! visible s))
@ -84,6 +114,12 @@
(define/public (visible?)
(define/public (get-pos)
(define/public (set-pos! s)
(set! pos s))
(define/public (get-neighbours)
@ -93,8 +129,12 @@
(define/public (set-neighbour! d n)
(set! neighbours (insert neighbours d n 0)))
(define/public (get-contents)
(define/public (get-pickup)
(define/public (set-pickup! s)
(when visible (set! update-me #t))
(set! pickup s))
(define/public (get-connections)
@ -119,22 +159,61 @@
(bool-list->num connections 0 0))
; returns the first attachable neighbour found, and sets it's connection
(define (search/attach-to-neighbour l)
(define (search/attach-to-neighbour l dirs)
((null? l) #f)
((null? l) dirs)
((not (send (get-neighbour (car l)) no-connections?))
(send (get-neighbour (car l)) set-connection! (rdirection (car l)) #t)
(set! upstream (get-neighbour (car l)))
#;(search/attach-to-neighbour (cdr l) (cons (car l) dirs))
(car l))
(else (search/attach-to-neighbour (cdr l)))))
(else (search/attach-to-neighbour (cdr l) dirs))))
(define/public (grow)
; only possible to grow when we are a clear cell
(when (equal? connections (list #f #f #f #f #f #f))
(let ((dir (search/attach-to-neighbour (shuffle directions))))
(when dir
; it's dir is false if we have nothing around us to
; connect to, probably shouldn't happen, haven't decided yet
(set-connection! dir #t)))))
(let ((dir (search/attach-to-neighbour (shuffle directions) '())))
(when dir
(set-connection! dir #t))
(lambda (d)
(set-connection! d #t))
(define insect%
(class object%
(id 0)
(cell 0)
(t (+ 0.5 (rndf))))
(next-update 0))
(define/public (get-id)
(define/public (get-cell)
(define (move cell)
(let* ((i (random (length (send cell get-neighbours))))
(n (list-ref (send cell get-neighbours) i)))
(if n (list i n) (move cell))))
(define/public (update time delta)
(cond ((> time next-update)
(let ((m (move cell)))
(when (zero? (random pickup-drop-probability))
(send cell set-pickup! 'default))
(set! next-update (+ time t))
(set! cell (cadr m))
(make-insect-update id (send cell get-pos) (car m) t)))
(else #f)))
@ -145,7 +224,8 @@
(cells '())
(width 0)
(height 0))
(height 0)
(insects '()))
(define/public (get-cell x y)
(list-ref cells (+ (* y height) x)))
@ -157,6 +237,9 @@
; first build the cells
(set! cells (build-list (* w h) (lambda (_) (make-object comb-cell%))))
; now build the insects
(set! insects (build-list num-insects (lambda (id) (make-object insect% id (choose cells)))))
; then stitch them together like this:
; o o o o o o o o o o o
@ -167,6 +250,7 @@
(for ((x (in-range 0 width)))
(for ((y (in-range 0 height)))
(let ((cell (get-cell x y)))
(send cell set-pos! (list x y))
(when (and (< x (- width 1)) (> y 0))
(send cell set-neighbour! NE (get-cell (if (odd? y) (+ x 1) x) (- y 1))))
(when (< x (- width 1))
@ -182,32 +266,38 @@
(send cell set-neighbour! SW (get-cell (if (odd? y) x (- x 1)) (+ y 1))))))))
(define/public (seed x y)
(send (get-cell x y) set-connection! SE #t)
(send (get-cell x (+ y 1)) set-connection! NW #t)
#;(let ((seed (get-cell x y)))
; set all directions to be connected
(lambda (d)
(send seed set-connection! d #t))
(lambda (n d)
(send n set-connection! (rdirection d) #t))
(send seed get-neighbours)
(send (get-cell x (+ y 1)) set-connection! NW #t))
(define/public (get-update-list)
(let ((i -1))
(define/public (get-update-list time delta)
; look for pickups over roots
(lambda (cell r)
(let ((pickup (send cell get-pickup)))
(cond ((and (not (send cell no-connections?)) pickup)
(send cell set-pickup! #f)
(cons (make-absorb-event (send cell get-pos) pickup) r))
(else r))))
(lambda (insect r)
(let ((l (send insect update time delta)))
(if l (cons l r) r)))
(lambda (cell r)
(set! i (+ i 1))
(if (send cell update-me?)
(cons (list
(list (modulo i width) (quotient i height))
(send cell get-connection-num)) r)
(let ((upstream (send cell get-upstream)))
(cons (make-cell-update (send cell get-pos)
(send cell get-connection-num)
(send cell get-pickup)
(if upstream (send upstream get-pos) #f)) r))
@ -217,6 +307,13 @@
; graphics and interaction
; more odds and sods...
(define (direction-normal d)
(let ((a (* 2 1.141 60)))
(vector (sin (* a d)) (cos (* a d)) 0)))
(define (build-ngon n)
(let ((p (build-polygons n 'polygon)))
(with-primitive p
@ -236,14 +333,81 @@
(pdata-map! (lambda (n) (vector 0 0 1)) "n"))
(define (build-ngon n)
(let ((p (build-polygons n 'polygon)))
(with-primitive p
(lambda (i p)
(let ((a (* (/ i n) (* 2 3.141))))
(vector (cos a) (sin a) 0)))
(lambda (t p)
(let ((p (vtransform p (mmul
(mrotate (vector 0 0 -90))
(mscale (vector -1 1 1))))))
(vsub (vmul p 0.45) (vector 0.5 0.5 0))))
"t" "p")
(pdata-copy "t" "tref")
(pdata-map! (lambda (n) (vector 0 0 1)) "n"))
; slow implementation of hermite curves for animation
(define (hermite s p1 p2 t1 t2)
; the bernstein polynomials
(define (h1 s)
(+ (- (* 2 (expt s 3))
(* 3 (expt s 2))) 1))
(define (h2 s)
(+ (* -2 (expt s 3))
(* 3 (expt s 2))))
(define (h3 s)
(+ (- (expt s 3) (* 2 (expt s 2))) s))
(define (h4 s)
(- (expt s 3) (expt s 2)))
(vmul p1 (h1 s))
(vmul p2 (h2 s)))
(vmul t1 (h3 s))
(vmul t2 (h4 s)))))
; slow, stupid version for getting the tangent - not in the mood for
; maths today to see how you derive it directly, must be pretty simple
(define (hermite-tangent t p1 p2 t1 t2)
(let ((p (hermite t p1 p2 t1 t2)))
(list p (vsub (hermite (- t 0.01) p1 p2 t1 t2) p))))
(define (lerp t p1 p2)
(vadd (vmul p1 (- 1 t)) (vmul p2 t)))
(define (lerp-tangent t p1 p2)
(let ((p (lerp t p1 p2)))
(list p (vsub (lerp (- t 0.01) p1 p2) p))))
(define cell-view%
(class object%
(root 0)
(root2 0)
(pickup-root 0)
(t 0)
(pos '(0 0))
(owner 0))
(owner 0)
(upstream-pos '()))
(define/public (get-upstream-pos)
(define/public (set-upstream-pos! s)
(set! upstream-pos s))
(define/public (set-owner! s)
(set! owner s))
@ -263,7 +427,7 @@
(parent owner)
(opacity 0)
(colour (vector 0.9 1 0.5))
(colour (root-colour))
(when (odd? (cadr pos))
(translate (vector 0.5 0 0)))
@ -280,7 +444,7 @@
(set! root2 (build-prim code)))
(define (update-texture code)
(texture (load-texture "textures/roots-ornate.png"))
(texture (load-texture (append texpath "roots-ornate.png")))
(lambda (t tref)
(let ((size (/ 1 8)))
@ -295,15 +459,33 @@
(set! root2 (build-prim code))
(set! t 0))
(define/public (update)
(set! t (+ t 0.04))
(define/public (set-pickup! type)
(when (and (not type) (not (zero? pickup-root)))
(destroy pickup-root)
(set! pickup-root 0))
(when type
(when (not (zero? pickup-root))
(destroy pickup-root)
(set! pickup-root 0))
(set! pickup-root (with-state
(colour (pickup-colour))
(parent owner)
(translate (with-primitive root (vtransform (vector 0 0 0) (get-transform))))
(build-torus 0.03 0.2 10 10)))))
(define/public (update time delta)
(set! t (+ t delta))
(when (not (zero? pickup-root))
(with-primitive pickup-root
(rotate (vector 0 2 0))))
(when (< t 1)
(with-primitive root
(opacity (- 1 t)))
(with-primitive root2
(opacity t)))
(when (> t 1)
(with-primitive root
(opacity 1))
@ -316,14 +498,193 @@
(define insect-view%
(class object%
(root 0)
(from (vector 0 0 0))
(to (vector 0 0 0))
(from-dir (vector 1 0 0))
(to-dir (vector 1 0 0))
(t 0)
(d 0))
(define/public (build)
(set! root (build-cube))
(with-primitive root (hide 1)))
(define/public (goto-cell cell dir dur)
(set! from to)
(set! from-dir to-dir)
(set! to (with-primitive (send cell get-root)
(vtransform (vector 0 0 0) (get-transform))))
(set! to-dir (direction-normal dir))
(set! t 0)
(set! d dur))
(define/public (update time delta)
(cond ((or (zero? d) (> t d) (equal? from (vector 0 0 0)))
(with-primitive root (hide 1))
(set! from (vector 0 0 0)))
(with-primitive root
(hide 0)
(let ((h (hermite-tangent (/ t d) from to (vmul from-dir 2) (vmul to-dir 2))
#;(lerp-tangent (/ t d) from to)))
(translate (car h))
(concat (maim (vector 0 0 1) (vnormalise (cadr h)))))
(scale 0.2))))
(set! t (+ t delta)))
(define worm-view%
(class insect-view%
(inherit-field root from to from-dir to-dir t d)
(field (hidden #t))
(define/override (build)
(set! root (build-ribbon 50))
(with-primitive root
(hide 1)
(translate (vector 0 0 -0.1))
(set! hidden #t)
(colour (worm-colour))
(texture (load-texture (append texpath "worm.png")))
(let ((width (+ 0.05 (* 0.1 (rndf)))))
(lambda (i w)
width #;(+ 0.05 (* (abs (sin (* i 0.5))) 0.1)))
(lambda (c)
(vector 1 1 1))
(define/override (update time delta)
(cond ((or (zero? d) (> t d) (equal? from (vector 0 0 0)))
(set! hidden #t)
(with-primitive root (hide 1)))
(with-primitive root
(when hidden
(set! hidden #f)
(lambda (p)
(hide 0)
(let ((h (hermite-tangent (/ t d) from to (vmul from-dir 2) (vmul to-dir 2))))
;(translate (car h))
(pdata-set! "p" (- (pdata-size) 1) (car h))
(for ((i (in-range 0 (- (pdata-size) 1))))
(pdata-set! "p" i (pdata-ref "p" (+ i 1))))))))
(set! t (+ t delta)))
(define absorb-view%
(class object%
(cell #f)
(root 0)
(next-time 0)
(target (vector 0 0 0))
(speed 0.5)
(alive #t)
(t 0))
(define/public (set-cell! s)
(set! cell s))
(define/public (alive?)
(define/public (build p)
(set! root (with-state
(texture (load-texture (append texpath "particle.png")))
(parent p)
(build-particles 20)))
(let ((pos (with-primitive (send cell get-root)
(vtransform (vector 0 0 0) (get-transform)))))
(with-primitive root
(lambda (p)
(vadd pos (vmul (srndvec) 0.3)))
(lambda (c)
(lambda (s)
(let ((s (* 0.75 (+ 1 (rndf)))))
(vector s s 1 0.3)))
(define/public (update time delta hcv)
(set! t (+ t delta))
(with-primitive root
(lambda (p)
(vadd p (vadd (vmul (vsub target p) 0.05) (vmul (srndvec) 0.06))))
(when (> time next-time)
(set! next-time (+ time speed))
(let ((upstream-pos (send cell get-upstream-pos)))
(cond (upstream-pos
(set! cell (send hcv get-cell-from-pos (send cell get-upstream-pos)))
(set! target (with-primitive (send cell get-root)
(vtransform (vector 0 0 0) (get-transform)))))
(set! alive #f)
(destroy root))))))
(define honey-comb-view%
(class object%
(root 0)
(cells '())) ; an associative array mapping position to cell-view obs
(cells '()) ; an associative list mapping position to cell-views
(insects '()) ; an associative list mapping id to insect-views
(absorb-list '())) ; just a list of absorb effects
(define/public (init)
(set! root (build-locator)))
(set! root (build-locator))
(set! insects (build-list num-insects
(lambda (id)
(list id (make-object worm-view%)))))
(parent root)
(lambda (insect)
(send (cadr insect) build))
(define (get-pos-from-prim p l)
@ -331,30 +692,71 @@
((eq? (send (cadr (car l)) get-root) p) (caar l))
(else (get-pos-from-prim p (cdr l)))))
(define/public (get-cell-from-pos pos)
(cadr (assoc pos cells)))
(define/public (deal-with-input)
(if (mouse-button 1)
(get-pos-from-prim (mouse-over) cells)
(define/public (update update-list)
(define/public (add-absorb! s)
(set! absorb-list (cons s absorb-list)))
(define/public (update update-list time delta)
; do the per-frame update on all the things
(set! absorb-list
(lambda (absorb)
(send absorb update time delta this)
(send absorb alive?))
(lambda (cell)
(send (cadr cell) update))
(send (cadr cell) update time delta))
(lambda (insect)
(send (cadr insect) update time delta))
; read the update list, and dispatch based on type
(lambda (item)
((pos (car item))
(code (cadr item))
(s (assoc pos cells)))
(s (send (cadr s) new-code code))
(let ((cell (make-object cell-view%)))
(send cell set-pos! pos)
(send cell set-owner! root)
(send cell build code)
(set! cells (cons (list pos cell) cells)))))))
((cell-update? item)
((pos (cell-update-pos item))
(code (cell-update-code item))
(s (assoc pos cells)))
(send (cadr s) new-code code)
(send (cadr s) set-pickup! (cell-update-pickup item))
(send (cadr s) set-upstream-pos! (cell-update-upstream item)))
(let ((cell (make-object cell-view%)))
(send cell set-pos! pos)
(send cell set-owner! root)
(send cell build code)
(set! cells (cons (list pos cell) cells)))))))
((insect-update? item)
(let* ((pos (insect-update-pos item))
(c (assoc pos cells))
(insect (cadr (assoc (insect-update-id item) insects))))
; only need to update if we can see the cell
(when c (send insect goto-cell
(cadr c)
(insect-update-dir item)
(insect-update-t item)))))
((absorb-event? item)
(let ((a (make-object absorb-view%)))
(send a set-cell! (get-cell-from-pos (absorb-event-cell-pos item)))
(send a build root)
(add-absorb! a)))))
@ -362,28 +764,34 @@
(clear-colour (vector 0.5 0.2 0.1))
(clear-colour (bg-colour))
(show-axis 0)
(set-camera-transform (mtranslate (vector 0 0 -8)))
(set-camera-transform (mtranslate (vector -10 -6 -8)))
(define hc (make-object honey-comb%))
(define hcv (make-object honey-comb-view%))
(send hc init 100 100)
(send hc init 20 20)
(translate (vector -50 -42.5 0))
; (translate (vector -50 -42.5 0))
; (translate (vector -10 -8.5 0))
(send hcv init))
(send hc seed 50 50)
(send hc seed 10 10)
;(send (send hc get-cell 50 52) grow)
;(send (send hc get-cell 49 53) grow)
(define t 0)
(define d 0.04)
(define (animate)
; (set! d (delta))
(set! t (+ t d))
(let ((clicked (send hcv deal-with-input)))
(when clicked
(send (send hc get-cell (car clicked) (cadr clicked)) grow)))
(send hcv update (send hc get-update-list)))
(send hcv update (send hc get-update-list t d) t d))
(every-frame (animate))