
253 lines
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Raw Normal View History

#lang scheme/base
(require fluxus-016/drflux)
(require scheme/class)
; p l a n t e y e s
; notes:
; keeping with a view/model client/server render/logic separation, although
; not sure if it's the right approach yet
; logic side gets ticked at a low frequency
; render side gets ticked at framerate
; a message for sending betwixt logic and render side
(define message%
(class object%
(type 'none) ; a symbol denoting the type of the message
(data '())) ; should be an assoc list map of name to values, eg:
; '((name "archibold") (age 53))
; shouldn't put logic objects in here - 'raw' data only
(define/public (get-data arg-name)
(cadr (assoc arg-name data)))
; the base class logic object - all logic side objects can
; send messages to the render side at any time by calling add-message
; this takes care of the propagation of information. (not just oo fetish, I hope)
(define game-logic-object%
(class object%
(messages '())
(children '()))
(define/public (send-message msg)
(set! messages (cons msg messages)))
(define/pubment (update) ; need to augement this if we have child logic objects,
(let ((m messages)) ; and call update on them too.
(set! messages '())
(inner ('()) update) ; the augmented method gets called here
; a twig, which can contain other twigs things.
; (roots and shoots are both twigs)
(define twig-logic%
(class game-logic-object%
(id #f) ; our id (for matching up with the renderer geometry)
(plant #f) ; the plant we belong to
(type 'root) ; or 'shoot
(dir (vector 0 1 0)) ; the general direction we are pointing in
(width 1)) ; the width of this root
(points '()) ; the 3d points for this twig
(twigs '()) ; children are stored with the point number they are connected to.
(ornaments '())) ; the things attached to this twig, an assoc list with point index
(inherit send-message)
(define/public (get-type)
(define/public (get-dir)
(define/public (get-point point-index)
(list-ref points point-index))
(define/public (add-twig point-index twig)
(set! twigs (cons (list point-index twig) twigs)))
(define/public (get-twig point-index)
(cadr (assq point-index twigs)))
(define/public (add-ornament point-index ornament)
; tell the renderer something has occurred
(send-message (make-object message% 'new-ornament
(send plant get-id)
(set! ornaments (cons (list point-index ornament) ornaments)))
(define/public (get-ornament point-index)
(cadr (assq point-index ornaments)))
; adds the ornament if it's close, and checks sub-twigs
; returns true if it's succeded
(define/public (check/add-ornament pickup)
; check each point in our twig
(let ((found (foldl
(lambda (point found)
; if we havent found anything yet and it's intersecting
(cond ((and (not found) (< (vdist point (send pickup get-pos)) (+ width (send pickup get-size))))
(add-ornament (send pickup create-ornament plant))
(else #f)))
; now check each sub-twig
(if (not found)
(lambda (twig found)
(if (not found)
(send twig check/add-ornament)
(define/augment (update)
(lambda (ornament)
(send ornament update))
(lambda (twig)
(send twig update))
; abilities live on twigs, and can do things.
; this is the base class for all abilities.
(define ornament-logic%
(class game-logic-object%
(plant #f) ; the plant we belong to
(twig #f) ; the twig we are on
(point-index -1)) ; the index to the point on our twig
(pos (send twig get-point point-index))) ; figure out the position here
(define/public (get-pos)
; pickups map to abilities, and live out in space
; this is the base class for all pickups.
(define pickup-logic%
(class game-logic-object%
(type 'none)
(pos (vector 0 0 0)))
(define/public (get-pos)
; converts pickup->ormament
; override this
(define/public (create-ornament plant)
(make-object ornament-logic% plant)) ; todo twig/point-index???
(define plant-logic%
(class game-logic-object%
(pos (vector 0 0 0)))
(twigs '()) ; a assoc list map of ages to twigs
(age 0) ; the age of this plant
(max-twigs 10)) ; the maximum twigs allowed at any time - oldest removed first
(define/public (check/add-ornament pickup)
(lambda (twig found)
(if (not found)
(send twig check/add-ornament pickup)
(define/public (destroy-twig twig)
; a util to keep a fixed size list of twigs, calling destroy twig when needed.
(define (cons-twig thing in count out)
((null? in)
(cons thing out))
((zero? count)
(destroy-twig (car in))
(cons thing out))
(else (cons-twig thing (cdr in) (- count 1) (append out (list (car in)))))))
(define/public (add-twig twig)
(set! twigs (cons-twig twig twigs max-twigs '())))
(define/augment (update)
(lambda (twig)
(send twig update))
(define game-logic%
(class game-logic-object%
(plants '())
(pickups '()))
(define/public (add-plant plant)
(set! plants (cons plant plants)))
(define/public (add-pickups pickup)
(set! pickups (cons pickup pickups)))
; todo - distribute the checking of stuff like
; this to a random selection of pickups/plants
; to distribute the cpu load
(define/augment (update)
(lambda (pickup)
(lambda (plant)
(send plant check/add-ormament pickup))
(lambda (plant)
(send plant update))