* Style & readability A simple way to analyse the writing style, word use and readability of prose in Emacs. It can be used by calling =smog-check-buffer= or =smog-check-region= on the selected region. The analysis is produced via the command line tool =style=. It performs several [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Readability][readability]] tests on the text including; [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flesch%E2%80%93Kincaid_readability_tests][Flesch-Kincaid readability tests]], [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Automated_readability_index][Automated Readability Index]] (aka “ARI”), [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coleman%E2%80%93Liau_index][Coleman-Liau Index]], [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gunning_fog_index][Gunning fog index]] (aka "Fog Index"), and [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SMOG][SMOG Index]] (aka "SMOG-Grading", “Simple Measure Of Gobbledygook“). It also summarises word usage and provides information about sentence and paragraph structure. The output is presented as a summary, so if you are looking for more specific, or continuous feedback on style and/or grammar then using =flycheck= with [[http://proselint.com/][proselint]] might be more suitable. ** Install The textual analysis requires [[http://wiki.christophchamp.com/index.php?title=Style_and_Diction][style]] to be installed. The tools =style= and =diction= are part of the GNU project and should be available for most unix-like systems. To install on Debian #+BEGIN_SRC bash apt install diction #+END_SRC To install on macOS #+BEGIN_SRC bash brew install style #+END_SRC ** Configure The package can be installed from [[https://melpa.org/][MELPA]] or manually via [[https://github.com/zzkt/smog][github]]. #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp (use-package smog) #+END_SRC To configure language or output options, =setq= or customize the =smog-command= variable. The default language is set to =en= (English) and can be changed to =de= for German or =nl= for Dutch. Details for the various output options can be found via =style -h= or =man style= in your shell of choice. #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp (use-package smog :config (setq smog-command "style -L en")) #+END_SRC e.g. to analyse a text in German and show sentences longer than 23 words… #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp (use-package smog :config (setq smog-command "style -L de -l 23")) #+END_SRC ** Analyse surface detail =M-x smog-check-buffer= and/or =M-x smog-check-region= ** Further - [[https://wiki.christophchamp.com/index.php?title=Style_and_Diction][style]] is written by Michael Haardt with contributions from Jason Petrone, Uschi Stegemeier and Hans Lodder - [[https://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/ED506404.pdf][The Classic Readability Studies]]. William H.DuBay, Editor - [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asemic_writing][Asemic writing]]