* time, space, stacking, slicing, scanning, etc "Slitscan imaging techniques are used to create static images of time-based phenomena. In traditional film photography, slit scan images are created by exposing film as it slides past a slit-shaped aperture. In the digital realm, thin slices are extracted from a sequence of video frames, and concatenated into a new image." [[http://www.flong.com/texts/lists/slit_scan/][An Informal Catalogue of Slit-Scan Video Artworks and Research]] Compiled by Golan Levin. #+ATTR_HTML: :style margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; #+name: unfolding #+caption: Egbert Mittelstaedt. Unfolding (2002) [[http://www.flong.com/storage/images/texts/slit_scan/34_egbert_mittelstaedt_665px.jpg]] This particular slitscan provides some slightly configurable scaffolding around ffmpeg (based on a blogpost from [[http://oioiiooixiii.blogspot.com/2017/11/ffmpeg-temporal-slice-stacking-effect.html][oioiiooixiii]]) and is intended for non-realtime rendering at various resolutions. it's neither first, nor last. it's not especially interesting, educational or efficient. just another cloudform in the endless space of possible implementation... * installation, configuration, operation, etc install (mac)... #+BEGIN_SRC shell brew install ffmpeg drracket git clone https://github.com/zzkt/slitscan.git #+END_SRC install (debian/ubuntu)... #+BEGIN_SRC shell sudo apt install ffmpeg racket git clone https://github.com/zzkt/slitscan.git #+END_SRC simple transform... #+BEGIN_SRC shell racket slitscan.rkt -v -i #+END_SRC transform at 1080p and delete working files, with minimal command line noise... #+BEGIN_SRC shell racket slitscan.rkt --width 1920 --height 1080 --loglevel quiet --cleanup -i #+END_SRC options... #+BEGIN_SRC shell slitscan [