CLASS:: EmacsBuffer summary:: Lightweight Emacs User Interface categories:: Frontends CLASSMETHODS:: METHOD:: new Create a new Emacs buffer with the specified name. If a buffer with the same name already exists, it is cleared. ARGUMENT:: name The name of the new buffer. Convention has it that generated buffers (those which do not belong to a file) should start and end with an asterisk *. METHOD:: at Retrieve an instance by its name. ARGUMENT:: name The name of the buffer. INSTANCEMETHODS:: METHOD:: front Switch to this buffer in Emacs, making it the current buffer. CODE:: p =; p.front; :: METHOD:: defineKey ARGUMENT:: keySeq A key sequence. ARGUMENT:: func A function to call when that key sequence is invoked. CODE:: // create a key action for the buffer: p.defineKey( "hello", { "hey there".postln; } ); // type hello on the window and look at the postbuffer p.front; p.defineKey( "hey there", { "hello".postln; } ); // type hey there and look at the postbuffer p.front; :: METHOD:: insert Insert text. ARGUMENT:: string The text which should be inserted. CODE:: // put some text in the buffer: p.insert( "this is a really interesting text to read in the buffer" ); p.front; :: METHOD:: newline Insert a newline. CODE:: p.newline; p.front; :: METHOD:: gotoBob Move the cursor (point in Emacs jargon) to the beginning of the buffer. METHOD:: gotoEob Move point to the end of the buffer. METHOD:: goto Move point to a specific character position. ARGUMENT:: position An integer. METHOD:: button Create a multistate button. ARGUMENT:: states An array of state names. ARGUMENT:: action A function to call when the button state changes. ARGUMENT:: prefix Text to insert before the current state. ARGUMENT:: suffix Text to insert after the current state. CODE:: // make a button: p.button( [ "on", "off", "in between" ], { |v| v.postln; } ); p.front; // make a button with a different look: p.button( [ "on", "off", "in between" ], { |v| v.postln; }, "******", "+++++" ); p.front; :: METHOD:: closeButton Create a button which will close this buffer. CODE:: p.closeButton; p.front; :: METHOD:: editableField Create a field which can be edited inline. ARGUMENT:: tag The label of the field. ARGUMENT:: value The default content, a string. ARGUMENT:: action A function to call when the user submits the content by pressing enter. CODE:: p =; p.editableField( "write something here", "like this?", { |v| v.postln; } ); p.front; :: METHOD:: free Close this buffer.