2014-03-14 13:33:08 -07:00

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#lang scribble/doc
@(require scribble/manual
@title{@bold{rsc3}: SuperCollider client library}
@author[(author+email "Mustafa Khafateh" "")]
@(require (for-label "main.rkt"))
@defmodule[rsc3]{This collection provides means to work with the SuperCollider
synthesis server
@defproc[(audition [ugen ugen?]) ()]{
Plays sound generated by the ugen. This creates a synthdef,
sends it to the server using the name "anonymous" and group 1, and creates a new synth.
;; play sin wave
(audition (out 0 (mul (sin-osc ar 440 0) 0.1)))
@section{Communicating with the SuperCollider server (scsynth)}
Most functions that send messages to the server do so by accepting a socket type as the first argument.
This function is passed to with-udp-sc3 or with-tcp-sc3, which call the function on a socket of a specific type.
Assumes the scsynth is running using udp at port 57110.
@defproc[(with-udp-sc3 [func procedure?]) any/c]{
func should be a function that takes a socket (reset is an example of such a function).
with-udp-sc3 opens a udp socket, calls func on that socket, closes the socket, and returns the return value of func.
(with-udp-sc3 reset)
@defproc[(with-tcp-sc3 [func procedure?]) any/c]{
Same as with-udp-sc3 but uses the tcp protocol.
@defproc[(play [fd (or udp:socket? tcp:socket?)] [ugen ugen?]) any/c]{
The same as audition but without the socket creation step. (audition uses play)
Using the given socket, plays sound generated by the ugen. This creates a synthdef,
sends it to the server using the name "anonymous" and group 1, and creates a new synth.
This example, play-ugen, is equivalent to the function audition.
(define (play-ugen ugen)
(with-udp-sc3 (lambda (fd)
(play fd ugen))))
@defproc[(send [fd (or udp:socket? tcp:socket?)] [message message?]) ()]{
Sends an OSC message to the server using the socket fd.
@defproc[(async [fd (or udp:socket? tcp:socket?)] [message message?]) ()]{
Sends an OSC message to the server using the socket fd and waits (blocks)
for a /done message from the server.
@section{Reporting Bugs}
For Heaven's sake, report lots of bugs!