#lang scribble/manual @(require (for-label racket)) @title{(running-max in trig)} Track maximum level. outputs the maximum value received at the input. When triggered, the maximum output value is reset to the current value. in - input signal trig - reset the output value to the current input value @racketblock[ (let* ((t (impulse ar 0.4 0)) (f (mul-add (running-max (dust ar 20) t) 500 200))) (audition (out 0 (mul (sin-osc ar f 0) 0.2)))) ] @racketblock[ (let* ((t (impulse kr (mouse-x kr 0.01 2 1 0.1) 0)) (f (mul-add (running-max (sin-osc kr 2 0) t) 500 200))) (audition (out 0 (mul (sin-osc ar f 0) 0.2)))) ]