#lang scribble/manual @(require (for-label racket)) @title{(shaper bufnum in)} Wave shaper. Performs waveshaping on the input signal by indexing into the table. bufnum - the number of a buffer filled in wavetable format containing the transfer function. in - the input signal. @racketblock[ (with-sc3 (lambda (fd) (async fd (b-alloc 10 512 1)) (async fd (b-gen1 10 "cheby" (list 0 1 0 1 1 0 1))))) ] @racketblock[ (audition (let* ((a (line kr 0 1 6 remove-synth)) (s (mul (sin-osc ar 300 0) a))) (out 0 (mul (shaper 10 s) 0.5)))) ]