#lang scribble/manual @(require (for-label racket)) @title{(select which array)} The output is selected from an array of inputs. @racketblock[ (audition (let* ((a (mce3 (sin-osc ar 440 0) (saw ar 440) (pulse ar 440 0.1))) (cycle 3/2) (w (mul-add (lf-saw kr 1 0) cycle cycle))) (out 0 (mul (select w a) 0.2)))) ] Note: all the ugens are continously running. This may not be the most efficient way if each input is cpu-expensive. Here used as a sequencer: @racketblock[ (audition (let* ((n 32) (a (make-mce (map (compose midi-cps u:floor) (replicate-m n (rand 30 80))))) (cycle (/ n 2)) (w (mul-add (lf-saw kr 1/2 0) cycle cycle))) (out 0 (mul (saw ar (select w a)) 0.2)))) ]