#lang scribble/manual @(require (for-label racket)) @title{(pv-copy bufferA bufferB)} Copies the spectral frame in bufferA to bufferB at that point in the chain of PV UGens. This allows for parallel processing of spectral data without the need for multiple fft UGens, and to copy out data at that point in the chain for other purposes. bufferA and bufferB must be the same size. bufferA - source buffer. bufferB - destination buffer. @racketblock[ (with-sc3 (lambda (fd) (async fd (b-alloc 0 2048 1)) (async fd (b-alloc 1 2048 1)))) ] Proof of concept, silence @racketblock[ (let* ((in (lfclip-noise ar 100)) (c0 (fft* 0 in)) (c1 (pv-copy c0 1))) (audition (out 0 (sub (ifft* c0) (ifft* c1))))) ]