#lang scribble/manual @(require (for-label racket)) @title{(pv-bin-wipe bufferA bufferB wipe)} Combine low and high bins from two inputs Copies low bins from one input and the high bins of the other. bufferA - fft buffer A. bufferB - fft buffer B. wipe - can range between -1 and +1. if wipe == 0 then the output is the same as inA. if wipe > 0 then it begins replacing with bins from inB from the bottom up. if wipe < 0 then it begins replacing with bins from inB from the top down. @racketblock[ (with-sc3 (lambda (fd) (async fd (b-alloc 10 2048 1)) (async fd (b-alloc 11 2048 1)) (async fd (b-alloc-read 12 "/home/rohan/audio/metal.wav" 0 0)))) ] @racketblock[ (let* ((a (mul (white-noise ar) 0.2)) (b (mul (sin-osc ar 100 0) 0.2)) (f (fft* 10 a)) (g (fft* 11 b)) (h (pv-bin-wipe f g (mouse-x kr -1 1 0 0.1)))) (audition (out 0 (mul (ifft* h) 0.5)))) ] @racketblock[ (let* ((a (mul (white-noise ar) 0.2)) (b (play-buf 1 12 (buf-rate-scale kr 12) 0 0 1)) (f (fft* 10 a)) (g (fft* 11 b)) (h (pv-bin-wipe f g (mouse-x kr -1 1 0 0.1)))) (audition (out 0 (mul (ifft* h) 0.5)))) ]