#lang scribble/manual @(require (for-label racket)) @title{(k2a in)} Control rate to audio rate converter. To be able to play a control rate UGen into an audio rate UGen, sometimes the rate must be converted. k2a converts via linear interpolation. in - input signal @racketblock[ (audition (out 0 (k2a (mul (white-noise kr) 0.3)))) ] @racketblock[ (audition (out 0 (mce2 (k2a (mul (white-noise kr) 0.3)) (mul (white-noise ar) 0.3)))) ] @racketblock[ (let* ((block-size 64) ;; no ugen for this? (freq (mul (fdiv (mouse-x kr 0.1 40 1 0.1) block-size) sample-rate))) (audition (out 0 (mul (mce2 (k2a (lf-noise0 kr freq)) (lf-noise0 ar freq)) 0.3)))) ]