;; (fb-sine-c rate freq im fb a c xi yi) ;; Feedback sine with chaotic phase indexing. ;; freq - iteration frequency in Hz - 22050 ;; im - index multiplier amount - 1 ;; fb - feedback amount - 0.1 ;; a - phase multiplier amount - 1.1 ;; c - phase increment amount - 0.5 ;; xi - initial value of x - 0.1 ;; yi - initial value of y - 0.1 ;; A cubic-interpolating sound generator based on the difference ;; equations: ;; xn+1 = sin(im*yn + fb*xn) ;; yn+1 = (ayn + c) % 2pi ;; This uses a linear congruential function to drive the phase ;; indexing of a sine wave. For im = 1, fb = 0, and a = 1 a normal ;; sinewave results. ;; sclang default values (audition (out 0 (mul (fb-sine-c ar (fdiv sample-rate 4) 1 0.1 1.1 0.5 0.1 0.1) 0.2))) ;; increase feedback (let ((fb (line kr 0.01 4 10 do-nothing))) (audition (out 0 (mul (fb-sine-c ar sample-rate 1 fb 1.1 0.5 0.1 0.1) 0.2)))) ;; increase phase multiplier (let ((a (line kr 1 2 10 do-nothing))) (audition (out 0 (mul (fb-sine-c ar sample-rate 1 0 a 0.5 0.1 0.1) 0.2)))) ;; randomly modulate parameters (let* ((x (mouse-x kr 1 12 0 0.1)) (f (lambda (m a) (mul-add (lf-noise2 kr x) m a)))) (audition (out 0 (mul (fb-sine-c ar (f 1e4 1e4) (f 32 33) (f 0.5 0) (f 0.05 1.05) (f 0.3 0.3) 0.1 0.1) 0.2))))