; /b_write Write sound file data. ; int - buffer number ; string - path name of a sound file. ; string - header format. ; string - sample format. ; int - number of frames to write (optional. default = -1, see below) ; int - starting frame in buffer (optional. default = 0) ; int - leave file open (optional. default = 0) ; bytes - an OSC message to execute upon completion. (optional) ; Write a buffer as a sound file. ; Header format is one of: ; "aiff", "next", "wav", "ircam"", "raw" ; Sample format is one of: ; "int8", "int16", "int24", "int32", "float", "double", "mulaw", "alaw" ; Not all combinations of header format and sample format are ; possible. If number of frames is less than zero, all samples from ; the starting frame to the end of the buffer are written. If opening ; a file to be used by DiskOut ugen then you will want to set "leave ; file open" to one, otherwise set it to zero. If "leave file open" is ; set to one then the file is created, but no frames are written until ; the DiskOut ugen does so. ; Asynchronous. Replies to sender with /done when complete.