title:: News in 3.8 summary:: A summary of news in SC 3.8 categories:: News related::Guides/News-3_7, Guides/News-3_6, Guides/News-3_5, Guides/Debugging-tips 3.8 is light on new features and heavy on small bugfixes. See CHANGELOG.md for more details. SECTION::SuperCollider IDE LIST:: ## The middle mouse button now closes tabs. ## A new menu entry, Language > Quarks, launches Quarks.gui. :: SECTION::SuperCollider Language LIST:: ## New methods: link::Classes/Function#-plotAudio::, link::Classes/Bus#-plotAudio::. ## It is now easier to insert custom views, in particular subclasses of link::Classes/SCViewHolder::, into layouts. ## New methods: link::Classes/TreeView#-addChild::, link::Classes/TreeView#-insertChild::, and link::Classes/TreeView#-childAt::, alias methods provided for symmetry with TreeViewItem. :: SECTION::SuperCollider Server LIST:: ## A new command-line option for scsynth, -B, allows binding to a specific address. ## link::Classes/VOsc:: supports an audio-rate phasein argument. ## link::Classes/TGrains:: supports numChannels set to 1. :: SECTION::API changes LIST:: ## The number of default audio buses has been increased from 128 to 1024. ## link::Classes/TGrains::, link::Classes/GrainBuf::, link::Classes/GrainSin::, link::Classes/GrainFM::, and link::Classes/GrainIn:: now have unified panning behavior when numChannels is 2 and the pan exceeds the range [-1, 1]. ## Several old methods have been deprecated from link::Classes/PathName::: *fromOS9, foldersWithoutCVS, isCVS, foldersWithoutSVN, isSVN, filesDoNoCVS, filesDoNoSVN, streamTreeNoCVS. ## The argument "startframe" has been renamed to "startFrame" and "aSoundFile" to "soundFile" in the following methods of link::Classes/SoundFileView::: loadFile, setData, readFile, read, readFileWithTask, readWithTask. :: SECTION:: Known Issues While much has improved and many bugs from 3.7 have been fixed, there are still many known issues. For a complete list see: link::https://github.com/supercollider/supercollider/issues/:: Please do not hesitate to add new issues you find to the LINK::https://github.com/supercollider/supercollider/issues##issue tracker:: or mention them on the LINK::http://www.birmingham.ac.uk/facilities/ea-studios/research/supercollider/mailinglist.aspx##mailing list::